International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2025-02-28T00:00:00+03:00 IJANSER Open Journal Systems <p>International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches (IJANSER) publishes regular research papers, reviews, letters, and communications covering all aspects of engineering and natural sciences. Our aim is to publish novel / improved methods/approaches of these field to benefit the community, open to everyone in need of them. There is no restriction on the length of the papers or colors used. The method/approach must be presented in detail so that the results can be reproduced.</p> Conducted Electromagnetic Interactions in the Inverter-Cable-Machine System: A Focus on Common Mode Phenomena 2025-02-04T17:05:27+03:00 Houcine Miloudi Mohamed Miloudi Bendaoud Abdelber Mohammed Hamza Bermaki Abdelkader Gourbi Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci Yassine Hakmi <p>Today’s power electronics systems increasingly rely on faster switches capable of handling higher power levels. However, the integration of these advanced components presents significant challenges in terms of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), including environmental interference and self-disturbance. In inverter-cable-machine systems, high di/dt and dv/dt rates are common. The steep current and voltage waveforms generated by these systems tend to produce conducted and/or radiated electromagnetic disturbances, which can be both disruptive and potentially destructive. To analyze the propagation paths of these currents and the levels of conducted disturbances generated by the system, precise modeling of the various components of the variable-speed drive is essential. In this study, we developed a parameter identification method for a load consisting of an asynchronous machine and its power cable. The resulting models, validated in the frequency domain, enable the identification of propagation paths for common-mode and differential-mode currents. Furthermore, these models allow for the prediction of overvoltages caused by semiconductor power switches.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches A Comprehensive Review for Evaluating Impacts of Urbanization on Flood Risk Assessment Techniques 2025-02-04T17:14:32+03:00 Syed Rehan Talha Ahmed Ishtiaq Hassan <p>Urbanization has amplified the vulnerability of cities to natural disasters, particularly urban flooding. The trends of past centuries reveal that unplanned urban growth, particularly in floodplain areas, amplifies vulnerability, leading to higher peak runoff and shorter lag times between rainfall and discharge. In under-developing countries, where rapid urbanization coincides with climate risks, face significant flood hazards due to inadequate planning, infrastructure strain, and changing land-use patterns. This study employs a comprehensive review of the impact of urbanization on flood risk tools. Through spatial analysis and hydrological modeling, the study identifies areas most at risk of flooding and simulates flood scenarios based on varying rainfall and urbanization patterns. It also highlights the tools and techniques vital for the identification of floods. The findings highlight the urgent need for smarter urban planning, with an emphasis on using data to guide decisions that can protect lives and property. Additionally, it recommends integrating real-time monitoring technologies to refine flood preparedness and response strategies.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Flood Resilient Smart Cities - Software Based Urban Flood Risk Assessment Techniques: A Critical Review 2025-02-04T17:20:10+03:00 Ijlal Akram Talha Ahmed Ishtiaq Hassan <p>Flooding is a critical global challenge that poses significant threats to urban areas, impacting lives, infrastructure, and economies. This study provides a comprehensive review of various software applications used in flood risk assessment, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing technologies, and hydrological modeling tools. Particular emphasis is placed on the integration of GIS and remote sensing technologies for flood risk assessment in smart cities and developing countries. By analyzing historical precipitation data, land-use patterns, and topographic information, the study highlights the advantages of combining multiple software solutions to enhance predictive accuracy and support effective flood response strategies. The findings underscore the need for advanced, integrated approaches to improve resilience and adaptability in urban planning. This research aims to guide government authorities in developing robust, flood-resilient urban environments capable of mitigating future risks.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Güneş Enerji Santrallerinin Performans Kriterleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme 2025-02-04T17:36:18+03:00 Kenan SAKA <p>Güneş enerji santrallerinin kurulu güç kapasitesi Türkiye’de ve Dünyada artmaya devam etmektedir. Yaşanan bu artış güneş enerji potansiyeli daha az olan bölgeleri de ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Güneş enerji santrallerinin performansını ortaya koyan farklı kriterler araştırmacılar tarafından önerilmiştir. Bu kriterler arasında en yaygın olarak kullanılanlardan biri performans oranıdır. Ayrıca kapasite faktörü ve sistem kayıpları da dikkate alınan kriterler arasındadır. Bu çalışmada ise santrallerin konumsal farklılığını daha rahat ifade etmek amacıyla mevsimsel etki faktörü adı altında farklı bir kriter dikkate alınmıştır. Bu güne kadar yapılan çalışmalar arasında mevsimsel etkiye bağlı olarak performans incelemesi yapan çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Mevsimsel etki faktörü bir kat sayıdır. Gerçek üretim değerleri ya da küresel radyasyon değerleri kullanılarak hesaplanabilir. Senenin altı aylık en verimli zamanları ile diğer altı aylık en verimsiz zaman dilimi arasında üretilen enerjinin oranlanmasını ifade eder. Mevsimsel etki faktörünün bire yakın olması santralin mevsimsel etkiden fazla etkilenmediğini gösterir. Yapılan çalışmada küresel radyasyon verileri kullanılarak Türkiye’nin en fazla güneş alan bölgelerinden biri olan Antalya iline ek olarak Bursa, Rize ve Mardin’in mevsimsel etki faktörü açısından karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Bütün iller için üretkenliğin fazla olduğu dönem Nisan-Eylül arası ve üretkenliğin düşük olduğu dönem Ekim-Mart arası olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Antalya ve Mardin illerine ait mevsimsel etki faktörü 2,11 ile 2,16 olarak hesaplanırken Bursa’ya ait mevsimsel etki faktörü 2,32 olarak çıkmıştır. Bu durum Bursa’nın mevsimsel etkiden daha fazla etkilendiği anlamına gelmektedir. En fazla etkilen il ise 2,51 etki oranı ile Rize’dir. Buna bağlı olarak bölgede yaz periyodunda üretilen enerji miktarı kış periyodunda üretilen miktarın yaklaşık 2,51 katı olacaktır.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Examination of Differential-Mode Characteristics in Single-Phase Induction Motors 2025-02-04T17:39:35+03:00 Mohamed Miloudi Houcine Miloudi Bendaoud Abdelber Mohammed Hamza Bermaki Abdelkader Gourbi Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci Yassine Hakmi <p>This study explores the high-frequency impedance characteristics of four distinct types of single-phase induction motors: Split-Phase Induction Motor (SPIM), Permanent Split Capacitor Induction Motor (PCIM), Capacitor Start Induction Motor (CSIM), and Single-Phase Repulsion Motor (RIM). The focus is on analyzing differential-mode impedance and phase angle behavior across a broad frequency spectrum, with particular attention to resonance and anti-resonance points. Experimental results reveal unique impedance profiles for each motor type. Notably, the RIM consistently exhibits the highest impedance, while the CSIM shows lower impedance at lower frequencies. These impedance variations emphasize the significant role of motor design in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Motors with higher impedance, like the RIM, generally exhibit lower Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) emissions and better resistance to external electromagnetic disturbances, leading to superior EMC performance. Additionally, the resonance and anti-resonance frequencies differ across motor types, reflecting their varied electrical and structural designs. These findings highlight the crucial impact of motor design on electromagnetic characteristics. The insights gained from this study can guide the optimization of motor designs to enhance EMC compliance and ensure greater operational stability in applications where electromagnetic interference and compatibility are critical.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Analysis of Common-Mode and Differential-Mode Noise in DC Motors with Variable Speed Drives 2025-02-04T17:49:07+03:00 Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci Mohamed Miloudi Houcine Miloudi Bendaoud Abdelber Mohammed Hamza Bermaki Abdelkader Gourbi Yassine Hakmi <p>Electric drives based on direct current motors are very numerous in several application areas such as traction, hoisting, submarine propulsion and machine tools. Variable speed drives must comply with the standards for conducted and radiated disturbances. These standards guarantee the ability of a system to function satisfactorily in its environment without producing intolerable electromagnetic (EM) disturbances for neighboring equipment. In this paper, we present the study of the conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) of a variable speed drive of a DC motor. The variable speed drive is a DC/DC serial chopper, and the variation is done by the switching frequency of the MOSFET. The conducted disturbances in common mode (CM) and in differential mode (DM) generated are presented.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Electromagnetic Conducted Interactions in the Inverter-Cable-Motor System: Differential Mode 2025-02-04T17:58:56+03:00 Mohamed Miloudi Houcine Miloudi Bendaoud Abdelber Mohammed Hamza Bermaki Abdelkader Gourbi Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci Yassine Hakmi <p>We have developed a parameter identification method for a behavioral model of the common mode impedance of unshielded power cables associated with an asynchronous machine, subjected to the high voltage gradients created by power electronic converters. In this paper, we apply the same method to obtain the differential-mode model of a 3-conductor unshielded cable connected to an asynchronous machine. To study the propagation paths of these currents and the level of conducted disturbances generated by the system, it is essential to use accurate models of the various components of the variable speed drive. In this work, we have developed a parameter identification method for the load consisting of the asynchronous machine and its power supply cable. The obtained models are validated in the frequency domain. These models allow for the identification of propagation paths for common-mode and differential-mode currents and help predict the overvoltages caused by semiconductor power switches.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Analysis of Electromagnetic Disturbance Sources in IGBT and MOSFET Circuits in Common and Differential Modes 2025-02-04T18:10:09+03:00 Mohammed El Amine Lahlaci Mohamed Miloudi Houcine Miloudi Bendaoud Abdelber Mohammed Hamza Bermaki Abdelkader Gourbi Yassine Hakmi <p>The development of semiconductors, stemming from advancements in physics, has led to the emergence of a new discipline in electrical engineering: power electronics. This field has introduced innovative methods, excluding rotating machines, to ensure more flexible, efficient, and economical control and management of electrical energy. Systems designed to handle electrical energy are known as static converters. They enable the adaptation, either reversible or not, of the energy form—whether AC or DC— between the grid and the load. However, the use of control components, such as IGBTs and MOSFETs, generates electromagnetic disturbances (EMD). These disturbances can occur in various forms, such as conducted modes (common mode CM or differential mode DM) or radiated modes. The aim of this work is to compare these two switching components and conduct an in-depth analysis using machine learning techniques to study electromagnetic interference in common mode.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Integration of Digital Twin Technology for Water Resource Management of Smart Cities and Communities: A Narrative Review 2025-02-04T18:28:18+03:00 Muhammad Asad Sardar Erum Amir Malik Abdul Rehman Kisah Fatima Malik Muhammad Abdullah Khalid <p>Digital Twin (DT) technology has acquired a great amount of significance in the areas of development engineering. It is increasingly being applied to water resource management, particularly for the development and maintenance of smart cities and communities. A Digital Twin creates a real-time digital model of an existing system, contributing to the monitoring and control of a physical system and aiding in predictive maintenance by carrying out calculated decisions based on analysis. When water management is concerned, DTs offer visualization of infrastructure along with forecasting demand, monitoring water quality, and assessing flood risks that can largely contribute to improving operational efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. These systems combine real-time data and provide connectivity to the Internet of Things with advanced modelling to optimize resource use and environmental management. Certain challenges Despite the advantages given, implementing Digital Twin Technology in water systems faces several challenges. The complex integration issues of diverse systems need to be addressed in order to harness the potential of Digital Twins completely. Growing concerns about data interoperability, data privacy, and ownership arise as time passes by. They need to be resolved in order to transform water management. This review examines the applications, benefits, and challenges of Digital Twin technology in managing water resources. Simultaneously, it highlights the emerging trends as well as the future innovations that could drive future developments. It concludes by discussing the transformative role of Digital Twins in supporting the creation of smarter, more sustainable water systems and communities.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches A Review on Design of Conventional and Remote Sensing Based River Bank Protection System 2025-02-04T18:45:00+03:00 Muhammad Musa Ishtiaq Hassan Talha Ahmed <p>Riverbank protection is critical for mitigating erosion, enhancing stability, and safeguarding infrastructure. Conventional methods include hard and soft engineering techniques, as well as soil bioengineering. Hard engineering solutions, such as riprap and sheet piling, are effective in preventing bank collapse but can significantly impact local ecosystems by altering habitats and reducing biodiversity. In contrast, soft engineering, like vegetation-based stabilization, is environmentally friendly, particularly suitable for low-energy rivers, and offers long-term ecological benefits. Soil bioengineering integrates plants like willows and native shrubs to stabilize riverbanks, balancing erosion control with environmental sustainability. Remote sensing and geospatial analysis, including satellite imagery, LiDAR, and GIS tools, have become essential for assessing river morphology and monitoring erosion dynamics. These technologies enable river managers to detect erosion-prone areas and optimize protection strategies based on spatial data. Hydrodynamic models and manual calculations also play a crucial role in understanding flow-induced forces on riverbanks, informing design choices. Software tools, such as HEC-RAS and ArcGIS, enhance analysis by simulating river flow, sediment transport, and bank erosion patterns, facilitating more precise, efficient decision-making. Design checks ensure that protection systems meet engineering and environmental standards, evaluating factors like structural stability and ecological impact. Incorporating both technical and ecological considerations, these methods ensure sustainable and effective riverbank protection, balancing engineering needs with environmental preservation.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Impact of Urban Sprawl on River Banks-A Review of Case Studies 2025-02-04T18:49:43+03:00 Saood Ahmed Ishtiaq Hassan Talha Ahmed <p>Urban sprawl, characterized by the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas into rural and natural landscapes, poses a significant threat to riverbank ecosystems by disrupting hydrological cycles, increasing pollution, and accelerating soil erosion. Runoff from impervious surfaces carries sediments, heavy metals, and contaminants into rivers, degrading water quality and aquatic habitats. Urban areas can contribute up to 40% more sediment loads compared to natural landscapes, with sedimentation rates near urbanized riverbanks rising by 30%–50% due to vegetation loss. Erosion rates often double, leading to significant morphological changes and weakened riverbanks. These impacts heighten flood risks, diminish biodiversity, and compromise essential ecosystem services. This study synthesizes to evaluate urban sprawl's effects on riverbank stability, water quality, and ecosystem health, employing Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, hydrological modeling, to analyze alterations and socio economic consequences. Land-use classification and change detection techniques reveal how urbanization influences riverbank morphology. Findings highlight interventions like riparian buffer zones, land-use regulations, sustainable urban design, and riverbank restoration projects, alongside innovative approaches such as green infrastructure and nature-based solutions. Integrating environmental considerations into urban planning is critical for enhancing ecosystem resilience, reducing flooding risks, and ensuring river health. Collaborative efforts among policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders are vital for sustainable urban development.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches The Effect of Soaking Durations on Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenum graceum L.) for Microgreen Production 2025-02-04T18:54:46+03:00 Zehra Demici Muhammet Dogan Bugrahan Emsen <p>In this study, the effects of soaking time on the production of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graceum L.) microgreens were investigated. Specifically, germination rate, microgreen height, and root length data were evaluated. According to the experimental results, soaking times of 0, 12, and 24 hours showed the highest germination rates, with no statistically significant differences found among these groups (p&gt;0.05). However, a soaking duration of 48 hours led to a slight decrease in germination rate, and this group showed statistical similarity with both the high germination rate groups (0-24 hours) and the lower germination rate group (72 hours). The lowest germination rate was observed in the 72-hour soaking treatment (p&lt;0.05). The results indicate that short soaking durations positively affect germination rates, while prolonged soaking decreases them. It is thought that prolonged exposure to water may adversely affect the germination process, likely due to oxygen deficiency. Furthermore, soaking times of 0-12 hours increased the height of the microgreens, while soaking durations of 24 hours or more significantly restricted root development. Soaking for 0 and 12 hours resulted in the longest root growth, while 48 and 72-hour treatments adversely affected root development. These findings demonstrate that the ideal soaking duration for optimal growth of fenugreek microgreens is within the range of 0-12 hours.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Türkiye’de Bitkisel ve Tarımsal Üretim Alanında Yapılan Araştırmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi 2025-02-04T19:00:19+03:00 Mehmet SERTKAHYA Sevinç YEŞİLYURT <p>Bu bildirinin amacı; 1990-2024 yılları arasında bitkisel-tarımsal üretim ile ilgili yayımlanmış lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik analizini yapmaktır. Bu amaçla Ulusal Tez Merkezi internet sitesinden 137 teze ulaşılmış ve tezler tezlerin türü, yayınlandığı dil, yayınlandığı yıl, üniversite, anabilim dallı gibi parametrelere göre analiz edilmiştir. Bu derleme 1990-2024 yılları arasında Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Tez Merkezi ( )’nde Türkiye’deki üniversitelerde 31/12/2024 tarihine kadar yayımlanmış, "bitkisel üretim", "tarımsal üretim" anahtar kelimesini içeren tezler oluşturmuştur. Buna göre tez sayısının en fazla olduğu anahtar kelime “tarımsal üretim” 102 adet ile 1990-2024 yılında iken “bitkisel üretim” ile ile ilgili 35 adet tez yayımlanmamıştır. 2000 binli yılından itibaren bitkisel tarımsal üretim konusu üzerine yoğunlaşan çalışmalarda artış olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Tez türüne göre incelendiğinde bitkisel üretim anahtar kelimesi ile 35 adet tezin 11 adeti doktora 24 adeti ise Yüksek Lisans tezi olarak tamamlanmıştır. Tarımsal üretim anahtar kelimesi ile taranan tezlerin ise 29 adeti doktora iken 73 adeti de Yüksek Lisans Tezi olarak tamamlanmıştır. Bu konu ile yapılan çalışmaları artmasındaki en önemli sebeplerden biri iklim değişikliği ile ciddi etkilenmelere neden olan bitkisel-tarımsal üretimini ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Diğer en önemli yönü de birçok bilim dalı ile etkileşim halinde olan bitkisel-tarımsal üretimin birim alandan en yüksek verimi sürdürülebilir ve sağlıklı bitkisel-tarımsal üretimin yapılması ve bu konudaki araştırmalara kaynak ayırılarak desteklenmesi önerilmektedir.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches From Failure to Insight: The Silver Bridge Collapse in Engineering Per spective 2025-02-04T19:05:33+03:00 Sufwan Ahmed Izza Lodhi Leena Asghar Hajra Altaf Layba Hafeez Abraham Jabbar Erum Aamir <p>Bridges are vital infrastructure, providing efficient transportation by connecting regions and over coming natural obstacles like rivers, valleys, and canyons. The Silver Bridge spanned the Ohio River, link ing Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Kanauga, Ohio. It played a crucial role in supporting growing vehicle traffic but tragically collapsed during peak hours, resulting in significant loss of life. This paper analyzes the design, construction, and failure mechanisms behind the collapse. The bridge featured high-tension eyebar chains, rocker towers, and a unique suspension system. Its failure originated from a crack in Eyebar 330 caused by stress corrosion cracking and material defects. The non-redundant design exacerbated the issue, as the failure of a single component led to the complete collapse of the structure. Inspection methods at the time were inadequate for detecting internal cracks, particularly in critical and hard-to-access sections. This collapse is examined from engineering and materials science perspectives, highlighting how design limitations, material fatigue, and environmental factors contributed to the disaster. Lessons from this event have driven significant advancements in bridge engineering. Modern practices now include redundant structural systems, advanced non-destructive testing methods, and computational modeling to predict and prevent failures. Material science innovations have introduced stronger, corrosion-resistant alloys, enhanc ing the durability of bridges against increasing traffic loads and environmental stresses. The Silver Bridge tragedy underscores the importance of continuous innovation, rigorous inspection, and redundancy in struc tural design to prevent future failures and ensure infrastructure safety.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Conceptual modeling of agricultural information system 2025-02-04T19:13:47+03:00 Najdovski Blagojce <p>The trend of growth in developed countries around the world, combined with ICT technologies and the needs of the population deal with agriculture, is the incentive to start the process of creating a framework for the development of agricultural information system. Today we are witness of the continuous development and use of information systems in various areas of our lives. From that aspect, the use of agricultural information systems contributes to improve and accelerate the growth and development of agricultural production. The benefits of the proposed framework relate to and result from the determination of the stages of realization in the development and design of the conceptual model, through the ability to model adapt to the environment and each new situation, the possibility of migration or transfer of data from one agricultural information system to another, and collaborative implementation with the ability to upgrade the system from different user profiles. By monitoring the indicators related to system quality, information quality, service quality, system utilization and customer satisfaction, and by monitoring the internal consistency between the indicators in the system, a prototype developed according to the proposed framework is evaluated, for a one single purpose: the proposed framework for the development of an agricultural information system to generate a system that will be useful and easily accessible for widespread use.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Et ve Et Ürünlerinde Teknolojik Gelişmelerin Bilimsel Araştırmalardaki Yeri ve Yapay Zeka Tabanlı Veri Analizi ile Gelecek Trendlerin Tahmin Edilmesi 2025-02-04T19:16:19+03:00 Hasan İbrahim KOZAN <p>Bu çalışma, et ve et ürünlerinde kullanılan teknolojilerin bilimsel araştırmalardaki eğilimlerini analiz etmek ve gelecekte hangi alanların ön plana çıkacağını tahmin etmek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Son on yılda hiperspektral görüntüleme, derin öğrenme, bilgisayarlı görme, biyosensörler, blockchain tabanlı izlenebilirlik, 3D baskı, hücre bazlı et üretimi, soğuk plazma ve akıllı ambalaj gibi teknolojilerin et bilimi araştırmalarında önemli bir yer edindiği belirlenmiştir. Zaman serisi analizi (ARIMA), doğrusal regresyon ve kümeleme (K-Means) teknikleri kullanılarak yapılan tahminler, 2025-2030 yıllarında yapay zeka tabanlı kalite kontrol, hücre bazlı et üretimi ve blockchain ile gıda izlenebilirliği gibi konuların araştırma odağında olacağını göstermektedir. Regresyon ve korelasyon analizleri, bu teknolojilerin bilimsel literatürde giderek daha fazla entegre edildiğini ortaya koymuştur. Sonuçlar, et ve et ürünleri ile ilgili yapay zeka, biyoteknoloji ve dijital izlenebilirlik alanlarında önemli gelişmeler yaşanabileceği ve bu teknolojilerin et bilimi araştırmalarında yer bulacağını göstermektedir.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches The use of ICT elements in a specific student environment in the pre pandemic and pandemic periods of COVID-19: A comparative study 2025-02-04T19:19:36+03:00 Ondrej Takáč Krisztina Czakóová Ladislav Végh Gergely Kocsis Zsófia Kocsis Eva Tóthová Tarová Melinda Nagy <p>This study examines the use of ICT resources among university students, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic and pre-pandemic periods. Findings show a significant increase in daily hours spent on digital devices for educational and leisure activities during the pandemic, with social media being the dominant platform. This surge was observed across educational and leisure activities, highlighting the pandemic's significant impact on ICT usage patterns. Social media emerged as the dominant platform, drawing the most attention from students during their leisure time. The convenience and accessibility of platforms such as these played a key role in connecting individuals, providing entertainment, and serving as an escape from the challenges of lockdowns and restrictions. The role of ICT tools in facilitating online learning during the pandemic was undeniable. They provided critical support in maintaining educational continuity and enhancing communication between students and educators. However, the increase in screen time was not without drawbacks. A considerable portion of this time was spent on non-educational activities. Mobile phones, in particular, were the most frequently used devices for leisure activities, reinforcing their status as indispensable tools in students’ daily lives.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Specimen to Simulate Bond-Slip Behavior Using ABAQUS 2025-02-04T19:26:06+03:00 Sana Shaukat Muhammad Fiaz Tahir <p>This study presents a numerical modelling approach to investigate the bond-slip behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) specimens using the finite element analysis software ABAQUS. The paper outlines the modelling procedure and methodology employed to facilitate the analysis of the bond-slip interaction between concrete and steel reinforcement. In this study, a 10 mm steel rebar is embedded in a concrete block to simulate realistic reinforced concrete (RC) specimen behavior. Material properties for concrete grade 30, including both tension and compression behaviors as well as plasticity parameters, are carefully incorporated into the model to ensure a realistic simulation of material performance under load. The modelling approach utilizes an axisymmetric representation to reduce computational complexity while maintaining the accuracy necessary for reliable results. To accurately simulate bond-slip behavior, the Contact Cohesive Behavior (CCB) method is used. This method enables a detailed representation of the interaction between concrete and reinforcement, capturing the bond-slip mechanism that governs the transfer of stresses between the two materials. By simulating bond failure and the corresponding slip at the steel-concrete interface, this study provides insights into the effect of bond strength on overall structural behavior. The finite element model accurately replicates real-life pull-out test conditions, providing valuable data for predicting bond-slip behavior and improving the design of reinforced concrete structures.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Digital Transformation and Supply Chain Management: Industry 4.0 Applications 2025-02-04T19:30:50+03:00 Cansu Aksu <p>Digital transformation has significantly reshaped supply chain management, introducing advanced technologies such as big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain under the Industry 4.0 framework. These technologies enhance flexibility, efficiency, and transparency in logistics operations, enabling businesses to optimize decision-making and streamline processes. However, the transition to digitalized supply chains presents challenges, including high investment costs, data security risks, and a lack of technical expertise, which hinder the widespread adoption of these innovations. This study examines the integration of digital transformation technologies into supply chain management through a comprehensive literature review. It explores their impact on decision-making processes, operational efficiency, and cost reduction, highlighting their role in enhancing supply chain resilience. Furthermore, the study addresses the sustainability dimension of digital transformation by linking these technologies to green logistics practices. The findings reveal how digital tools optimize logistics networks, reduce environmental impact, and provide businesses with a competitive advantage. The study concludes by emphasizing the need for further research on the long-term effects of digital transformation and the varying adoption levels across different industries. Future studies should explore sector-specific challenges and opportunities to develop more effective digitalization strategies for supply chain management.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Fizyokrasi ve Doğa Bilimlerinin Kesişimi: Doğal Düzenin Ekonomiye Yansıması 2025-02-04T19:34:26+03:00 Çiğdem Kavak <p>18. yüzyılda, fizyokrasi adı verilen bir ekonomik teori ortaya çıktı. Fizyokrasi, tarımın ve doğa yasalarının, ulusların zenginliği ve refahını şekillendirmedeki önceliğini vurgulayan bir düşünce sistemiydi. François Quesnay gibi düşünürler tarafından geliştirilen bu teori, ekonominin işleyişini doğal ilkelere dayandırmayı amaçlamış ve doğanın, denge ve düzeni sağlamak için evrensel yasalarla işlediği inancından ilham almıştır. Fizyokrasi’nin bu yaklaşımı, Aydınlanma dönemi boyunca doğal bilimlerin özellikle fiziğin- dünyayı doğal yasalarla işleyen bir sistem olarak anlamaya yönelik temelini attığı entelektüel bir eğilimle paralellik göstermektedir. Fizyokrasi ve doğal bilimler, farklı alanlarda yoğunlaşıyor olsalar da, her ikisi de aynı dünya görüşüne sahiptir: doğal düzenin içsel olarak var olduğu ve kendi kendini düzenleyen bir anlayış. Fizyokraside temel düşünce, ekonominin doğa gibi bir dizi doğal yasa tarafından yönetildiğiydi. Fizyokratlar, yalnızca tarımın gerçek anlamda zenginlik ürettiğini savunmuş, diğer sektörler—sanayi ve ticaret gibi—yalnızca "steril" olarak görülmüştür; bu, yeni değer yaratmadıkları, bunun yerine mevcut değeri yeniden dağıttıkları anlamına geliyordu. Nasıl ki doğal bilimler, fiziksel sistemlerdeki enerji, madde ve kuvvetlerin dengesini gözlemlerken, fizyokratlar da ekonomiyi, toprak verimliliği, arz ve talep güçleri ile insanların doğal emekleri tarafından yönetilen organik bir sistem olarak görmüşlerdir. Fizyokrasinin temel ilkelerinden biri, ekonominin kendi haline bırakıldığında, tıpkı bilim insanları tarafından incelenen doğal sistemler gibi, optimal bir dengeye ulaşacağıdır. Fiziğin alanında, Newton’un hareket yasaları veya termodinamik yasaları gibi yasalar, kuvvetlerin nasıl etkileşime girdiğini ve tahmin edilebilir sonuçlara nasıl yol açtığını açıklar. Benzer şekilde, fizyokratlar, hükümetin gereksiz müdahalelerden kaçındığında (bu ilke "laissez-faire" olarak bilinir), ekonominin doğal olarak kendini düzenleyeceğine ve refahı sağlayacağına inanırlardı.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Deep Learning for Predictive Maintenance: Optimizing Dynamic Time-Dependent Data Streams with Cost Function Analysis 2025-02-05T21:19:55+03:00 Louaye Mandari Mehmet Savsar <p>This thesis delves into the transformative role of deep learning techniques in predictive maintenance, with a focused investigation on the cost functions used in the evaluation and optimization of predictive models. Both linear and nonlinear forms of the cost function are explored to enhance the performance and precision of machine learning models in predictive maintenance scenarios. The study demonstrates how these cost functions can be tailored to effectively predict equipment failure, whether through binary classification for failure detection or more complex multi-class classification tasks. The research underscores the importance of cost function selection in balancing accuracy and computational efficiency, offering practical insights for industries reliant on continuous operations. By improving early detection of failures, this work aims to minimize downtime and prolong the operational life of machinery, ultimately reducing maintenance costs and increasing overall system reliability.</p> 2025-02-05T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Berat County’s Limestone Secrets: Exploring Rare Terrestrial Mollusks and Their Habitats 2025-02-17T14:47:56+03:00 Antonela Çobanaj Anila Paparisto Lulëzim Shuka <p>Biodiversity conservation remains a cornerstone of ecological research, particularly in the face <br>of climate change and increasing human pressures. This study evaluates the alignment of the Natura 2000 <br>network with the distribution of rare and endemic terrestrial mollusks in Berat County, Albania. Focusing <br>on selected protected areas, including Tomorr Mountain National Park, the research assesses the <br>effectiveness of existing conservation efforts while identifying significant gaps in biodiversity protection. <br>Extensive field expeditions were conducted during the spring and summer months 2024, targeting diverse <br>habitats within and outside proposed Natura 2000 sites. Collected specimens were analyzed in the <br>laboratory for species identification based on morphological characteristics. Results revealed that several <br>endemic and rare mollusk species inhabit calcareous rocky slopes with sparse vegetation, including <br>Montenegrina tomorosi, Cochlostoma elegans, and Monacha emigrata sattmanni. Mapping analyses <br>indicated that a significant proportion of these species occur outside the current conservation boundaries, <br>highlighting critical gaps in biodiversity protection. The findings emphasize the ecological importance of <br>Berat County as a biodiversity hotspot and underline the need to expand protected areas to align with EU <br>conservation directives. Recommendations include expanding the proposed Natura 2000 network (or <br>existing protected areas), establishing clear site boundaries, and implementing regular monitoring <br>programs. By providing a detailed understanding of species distribution and conservation gaps, this <br>research offers practical insights to guide national biodiversity policies and enhance Albania's integration <br>with EU environmental standards.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Arduino Based Fire Extinguisher Vehicle Design and Application 2025-02-17T19:04:23+03:00 Serhat KUCUKDERMENCI Erdem ILTEN <p>In this study, a low-cost and autonomous fire extinguishing vehicle is proposed. Thanks to this <br>vehicle, there will be no need for direct human intervention in the fire, thus increasing life safety. The <br>information received from the flame sensor block is read by the analog input of the Arduino card. The <br>Arduino card moves the vehicle to the flame position by controlling the wheels and motor driver circuits. <br>When the flame point is reached, the water pump is started, the water spray tip is moved angularly by the <br>servo motor, allowing the water to spread over the area. The extinguishing process continues until the flame <br>is not detected, then it stops. The tests of the proposed system were carried out in a laboratory environment. <br>It was observed that the tasks of flame detection, going to the location of the flame and extinguishing the <br>fire were completed successfully. It is seen that the proposed system will be usable in the fields after some <br>improvements are made (flame sensors with greater detection distance, etc.).</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Some inequalities on functional Hilbert space operators 2025-02-17T19:09:18+03:00 Suna Saltan Ramazan Güngör <p>Several Berezin radius and norm inequalities for functional Hilbert space operators are provided <br>in this study. Some previous comparable inequalities are improved by these inequalities. We show that <br>�<br>�er2(U1) ≤ 1<br>2<br>‖|U1|4 + |U1 *|4 + 1<br>2<br>1/2<br>(|U1|2 + |U1 *|2)2‖<br>ber<br>for an operator U1.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Assessment of the Energy Potential of Chicken Manure in Türkiye 2025-02-17T19:15:00+03:00 Kenan SAKA <p>Biomass-based energy systems have a critical role in the environment, both for supplying <br>electricity demand and disposing of wastes. When waste is not utilized, environmental problems such as <br>providing new waste areas and spreading terrible odors occur. Besides, chicken manure is considered as an <br>abundant renewable source due to the amount of chicken, and it is easy to utilize it to provide waste <br>management while producing heat. Türkiye is Europe's leading poultry producer with a chicken population <br>of over 350 million. The population consists of laying hen and broiler hen. Potential of chicken manure <br>energy can be converted to useful energy through various processes such as direct combustion to produce <br>heat, thermochemical conversions or thermodynamic cycles. This paper aims to determine the theoretical and <br>technical energy potential of chicken manure in Türkiye and the chicken-derived potential biomass energy of <br>Bursa province was presented. The findings demonstrate that the volume of chicken manure was assessed as <br>13 million tons per year approximately in Türkiye and 0.47 million tons in Bursa province. 44.8% of the total <br>number of poultry animals are raised in the district of Karacabey in Bursa. District of Yenişehir's <br>contribution to the poultry population of Bursa is 15%.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Causes, and Treatment 2025-02-17T19:17:56+03:00 Aurora Napuçe Braçe <p>Celiac disease, also known as celiac sprue, is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small <br>intestine triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. This study <br>systematically reviews data on celiac disease and its treatment. The objectives include an overview of the <br>clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, associated pathologies, and pharmacological and non<br>pharmacological treatment approaches. The methodology involved a literature review focusing on <br>epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic management. The <br>results indicate that celiac disease is multifactorial, involving genetic and environmental factors. Genetic <br>testing and serological assays are among the most effective diagnostic tools. The disease is commonly <br>associated with thyroid disorders, liver diseases, osteoporosis, and neurological complications. A strict <br>gluten-free diet is the definitive treatment, although pharmacological interventions are necessary in <br>refractory cases.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Sensorless Control of Dual Star Induction Machine 2025-02-17T19:20:58+03:00 Boumediene Benabdallah Sereir Farid Saadaoui Ahmed Tahour <p>This paper is devoted to the control without mechanical sensor of a dual star induction <br>machine (DSIM) supplied by two voltage inverters. For this we will first present the dynamic model of <br>the machine based on the Park transformation. To improve the decoupling between flux and torque, a <br>control technique known as direct torque control (DTC) was applied. Then, we present the synthesis of a <br>robust technique based on the sliding mode for speed regulation. To eliminate the mechanical sensor and <br>reduce the cost of the drive system, we have presented a MRAS observer.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Tracking Students’ Progress in Introductory C Programming Courses through Moodle Tests with Randomized Questions 2025-02-17T19:45:41+03:00 Ladislav Végh Ondrej Takáč Krisztina Czakóová <p>Assessing students' progress in introductory programming courses is crucial for identifying <br>learning gaps and improving teaching methods. This study evaluates the effectiveness of Moodle-based <br>tests with randomized questions in monitoring student progress in C programming courses at J. Selye <br>University during the 2023/24 academic year. A series of ten tests were administered across two courses, <br>covering essential programming topics such as data types, variables, conditional statements, loops, two- <br>and three-dimensional arrays, recursion, and sorting algorithms. The results revealed significant <br>variations in student performance, with recursion and the pretest/posttest loops presenting the greatest <br>challenges. The correlation analysis of test scores showed strong relationships among related topics, <br>confirming the structured progression of the curriculum. These findings suggest that Moodle-based <br>assessments offer valuable insights into students’ learning trajectories, enabling educators to adapt their <br>instructional strategies accordingly. Such insights can help optimize introductory programming curricula, <br>enhancing student engagement and understanding.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Risk Analysis and Premium Assessment in Albanian Agricultural Insurance 2025-02-17T19:50:34+03:00 Arben Reka Luljeta Gjoni Robert Kosova Eda Tabaku Anna Maria Kosova <p>Agriculture plays a vital role in the economy of Albania, accounting for a significant portion of <br>the country's GDP and employment. However, the sector faces various risks, including natural disasters, <br>climate change impacts, and market volatility. These risks threaten agricultural production and farmers' <br>livelihoods, underscoring the need for effective risk management tools. To mitigate these risks, agricultural <br>insurance has been identified as a crucial risk management strategy. The agricultural insurance market in <br>Albania remains underdeveloped, with low uptake among farmers. This research investigates the challenges <br>and opportunities within the Albanian agricultural insurance landscape. It examines the key risks <br>confronting farmers, analyzes factors hindering market growth (including limited awareness, perceived <br>high premiums, and inadequate product design), and explores strategies to enhance the accessibility and <br>affordability of insurance products. By examining the interplay of risk assessment, premium calculation, <br>and farmer affordability, the study aims to contribute to a more robust and inclusive agricultural insurance <br>system in Albania.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Structural Analysis of a Carbon Fiber Composite Propeller 2025-02-17T19:56:37+03:00 Murat Işık <p>This study explores the topology optimization of a propeller component using the finite <br>element method in ANSYS, with the objective of minimizing material usage while maintaining structural <br>integrity. Carbon fiber, modeled as an orthotropic material, was selected due to its superior mechanical <br>properties, including a Young’s modulus of 230 GPa in the primary loading direction. A structured <br>optimization approach was employed. The optimization process, constrained to 500 iterations, resulted in <br>a mass reduction of 11.86%, decreasing from 0.016404 kg to 0.014459 kg, and a volume reduction from <br>9113.2 mm³ to 8032.6 mm³, retaining 88.143% of the original volume. Structural analysis revealed that <br>most regions experienced von Mises stress values below 20 GPa, with maximum stress levels exceeding <br>43 GPa, particularly near fixation points, contrary to expected stress distributions. These findings align <br>with literature data emphasizing the critical role of material selection and microstructural characteristics <br>in determining composite performance. The results validate the effectiveness of topology optimization in <br>reducing component weight while preserving mechanical performance. This study highlights the potential <br>application of carbon fiber reinforced composites in weight sensitive engineering fields, such as <br>aerospace and automotive industries, where the balance between weight reduction and load bearing <br>capacity is critical. Future work may focus on refining stress distribution patterns and further enhancing <br>the optimization algorithm to achieve even greater material efficiency.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Functional diagnosis and state estimation for nonlinear systems represented by Takagi-Sugeno multi-models 2025-02-17T20:00:27+03:00 Kamel MERAHI Abdelaziz AOUICHE Abdelghani DJEDDI <p>In this paper, a method of state estimation and diagnostics is implemented for the non-linear <br>systems. These systems are modeled using a Takagi-Sugeno multi-model with measurable decision <br>variables in order to be able to use a classical technique of bank of observers. First, we present the <br>approximation of the nonlinear model by a multi-model, and then the development of a multi-observer <br>allows estimating the states of the system. This type of observer is then used in bank of observers which <br>generate residues its analysis makes it possible to reveal the occurrence of sensor defects. Finally, this <br>diagnostic strategy is applied to a hydraulic system to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Minimization and Fuel Economy of Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Systems Based on Conventional Energy Management PI (Application for an aircraft) 2025-02-17T20:04:43+03:00 Farid Saadaoui Boumediene Benabdallah Sereir <p>With the transition of the aviation industries to more electric aircraft (MEA), there is an <br>increase in the maximum electrical load observed by the main and emergency generators compared to <br>traditional aircraft. Therefore , the aircraft emergency system, consisting of an air turbine or air driven <br>generator (ADG), is highly concerned about the need to meet energy demand in critical situations, <br>especially at low speed where the power delivered is extremely low. Many aircraft manufacturers are <br>considering an alternative to replacing the air turbine with a hybrid fuel cell system, combined with <br>various sources. <br>The proposed model of the hybrid system of a more electric aircraft is implemented under MATLAB / <br>SIMULINK in order to simulate and study an energy management strategy known as the classic PI in <br>order to show the different behaviors of the power of a more electric aircraft according to the variations <br>of the fuel cell power and the SC power, as well as the SOC of the battery, the fuel consumption and the <br>DC bus voltage.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Examining the Technical Textile Production Capabilities of Denizli Textile Companies 2025-02-17T20:08:19+03:00 Mihriban KALKANCI Duygu ERDEM AKGÜN <p>The world textile industry is rapidly turning to high value-added products. Technical textile <br>production is rapidly increasing all over the world. In this sense, world textile manufacturers are turning to <br>the production of high value-added, high-quality textile and apparel products and innovation-intensive, <br>know-how-intensive special products. Being one of the leading textile centers of Turkey and the world, <br>Denizli has a developed infrastructure and experience especially in the field of home textiles and 75% of <br>Turkey's towel exports, 65% of bathrobe exports and 55% of duvet cover exports are made from Denizli. <br>This study aims to examine the current situation of companies operating in Denizli in technical textile <br>production that is different from traditional production and has added value. Accordingly, at the end of the <br>survey study, it was revealed that although the companies have a deep-rooted history and infrastructure in <br>the field of home textiles, they are lagging behind in technical textile production.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches AQUILARIA AGALLOCHA KÖKLERİNİN İN VİTRO BİYOLOJİK AKTİVİTELERİ 2025-02-17T20:12:07+03:00 Elif ÖZBEY Elif Ayça GÜLER <p>Aquilaria agallocha, Thymelaeaceae ailesinin en yaygın yetiştirilen türlerinden biridir ve önemli <br>bir tıbbi bitki olarak kabul edilmektedir. Geniş tıbbi özellikleri nedeniyle dünya genelinde değerli bir bitki <br>olarak yer almaktadır. Bitki; iltihaplanma, artrit, kusma, kalp rahatsızlıkları, öksürük, astım, cüzzam, <br>anoreksiya, baş ağrısı ve gut gibi çeşitli hastalıkların tedavisinde bir halk ilacı olarak kullanılmaktadır. <br>Yapılan fitokimyasal araştırmalar sonucunda farmakolojik aktiviteleri ve tıbbi özellikleri hakkında önemli <br>bilgiler elde edilmiştir. Bitkinin her bir kısmı, insanlığa hizmet edebilecek faydalı özellikler taşımaktadır. <br>Bu çalışmada A. agallocha köklerine ait ekstrakt ile kökünden elde edilen yağının antimikrobiyal <br>aktivitesi ve Minimum İnhibe Edici Konsantrasyonu tespit edilerek kıyaslanmıştır. Buna göre kök <br>ekstraktı ve yağının test edilen çoğu suş üzerinde açıkça antimikrobiyal aktiviteye sahip olduğu tespit <br>edilmiştir. En yüksek antimikrobiyal aktivite E. coli ve K. aerogenes organizmaları üzerinde gözlenirken, <br>MİK konsantrasyonu E. coli ve C. albicans için 1000 ppm olarak saptanmıştır.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches The Impact Of Covıd-19 On Mechanical Engineering Education In Turkey: Survey Research 2025-02-17T20:16:18+03:00 Yusuf Alptekin TÜRKKAN <p>The study aims at determining problems that students have faced, and the positive and <br>negative effects of online education during pandemic period. The distance education evaluation research <br>was conducted on January 18, 2021 using web survey method. In order to determine the difference <br>between the responses of the participants to the questionnaire, normality test, reliability test, frequency <br>analysis and t test were applied using the S.P.S.S. program. The survey shows that although distance <br>education was preferred during the pandemic period. Most of the participants think that the epidemic <br>negatively affects the quality of education.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches Pushover Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Frame and Calculation of CO2 Emissions 2025-02-17T20:19:53+03:00 Betül Gezgin Akman Mutlu Seçer <p>This study evaluates the seismic performance of a reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure <br>using pushover analysis, a widely applied nonlinear static analysis method. The analysis focuses on <br>identifying the nonlinear behavior of the reinforced concrete frame structure, including plastic hinge <br>formation and capacity curve characteristics, under seismic loads. The frame model is developed and <br>analyzed in compliance with the Turkiye Earthquake Building Code (TBDY 2018), ensuring adherence to <br>performance-based design principles. Moment – curvature relationships of beams are determined and <br>axial force - moment interaction diagrams of columns are plotted for performing pushover analysis. <br>The findings demonstrate that pushover analysis effectively captures the progressive damage mechanisms <br>and provides valuable insights into the structure's seismic performance. The study also briefly explores <br>the environmental impact of the materials used in the structure, emphasizing the significance of carbon <br>dioxide emissions in concrete and reinforcement steel. These results highlight the potential for <br>incorporating sustainable materials and optimized designs to balance structural safety with environmental <br>considerations. This study concludes that pushover analysis is a reliable tool for assessing the nonlinear <br>behavior of RC structures and identifying key failure mechanisms. Future research should aim to integrate <br>pushover analysis and environmental impacts and provide innovative methods to form seismic resilient <br>and sustainable structures.</p> 2025-02-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches