Trend analysis and drought evaluation: A case study of Sirnak

Şırnak, SPI, Water, DroughtAbstract
Water is necessary for sustaining life for all living things. Therefore, it is vital to evaluate the drought and trend analysis. A total of 276 time series were evaluated to assess drought and determine the trend analysis. In this study, meteorological drought analysis and trend analysis were conducted for Şırnak province, located in the Northeastern Anatolia region, monthly and yearly time series using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and linear trend analysis. Meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) from Şırnak province between 2000-2022 were utilized. The results showed that the region has different drought and wet types. Although there were periods of severe drought, normal drought levels were more observed. The wet and dry periods were identified, and the results were presented graphically. Trend analysis of temperature and precipitation was determined. As a result, the results can contribute to the water resources planning management for the region.