International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology <div id="focusAndScope"> <p class="font_8">ICRIRET conference is designed to bring together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of advanced technologies and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in all the field of technologies.</p> </div> <div id="openAccessPolicy"> </div> <div id="history"> <p class="font_8">The contributions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. The papers approved by the scientific committee will be presented. All full papers in the conference that match with the topics can be published in the concept of <em>All Sciences Proceedings</em> as conference proceeding.</p> </div> en-US (ICRIRET) (Technical Support Contact) Wed, 30 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 OJS 60 Efficient Content Delivery in Urban Vehicular Networks: A Hybrid RSU-UAV Framework <p>Vehicular networks offer many advantages in smart transportation systems, even when dealing with occasional disruptions in regular networks and relying on Road Side Units (RSUs) to share data. For a smooth flow of information to and from smart vehicles in transportation systems, it is crucial to seamlessly switch communication from RSUs to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) when a smart vehicle goes beyond RSU coverage. However, transitioning smart vehicles from RSUs to UAVs in smart transportation presents a significant challenge. This is because the remaining content must be efficiently delivered by UAVs to vehicles to ensure smooth and efficient data transmission. To address this challenge, this study proposes an advanced vehicular network design that divides the responsibility of content delivery between RSUs and UAVs. In this research article, we propose a cooperative approach that unites UAVs and RSUs to enhance content delivery, employing diverse strategies that may overlap or not within the context of smart transportation. The research establishes a robust network structure, clearly outlining the roles of RSUs and UAVs in content delivery. By maintaining a balanced utilization of communication channels between RSUs and UAVs, resources are allocated evenly, ensuring efficient content delivery. We evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies, both overlapping and non-overlapping, and their impact on data rates, throughput, and overall network performance through extensive simulations. The results reveal that our coordinated non-overlapping content delivery scheme yields higher individual RSU-UAV throughput and the sum of which is equal to the total required content size and required throughput.</p> Muhammad Ismail, Syed Luqman Shah, Fazal Muhammad, Zeeshan Shafiq, Abdullah Abdullah, Jamal Hussaın Arman Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Fri, 29 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0300 A one-dimensional modeling tool for solar cells called SCAPS on CZTS/ZnS <p>In the study, Zinc sulphide thin films were deposited related to different annealing ambient by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique (USP) on soda lime glass substrates. Optical properties of these films were analyzed by using ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectrophotometry at room temperature. Ultraviolet– visible spectroscopy measurements indicate that all ZnS thin films indicated high extinction coefficient in the NIR region. ZnS thin films, which was un annealed and annealed at N2 atmosphere show higher skin depth in the low and high energy bands. However, the skin depth of ZnS thin film annealed at 500 OC at H2S:Ar (1:10) is the lowest compared to the other thin films. Au/CZTS/ZnS-500&amp;ZnS-550/i-ZnO/AZO solar cells that is modelled by SCAPS simulation. The increase of the shallow donor defect density (ND) and Auger electron/hole capture coefficient that deteriorated photovoltaic performance. After Auger electron/hole capture coefficient=10-24 cm6 /s, there are recombined that more electrons from the charge carriers formed in ZnS thin film annealed at 500 OC at H2S:Ar. SnO2 intermediate layer, is placed between CZTS and ZnS layers, caused more charge separation at the two interfaces and increased V oc and efficiency of the solar cell.</p> Serap YIGIT GEZGIN, Silan BATURAY, Hamdi Sukur KILIC Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 CZTS/ZnS solar cell modelled with SCAPS-1D simulation program <p>In the study, zinc sulphide (ZnS) thin films compound of the II–VI group were fabricated by known as ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique (USP) on glass substrates. Optical properties of these films were characterized by using ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectrophotometry. Measurements of Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy point out that the absorbance and direct band gap of zinc sulphide samples annealed at diverse ambient is improved. Energy band gap of the obtained ZnS thin film found to be 3.75, 3.66, 3.58, 3.68 and 3.70 eV for ZnS-as grown, ZnS-N2, ZnS-air, ZnS-H2S 500, ZnS-H2S 550 films, respectively. ZnS thin film, which is annealed H2S:Ar ambient at 550 C, has higher absorption and extinction coefficient compared to other thin films. Refractive indices were calculated with Moss and Herve&amp;Vardamme relations. ZnS thin film, which is annealed at air ambient has the highest refractive index, ZnS thin film, which is not annealed has the lowest one. Au/CZTS/ZnS-500&amp;ZnS-550/i-ZnO/AZO solar cells that is modelled by SCAPS simulation. ND value from 2.1016 to 1.1017 cm-3 , VOC, JSC and n values, which decreased from 0.711 V to 0.576 V, from 15.44 mAcm-2 to 10.78 mAcm-2 , from 7.48% to 4.47%, respectively. SnO2 intermediate layer, is placed between CZTS and ZnS layers, caused more charge separation at the two interfaces and increased VOC and efficiency of the solar cell.</p> Serap YIGIT GEZGIN, Silan BATURAY, Hamdi Sukur KILIC Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Specificities of technology-enhanced learning in technology and entrepreneurship <p>One of the guidelines for the development of modern education is to improve the quality of the educational process through modernization and digital transformation. The integration of digital information and communication technologies in the practice of education in the subject "technology and entrepreneurship" is the main means of its updating and optimization. Modernization is sought in the rational synthesis of classical and computer-based pedagogical technologies, application of new methods and forms of learning, new approaches to learning and teaching. Network connectivity and computermediated communications are changing the model of secondary level technology education. The peculiarities of the technology and entrepreneurship curriculum and the practical-applied nature of the learning process determine specific requirements when designing variants of pedagogical design, organization of the learning environment and applied management interactions. Computer-assisted learning is identified with a new integrative communicative learning system. The article presents a structural schematic model of the learning process in technology and entrepreneurship with information and communication technologies integrated to varying degrees. Based on the classic information management models, the proposed version recreates the complex multidirectional interactions between participants in the learning process, having disparate digital tools and Internet services. The model reflects variations of different forms of e-learning and hybrid learning, providing personalized and constructivist learning in technology-enabled, augmented or ubiquitous learning environments. Technologically enhanced education in technology and entrepreneurship has a complex nature and requires coordination of methodical, didactic and technical means and resources aimed at stimulating greater independent cognitive activity of learners. The use of ICT changes the functions performed by the teachers and places high demands on their digital pedagogical competences.</p> Lyubima Zoneva Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 DEPREMDE GEOTEKSTİLİN ETKİSİ <p>Genellikle donatı amaçlı kullanılan geosentetikler inşaat mühendisliği uygulamalarında farklı amaçlarla da kullanılmaktadır. Bir geosentetik malzeme türü olan geotekstil malzeme klasik çözümlerin yerine ya da klasik çözümler ile beraber birlikte kullanılarak daha ekonomik, ergonomik ve faydalı bir çözüm sağlanmasına katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Bu nedenle, son yıllarda geoteknik mühendisliği alanında giderek yaygınlaşan ve geniş uygulama alanı bulan bir malzeme türüdür. Hammaddesi poli (çok) ve meras (parçalı) sözcüklerinin birleşimi ile oluşmuş polimerden oluşan geosentetik ürünlerde polimer ağırlığı arttıkça dayanım, uzayabilme kabiliyeti, darbe dayanımı, gerilme çatlağı dayanımı, ısıya karçı direnç gibi nitelikler artarken; işlenebilme özelliği azalmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bir geotekstil malzeme türü olan birincil işlevi zeminleri ve benzeri malzemeleri güçlendirmek için kullanılan, zemin içerisinde çekme bölgelerinde oluşan gerilmeyi taşımak için çeşitli polimerlerden üretilen ve yüksek dayanıma sahip geogrid malzeme kullanılarak statik ve dinamik (deprem) yük altındaki zemin profilinin ve üzerindeki yapının bu etki karşısındaki davranışı Plaxis 2D sonlu elemanlar programı kullanılarak incelenmiştir. İki farklı zemin modellemesi yapılmıştır. İlk modellemede, geogridsiz statik ve dinamik (deprem) yük altındaki zemin profilinin ve üzerindeki yapının davranışı analiz edilmiştir. İkinci modellemede ise, geogrid malzeme kullanılarak zemin profilinin ve üzerindeki yapının davranışı analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar kıyaslanarak bir geosentetik türü olan geogrid malzemenin zemin dinamiğine katkısı incelenmiştir.</p> Ezgi UYGUNER, Nazile URAL Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Estimation of Length of Patient Stay (LOS) based on ML Algorithms <p>In this study, Random Forest (RF) and Adabbost (AB) algorithms from machine learning models were used to estimate the length of stay (LOS) of patients treated in a hospital. Dependent and independent variable data from 6247 patients were used for the study. The developed ML model and the AB algorithm showed the best performance. AUC, CA, F1, Prec, Recall, and MCC values for the AB model were calculated as 0.999, 0.994, 0.994, 0.994, 0.994, and 0.991, respectively. AUC, CA, F1, Prec, Recall, and MCC values of the performance measurement values of the RF algorithm were calculated as 0.982, 0.897, 0.894, 0.900, 0.897, and 0.830, respectively. ML models were developed, a patient's LOS was calculated, and bed planning for hospital management was done efficiently with the present study.</p> Abdulkadir Atalan Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Bir Açık Cevher Ocağının Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarımı <p>Bir yüksek lisans tez çalışması kapsamında bir demir maden sahasına ait sondaj verileri kullanılarak açık ocak planlaması yapılmıştır. Çalışma sahasına ait 127 sondaj logundan ve öznitelik verilerinden faydalanılarak veri tabanı oluşturulmuştur. Sahadaki kayaç tabakalarının üç boyutlu katı gövde ve jeolojik modelleri hazırlanmıştır. Ters mesafe ile ağırlıklandırma yöntemi kullanılarak, cevher blok modeli içindeki tüm alt blokların tenör değerleri kestirilmiştir. Demir maden kaynağının en büyük bölümünün kazançlı biçimde işletilebileceği en büyük nihai ocak kabuğu ve sınırları belirlenmiştir. İşletme, cevher zenginleştirme, izabe ve başlangıç yatırımlarına dair parametre değerlerine dayalı olarak yuvalı ocak optimizasyonu yapılmıştır. En kötü durum ve sabit adımlı ilerleme senaryoları uyarınca en uygun ocak kabuğu seçilmiştir.</p> Abdul Rashid Arfany, Bülent Erdem, Bahadır Şengün, Zekeriya Duran, Adem Öcal Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Scraping of Vulnerable Physical Environment Images in Shodan Images in Turkey for Dataset <p>In this study, a scraping software has been developed with python in order to use the physical space images in Shodan images section as a dataset for CNN based artificial intelligence applications. With this software, the images listed in the Shodan images section within the scope of the query "country:en port:554" are collected by web scraping technique. The scraping software scraped and stored the images obtained as a result of the query every 3 days for an average of two months. As a result, 2,220 images were obtained to be used as a dataset in CNN-based classification applications.</p> Fehmi Özkaner, Kıyas Kayaalp Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Detection of Cypermethrin at Ultra Low Concentrations via Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy <p>As the World population increases, the main motivation of the agriculture industry becomes to obtain much more agriproducts from unit agriculture area, which hereby promotes the use of pesticides at the expense of harming nature and threatening human and animal health. Cypermethrin, which is a synthetic pyrethroid, is utilised as an insecticide in agriculture industry. While being highly toxic to bees and fish in nature, its gradual aggregation also gives rise to contamination of soil and grand water to a significant extent. Thus, its detection at even ultra low concentrations is of utmost importance, in terms of human and natural life’s safety. Currently, several analytical methods such as gas chromatography, mass spectroscopy, and HPLC, are utilised in order to detect cypermethrin. These methods require expensive consumables and analysing durations are quite long. At this point, Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy emerges as an effective alternative. In this method, metal nanoparticle structures are utilised in order to boost Raman Signals, which have low intensities. In this study, Ag Nanowire structures are used in order to detect cypermethrin pesticide at even ultra-low concentrations. Cypermethrin solutions from 10-3 M to 10-10 M are detected via Raman Spectroscopy, in a very short duration with regard to analytical methods and without the need to almost any consumables.</p> Kürşad Osman AY Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Sustainable Supply Chain Management in terms of Innovative Approach: Evaluation in an Enterprise in the Fashion Industry <p>With globalization, the market area has expanded in the garment industry as in all sectors. While all brands that want to benefit from this situation open up to the world, this situation brings competition to the forefront. Companies need to have some features to differentiate from their competitors. Factors such as speed, accurate determination of customer needs and demands, and quality product delivery are distinguishing features for the company to differentiate from its competitors. The supply chain covers the entire process from the moment the product is produced until it reaches the end consumer. The supply chain, in the simplest terms, is the delivery of the product or service by the producer of the product or service to the consumer. Because the supply chain is so important, companies are constantly trying to bring innovations and improvements in this regard. Sustainable supply chain includes instant notification of information about the product to everyone at every stage and strengthening communication between supply chain elements in order to maintain the integrity of all components in the supply chain. Sustainable supply chain management in its innovative approach, innovative supply chain management is evaluated within the scope of an enterprise operating in the fashion industry for a ready-towear enterprise in the Marmara Region and solution suggestions are presented. For the purpose of the study, the design, production, supply, distribution, sales and feedback processes of the enterprise within the scope of innovative sustainable supply chain are evaluated. SWOT and quality management equipment are planned to be used as tools in the evaluation process. As a result of the evaluation, it is aimed to identify the problems in the sustainable supply chain and to find the reasons for these problems and to offer solutions to the problems.</p> Ayşenur Erdil Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Effects of Magnetic Fluid Concentration and Cell Size on Magneto-Optical Light Transmission <p>In this study, magnetic liquids were first synthesized using the "high temperature hydrolysis reaction" method, which is a novel method for synthesizing magnetic field sensitive colloidal nanoparticles. For magneto-optical characterization, the magnetic liquids were exposed to magnetic field (0-600 G) in DC regime. The effects of concentration, cell size and magnetic field strength on light transmittance were observed. The largest change in light transmission was 10.4% for the sample with a concentration of 74%, 8.4% for the sample with 71% and 7.4% for the liquid with 66%. As the concentration increased, the power change increased and it was found that light transmission was high at low concentrations. As the cell size increased, the power variation was found to increase accordingly. This was explained in terms of the number of particles per unit volume and early saturation. Magneto-optical characterization studies have shown that these liquids can be used in various devices such as gaussmeter design in the optical field. This study revealed that the behavior of magnetic liquids changes in the presence of a magnetic field and that this behavior is affected by various conditions. The results show that the effect of magnetic fields on magnetic liquids is affected by a wide range of parameters.</p> Serhat Küçükdermenci Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Sign language voice convertor design using Raspberry pi for impaired individuals <p>In this study, a method for detecting sign language is created to help people with speech and hearing impairments communicate more effectively with each other and with people who do not know sign language. One of the applications of flexible sensors for the development of interaction/interface devices based on human gestures is the translation of sign language into audio. Resistive flexible sensors can be used in a wide variety of applications due to their light weight, compact form, flexibility, measurement efficiency and low power consumption. The design is outlined in Proteus simulation environment by connecting five flexible sensors, a switch and an LCD display to a Raspberry pi. Each finger gesture combination in the generated system represents a separate character or phrase. In digital electronics, these combinations are digital sets consisting of logic 0 and logic 1. Finger signals corresponding to the characters or sentences to be used in the study are given to the developed system. The sensor output is converted to digital form using Raspberry Pi and after processing the data, audio output is generated using gTTS. For each combination of finger movements made by the user, a character or sentence presented to the system is transferred to the LCD screen. The aim of this study is to help bridge the communication gap between sign language users and non-sign language speakers.</p> Serhat Küçükdermenci Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Recent Advances in Cochlear Implant Technology: Past, Now and Future Directions <p>The hearing loss occurred due to damage in the inner cochlea layer. The cochlear implant (CI) technology is an invasive neuromodulator that provides substantial auditory perception to those with severe or profound impaired hearing. There are significant improvements in CIs technology using various systems including robotic and optical communication systems. In this study, the evolution of the CIs was summarized and new technologies that are alternatively considered were highlighted. It was suggested that the development of cochlear implant technology has gone through a complicated process. Although many scientists from various disciplines have made joint efforts and achieved success, there are still many problems to be further studied to develop an optimal CIs system for people who suffer from hearing loss.</p> Enver Salkim Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Electrochemical performance of hybrid rGO/CuO/PPy nanocomposites for 2032 coin cell <p>In this work, hybrid 3 different materials (rGO, CuO and PPy) were formed by hybrid nanocomposites in 2032 coin cell for Supercapbattery applications. Pseudocapacitance behavior was obtained for transition metal oxides of copper (II) oxide (CuO) and conducting polymer of polypyrrole (PPy). Moreover, electrical double layer capacitance (EDLC) behavior was supplied by reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in nanocomposite. 3 different electrochemical performances were tested by cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic measurements (EIS). EIS measurements were given by 4 different plots, which are Nyquist, Bodemagnitude, Bode-phase and Admittance plots. Stability test was also performed by CV method using 1000 charge/discharge performances at a scan rate of 100 mV×s-1 . The highest specific capacitance was obtained as Csp= 2761.63 F×g-1 at 2 mV×s-1 (electrode weight was measured as 43.8 mg)</p> Murat Ates Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Intra-Row Weeder Design and Application By Using Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence Techniques <p>Agriculture plays an important role in the face of growing population and food demand worldwide. However, traditional farming methods provide limited productivity and use resources inefficiently. In this context, the integration of modern technologies into agriculture has great potential to increase productivity and promote sustainable agricultural practices. With world population growth, agriculture is a critical sector that needs to become more efficient. While traditional farming methods provide limited productivity, integrating modern technologies into agriculture can result in higher crop yields and lower costs with reduced labor. One of the most important applications used to increase productivity in agriculture is hoeing. In this paper, automatic hoeing machine design using image processing and artificial intelligence will be discussed.</p> Ahmet KARATAŞ, Ali YAŞAR Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 G-Metrik Uzaylarda Çift Diziler ve Yakınsama Tanımları <p>Bu çalışmada, G-metrik uzaylarda çift diziler tanıtılmış ve bu dizilerde G-yakınsaklık ve G-Cauchy dizisi tanımları verilmiştir. Bu kavramlarla birlikte G-yakınsaklık bir çift dizinin limit noktasının tek olduğu ve her G-yakınsaklık çift dizinin bir G-Cauchy dizisi olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak G- metrik uzaylarda çift diziler için istatistiksel yakınsaklık kavramı ele alınmıştır.</p> Saime KOLANCI, Mehmet GÜRDAL Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Esnek Yapılı PVA/SA/PEG-KY Hidrojellerinin Sentezlenmesi ve Antibakteriyel Özelliklerinin incelenmesi <p>Bitkilerden elde edilen aromatik uçucu yağların yapısında bulunan uçucu bileşenlerin çevre koşullarından etkilenerek kaybolması uçucu yağın özelliklerinin yitirilmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu durumun üstesinden gelebilmek için uçucu yağların kapsüllenmesi (kaplanması) en etkin çözüm yollarından birisidir. Bu yöntem uçucu yağa adeta kalkan görevi görerek onun stabilitesinin korunmasını, besinsel kaybının azaltılmasını ve kontrollü salım yeteneğinin geliştirilmesini sağlar. Başta gıda ve sağlık olmak üzere pek çok alanda kullanım potansiyeline sahip olan karanfil yağının sahip olduğu antioksidan, anti bakteriyel, analjezik ve anti-kanser özelliklerinin korunması için kaplanarak kullanılması endüstriyel ve bilimsel açıdan çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada polietilen glikol (PEG) ile kaplanmış karanfil yağı, gluteraldehit (GA) ile çapraz bağlı polivinil alkol/sodyum aljinat (PVA/SA) hidrojeline yüklenerek elde edilen hidrojel kompozit sistemin Staphylococcus aureus (SA), Bacillus cereus (BC), Escherichia coli (EC) ve Salmonella spp. (S) bakterilerine karşı oyuk agar yöntemi ile anbakteriyel özellikleri incelenmiştir.</p> Cihangir Boztepe Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 A New Theorem on Third Order Differential Equation with Retarded Argument <p>In this work we extend the inequality which is for ordinary differential equations to differential equations with retarded argument. If the retarded argument vanishes the inequality turns to an inequality for third order ordinary differential equations.</p> Erdoğan Şen Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Application of Operator Matrices of 2x2 of Berezin Radius Inequality <p>Many researchers in mathematics and mathematical physics are working on the Berezin symbol of the core Hilbert space operator, which has been proliferating in recent years. In this direction, some researchers (1.2) continued their important studies on the Berezin inequality ([18-24]). As a matter of fact, improved and improved versions of this inequality have attracted the attention of researchers in recent years ([8-11]. In this study, the upper bounds of the Berezin radius inequalities of 2x2 operator matrices were found. Al-Dolat and Kittaneh ([2]) and Bani-Domi and Kittaneh ([7]) inequalities are shown for 2x2 operator matrices using auxiliary theorems.</p> Hamdullah Başaran, Mehmet Gürdal Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 CFRP ile Güçlendirilen Çelik Plakaların Çekme Dayanımının İncelenmesi <p>İnşaat sektöründe mevcut olan ve sektördeki kullanımı giderek artan çelik yapıların güçlendirilmesi ihtiyaç ve bazı durumlarda zaruret haline gelmektedir. Yapılan güçlendirmelerin ekonomi, uygulanabilirlik ve yapı kullanılabilirliği açısından birçok farklı uygulaması mevcuttur. Fiber takviyeli polimerler ile çelik plakaların güçlendirilmesi yüksek maliyetli güçlendirme veya yeniden yapım maliyetinin düşürülmesi ve kullanım aksaklığını önlemeyi hedeflenmektedir. Bu çalışmada inşaat sektöründe kullanımı hızla artan Karbon Fiber Takviyeli Polimer (CFRP) kumaş kullanılarak çelik plakalar güçlendirilmiştir. Çelik plakalara epoksi, polyester ve vinilester olarak üç farklı reçine ile CFRP uygulaması yapılmış ve çekme dayanımında meydana gelen değişim belirlenmiştir. CFRP kumaş güçlendirme etkisini daha net görmek amacıyla üç katmanlı olarak uygulanmıştır.</p> Elif Boru Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Konut Türü Binalarda Deterministik Kayıp Değerlendirmesinde İzlenilecek Aşamalar: Bingöl İli Örneği <p>Deprem kaynaklı kayıpların önceden tahmin edilmesi deprem kaynaklı zararların en aza indirgenebilmesi açısından önemli bir araştırma alanıdır. Kayıp değerlendirmesi (Loss estimation) çalışmaları olası bir deprem sonrası meydana gelecek can kayıpları ve ekonomik kayıpları olasılıksal açıdan tahmin etmeyi amaçlar. Bu değerlendirmeyi yaparken belirli bir işlem aşamasını izlemek gereklidir. Çünkü her aşamada yapılan doğru ya da yanlış yaklaşım, elde edilen sonuçları doğrudan etkilemektedir. Kayıp değerlendirmesi en genel anlamda 4 aşamadan oluşmaktadır. Bu aşamalar sırasıyla Deprem Tehlikesinin Belirlenmesi, Yapı Stok Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, Yapısal Analiz, Can ve Mal Kayıplarının belirlenmesidir. Deprem tehlikesi belirlenirken deprem kaynaklarının modellenmesi, bu kaynakların üretebileceği deprem büyüklüklerinin tespit edilmesi, bu büyüklüklerin azalım ilişkileri yardımı ile binalara etki edeceği ivme değerleri belirlenerek kayıp değerlendirmesi çalışmalarına devam edilir. Bu aşamada iki farklı yaklaşım mevcuttur. Deprem tehlikesinin olasılıksal olarak belirlenmesi ve deterministik olarak belirlenmesidir. Olasılıksal yaklaşımda depremin üretebileceği parametreler önceden meydana gelmiş depremler üzerinden istatistiksel olarak tahmin yaparken, deterministik yaklaşımda çalışma yapılacak bölgelerde meydana gelebilecek depremler deterministik olarak belirlenir ve değerlendirme devam eder. Senaryo depremler olarak isimlendirilen bu depremler ile bölgede meydana gelen sismik boşluklar üzerinden bir deprem senaryosu hazırlanır ve kayıp değerlendirmeleri bu depremlerin olma ihtimali üzerinden gerçekleştirilir. Bu çalışmada, Bingöl ilindeki konut türü binalarda deterministik yaklaşım ile bir kayıp değerlendirmesi çalışması yapılmış, bu değerlendirme ile meydana gelecek can ve mal kayıpları tahmin edilmiştir. Çalışmada görüldüğü üzere depremin gün içinde ne zaman olacağı, can kaybı katsayılarının farklılığı, hane halkı sayısındaki farklı yaklaşım yeni çalışmalara yol gösterici olacaktır. Sonuçlar gerekçeleri ile birlikte irdelenmiştir.</p> Ömer Faruk Nemutlu, Ali Sarı, Bilal Balun Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Silindirik Hava Kanallarının Silindir Tipi Güneş Hava Kolektörü Performansına Etkisinin Numerik Analizi <p>Dünya nüfusunun hızla artışının yanı sıra zararlı emisyonlardan dolayı enerji krizi giderek artmaktadır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının tükenme tehlikesinin olmaması ve temiz enerji kaynakları olması gün geçtikçe popülerliğini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da ısıtma uygulamalarında aktif olarak kullanılmakta olan güneş hava kolektörlerinin performansını arttırmak amacıyla Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) yaklaşımı kullanılarak silindirik bir güneş hava kolektörünün numerik analizi yapılmıştır. Başlangıçta düz plakalı bir silindirik güneş hava kolektörü analiz edilmiştir. Daha sonra emici plaka sırası ile 4. 8 ve 10 adet silindirik hava kanalı entegre edilmiş ve hava çıkış sıcaklığı ve hava akış hızı değişimleri incelenmiştir. 15 ⁰C hava giriş sıcaklığında ve 1150 W/m2 güneş ışınım şiddeti altında yapılan bu çalışmada toplamda 4 durum incelenmiş ve sonuçları paylaşılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre standart düz plakalı dairesel güneş hava kolektöründe 24.79 ⁰C hava çıkış sıcaklığı elde edilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra 4 hava kanallı güneş hava kolektöründe, 8 hava kanallı güneş hava kolektöründe ve 10 hava kanallı güneş hava kolektöründe sırasıyla 25.46 ⁰C, 25.12 ⁰C ve 29.38 ⁰C hava çıkış sıcaklıkları elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca hava kanallarının ısı transferi üzerinde doğrudan bir etkiye sahip olduğu ve türbülans etkisi yarattığı bulunmuştur. Ek olarak her kolektörde hava akış hızlarındaki değişim oldukça yakın elde edilmiş, 10 hava kanallı güneş hava kolektöründen maksimum performans elde edilmiştir.</p> Erdem ÇİFTÇİ, Murat ÖZTÜRK Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 House Price Prediction Using Ensemble Learning Techniques <p>With the rapid increase in the world population, people's demands for houses are increasing day by day. Housing markets have an important place in the economy of a country, and this is also an important indicator of the welfare level of society. Accordingly, it is necessary to examine and change the prices of the houses in the housing sector in detail. From this point of view, in this study, price estimation will be made using machine learning techniques by making use of the public dataset containing information about houses with different characteristics in the district of California. The resulting house price estimation will be developed with ensemble learning techniques. According to the results obtained, the AdaBoost Regressor ensemble model is obtained with the best performance value of 0.118 RMSE. Finally, the project will be integrated into the web interface for house price estimation.</p> Hasan Ulutaş, M. Emin Sahin Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 CFD Study on the Hydrodynamics of a Submarine Model Operating Near a Free-Surface <p>This paper investigates the hydrodynamic performance of a model scale submarine operating near the free surface using Computational Fluid Dynamics. The RANS approach has been adopted to model the flow around the submerged body. The resistance predictions of the submarine model validated against available experimental data, and then the variation of the acting forces on the submarine was investigated in a constant submergence depth. The results were presented in terms of drag coefficient, flow field visualizations and the free surface deformations, for the better understanding of the hydrodynamics of the submarine at near surface operation.</p> Taner Cosgun, Yavuz Hakan Ozdemir Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 Comparison of Support Vector Machines and ShuffleNet for Detection of Rice Species <p>The objective of the current investigation is to identify the optimal approach for the automated identification of rice species based on images. Two types of datasets have been utilized. The initial dataset comprises a total of 75,000 images, including five different rice species, namely Arborio, Basmati, Ipsala, Jasmine, and Karacadag. The dataset is a balanced set comprising 15,000 images for each type. During this dataset's analysis phase, ShuffleNet, one of the pre-trained architectures in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), was used. The second dataset was created by extracting features from the same rice images. 106 distinct features were acquired, which include morphological, shape, and color features as the main features. The previously extracted features have been analyzed for the classification of rice species using Support Vector Machines (SVM), which have a quadratic kernel function. Moreover, the two datasets have been obtained from the URL Additionally, 5- fold cross-validation has been applied for both ShuffleNet and SVM to avoid overfitting. Based on the empirical findings, ShuffleNet has achieved an accuracy rate of 99.8%, while SVM has acquired an accuracy rate of 99.9%. While the results exhibit minimal differences, the optimal algorithm choice may be contingent upon the researcher's level of proficiency in the field.</p> Oznur Ozaltin Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300