International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches <p>International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches (IJANSER) publishes regular research papers, reviews, letters, and communications covering all aspects of engineering and natural sciences. Our aim is to publish novel / improved methods/approaches of these field to benefit the community, open to everyone in need of them. There is no restriction on the length of the papers or colors used. The method/approach must be presented in detail so that the results can be reproduced.</p> Umut Özkaya en-US International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2980-0811 Impacts Static Inverters on the Performance of UPFC Systems <p>Recent developments in power grids have made it increasingly difficult to ensure reliable control of energy transfers in highly interconnected networks using traditional low-speed response devices such as phase shifters, shunt or series compensators. As a result, there have been recent studies on a new generation of 'FACTS' control devices that utilize new controllable components for both opening and closing. This article presents the contribution of the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) to improve the control of active and reactive power transmission in an electrical network. The study focuses on increasing and controlling power flow, followed by the presentation of simulation results in the Matlab/Simulink environment.</p> Leila Boukarana Sid Ali Fellag Idir Habi Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 8 5 1 10 Düşük Magnezyumlu 5xxx Serisi Alaşımlarda Manganın Termomekanik Proseslere Ve Nihai Ürüne Etkisi <p>Temel alaşım elementi magnezyum olan 5XXX serisi alaşımlar mükemmel korozyon dayanımı, <br>tokluk, kaynaklanabilirlik ve orta seviye mukavemet değerlerine sahiptir. Bu özelliklerinden yola çıkılarak <br>bina ve yapısal uygulamalarda, otomotiv uygulamalarında, kriyojenik ve deniz atmosferine maruz kalan <br>uygulamalarda da kullanım alanı bulabilmektedir.Genellikle çekme mukavemetleri 125-350 MPa <br>arasındadır. 5XXX serisi alaşımlar deformasyon ile sertleştirilebilirler ve genel olarak kaynaklanabilirlik <br>özellikleri iyidir. 5052, 5086 ve 5083 alaşımları daha yüksek magnezyum içeriğinden dolayı yüksek <br>mukavemet gerektiren yapısal uygulamalarda özellikle tercih edilen alaşımlardır. İkiz merdaneli döküm ile <br>üretilen alüminyum rulolar, haddeleme ve ısıl işlem süreçlerinden geçirilerek yarı mamul hale getirilir. Bu <br>yarı mamüller, ilgili kullanım alanlarına göre farklı proseslerden geçirilerek nihai ürün elde edilir. İkiz <br>merdaneli döküm ile üretilen Alüminyum alaşımların şekillendirilebilirlik özellikleri esaslı <br>gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu çalışma da, alaşım elementlerinin etkileri ve termo-mekanik prosesler <br>incelenmiştir.Döküm ile birlikte oluşan mikro ve makro yapısal özellikleri ve daha sonra uygulanan tav ve <br>haddeleme işlemleri, levhaların şekillendirilebilirliğine direk olarak etki etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, ikiz <br>merdaneli döküm yöntemi ile üretilmiş 5XXX serisi ,Alüminyum levha numuneleri içerisinden farklı Mn <br>oranlarına sahip 2 adet malzeme seçilmiştir. EN standartı referans alınarak alt ve üst limitlerde farklı <br>Mangan oranlarının nihai malzemenin temel olarak şekillendirilebilirlik ve mukavemet özelliklerine etkisi <br>alternatif proses çalışmaları ile incelenmiştir.</p> Mustafa Akçil Eren Toraman Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 11 17 Parasitically Coupled F-Shaped Microstrip Antenna for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Applications <p>This paper focuses on the design of a Wi-Fi antenna aimed at operating efficiently in the 2.4 <br>GHz frequency band and the implementation of an impedance matching circuit integrated into it. The <br>impedance matching circuit was designed and integrated to operate the antenna, which does not operate at <br>the target frequency, at the target frequency. Coupling is carried out using a circuit called L matching, <br>which consists of a reactance and a susceptance element in the format jX and jB. AWR was used to design<br>the impedance matching circuit and check whether the required simulation results were achieved. The <br>antenna was designed in a simulation environment and then the designed matching circuit was integrated<br>into the numerical computation model of the proposed antenna. These tools played a critical role in the <br>paper in identifying and resolving issues with impedance matching and frequency alignment, ensuring the <br>antenna operated efficiently in the desired frequency range. The antenna performance has been significantly <br>increased, improving S11 parameter magnitude from 2.7dB to 30.1dB. The success of this study highlights <br>the importance of impedance matching in the development of high-performance antennas. By addressing <br>and overcoming initial challenges, the study not only achieved its primary goals but also provided valuable <br>information and methodologies that can be applied to future antenna designs. Integration of impedance <br>matching circuitry into Wi-Fi antenna design demonstrates the potential to improve the efficiency and <br>performance of wireless devices, making this research a valuable contribution to the field of <br>telecommunications.</p> Yağız Haktan Gözkaman Recep Taha Cansuyu Rozerin Turan Merih Palandöken Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 18 22 Language, Culture, and Ecology: Investigating ECLA Levels at GraduateLevel Education <p>Ecological Critical Language Awareness (ECLA) is a concept that has recently been present <br>among higher education students and graduates, looking into the interconnectedness of language, culture, <br>and ecological knowledge. The study explores the level of ECLA among master's and PhD students <br>enrolled in the academic year 2023-24 at the Faculty of Biotechical Sciences, St. Kliment Ohridski <br>University- Bitola. N. Macedonia. According to the findings from a questionnaire verified in previous <br>research, the study investigates the ECLA levels, their relationship to linguistic dynamics, and the factors <br>influencing their development. The study's results are provided from data collected from 12 participants <br>and reveal varying ECLA levels, whereas exposure to cultural and linguistic experiences has been <br>identified, providing an overview of reflective practices and the educator's role as a critical factor.</p> Vesna Prodanovska-Poposka Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 23 29 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review <p>This paper provides an extensive overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning <br>(ML) algorithms and their interdisciplinary nature to revolutionize any field, discussing their evolution, <br>fundamentals, applications, and challenges. AI and ML technologies have revolutionized various industries, <br>driving innovation and efficiency across various domains. This paper explores the multidisciplinary nature <br>of AI and ML, emphasizing their significance in analyzing large datasets, making predictions, and <br>automating decision-making processes. It traces the historical milestones of AI, from Alan Turing's <br>pioneering work to the rise of deep learning and neural networks. The fundamentals of ML algorithms, <br>including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, are explained along with their practical <br>applications in healthcare, finance, engineering, transportation, and e-commerce. Moreover, this paper <br>addresses key challenges that are faced by AI and ML technologies, such as uncertainty, algorithm selection <br>complexity, and overfitting, highlighting the importance of ongoing research and interdisciplinary <br>collaboration in addressing these challenges. The ultimate goal of this paper is to reinforce the paradigm <br>altering potential of AI and ML technologies in shaping the future of intelligent AI and ML driven systems <br>and smart societies.</p> Muhammad Umer Karimi Sardar Muhammad Abubakar Shiekh Junaid Mustafa Burhan Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 30 34 Sel Durumları Üzerine Bir Oyun Teorisi Modeli <p>Afetler insanların canlarını ve mallarını yok eden, hayatta kalmayı başaran insanlara da büyük <br>acılar yaşatan felaketlerdir. Afetlerin verdiği zararları en aza indirebilmek için afetlere daima hazırlıklı <br>olmak gerekmektedir. Ayrıca afet anlarında ve sonrasında hızlı müdahale insan hayatını kurtarmada son <br>derece önemlidir. Ülkemiz, doğal afetlerin yoğun olarak yaşandığı bir ülkedir. Bu nedenle ülkemizde, <br>önceki dönemlerde yaşanan acı deneyimlerin gelecekte de yaşanmaması için çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. <br>Ülkemizde afet kelimesi ile akla ilk gelen deprem olmaktadır. Ancak afet kavramı ülkemizin her <br>bölgesinde farklı şekilde kendini göstermektedir. Afetler kimi bölgelerde deprem, kimi bölgelerde yangın, <br>kimi bölgelerde ise sel olarak gerçekleşmektedir. Dolayısıyla alınacak önlemler de bölgesel olarak <br>farklılık göstermektedir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda ülkemizde yaşanan bir sel felaketiyle ilgileneceğiz. Sel, <br>dünyanın her yerinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de kolayca afete dönüşerek büyük miktarda can ve mal <br>kaybına neden olabilen bir doğal felakettir. Selin oluşumu, büyüklüğü ve verdiği zararların boyutu, <br>önemli ölçüde selin gerçekleştiği bölgenin meteorolojik, jeolojik, biyolojik özellikleri ve insanların çeşitli <br>etkinlikleriyle doğrudan ilgilidir. Bu çalışmada Kastamonu ilinde meydana gelen bir sel felaketi örnek <br>olarak alınmıştır. Sel sonucu insanlar hayatını kaybetmiş, ulaşımda aksamalar yaşanmış, konutlar hasar <br>görmüştür. Bizim de amacımız, gelecekte bölgede tekrar bir sel felaketi yaşanması durumunda, insanların <br>selden etkilenmesini en aza indirmek için bölgeye yakın ve sel felaketinden etkilenmeyecek iki farklı <br>toplanma bölgesi seçmektir. Bu iki bölgeye insanların tahliyesini en kısa mesafeden gerçekleştirmek için <br>kooperatif oyun teorisinin bir dalı olan orman durumları kullanılarak hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. <br>Dolayısıyla bu çalışma, oyun teorisi yaklaşımıyla Kastamonu ilimize farklı bir perspektiften yeni bir <br>bakış açısı getirecektir.</p> Medine Demir Pınar Usta Evci Sırma Zeynep Alparslan Gök Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 35 42 Photogrammetry Through the Luma AI Application and the Possibilities of its Use in Education <p>This document presents and analyses the user experience and functionality of the Luma AI <br>application, with a specific focus on its photogrammetry capabilities. The application is accessible across <br>multiple platforms including the Apple App Store, Google Play, and it has a website as well. Through the <br>procedure of object scanning using common devices available to everyone - like an iPad or a cell phone, <br>the document provides a detailed walkthrough of the scanning process, guiding the reader step-by-step <br>through a real-world scanning scenario. <br>By analyzing the challenges and limitations encountered during the scanning and rendering procedure, the <br>document offers critical insights into the efficiency and usability of Luma AI. From the firsthand experience <br>gained during scanning sessions, this document identifies potential areas for improvement and highlights <br>any inherent drawbacks in the application's functionality.<br>Furthermore, the document explores the educational implications of Luma AI's capabilities. By leveraging <br>its photogrammetry features powered by AI, the application presents interesting possibilities for integration <br>into educational settings, like constructing interactive learning experiences to enable virtual object <br>exploration. The potential of Luma AI in education is examined and discussed in detail.<br>Through a combination of practical experimentation and theoretical analysis, this document provides a <br>comprehensive overview of Luma AI's capabilities focused on photogrammetry, showcasing its potential <br>as a tool for object scanning and as an asset in education as well.</p> Gergely Kocsis Ondrej Takáč Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 43 51 Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence: Building Digital Twins with Classification Algorithms for Optimized Geothermal Drilling <p>Geothermal energy has emerged as a promising renewable energy source due to its <br>sustainability for long-term power generation. Effective drilling practices are crucial for the successful <br>utilization of geothermal resources, as they directly impact the productivity and operational efficiency of <br>geothermal systems. However, optimizing drilling operations in the geothermal sector presents unique <br>challenges due to the complex subsurface conditions and the need for continuous monitoring and <br>optimization. In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has shown great <br>promise in improving various industrial processes. The energy sector, including geothermal energy, has <br>started leveraging AI techniques to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize <br>environmental impacts. Among the diverse AI methods, machine learning algorithms have gained <br>significant attention for their ability to analyze large datasets, extract patterns, and generate predictive <br>models. This paper focused on the potential benefits and challenges of utilizing AI, particularly the <br>classification algorithms, in the context of geothermal drilling. Such as Extreme Gradient Boosting <br>Machine (XGBoost), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) are a powerful machine learning <br>algorithms known for its effectiveness in handling structured datasets and achieving high predictive <br>accuracy.</p> Orkun TEKE Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 52 59 A Review of AI-Based Approaches against Wormhole and Blackhole Attacks in AODV Protocol <p>A Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) is a wirelessly linked network of one or more devices that <br>can configure itself. In a MANET, nodes can exchange data with one another directly or indirectly (via <br>intermediary nodes). Because of the lack of central administration, open media, and several other reasons <br>that make this type of network more vulnerable to security assaults, some researchers are utilizing artificial <br>intelligence approaches in MANET routing to offer security. Several network layer attacks, including the <br>black hole, and wormhole assaults, are covered in this essay. The detection of collaborative network assaults <br>is examined, and frequent multiple network attacks are noted. A few of these assaults' symptoms will be <br>emphasized. A network might exhibit a number of signs and observations that indicate the existence of an <br>attack. The review calls for continued research to refine and deploy AI-based security mechanisms in realworld scenarios, addressing scalability concerns and advancing the vision of self-defending MANETs and <br>wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The review serves as a resource for researchers, practitioners, and <br>policymakers interested in fortifying the security of dynamic wireless networks.</p> Zainab Bashar Ibrahim Mayada Faris Ghanim Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 60 75 Promoting Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in High-Rise Buildings: A Critical Review <p>High-rise buildings are essential for addressing land shortages in urban areas and recognize as <br>key to the future of smart cities. However, they consume significant energy for lighting, air conditioning <br>and electrical appliances contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Efficient energy <br>use in pre-designed high-rise buildings is crucial for sustainable urban growth. This study explores <br>strategies to enhance energy efficiency in high-rise buildings focusing on advanced technologies and <br>innovative measures. Upgrading the building envelope, particularly improving its thermal properties is a <br>key strategy for better energy efficiency. Efficient high-rise engineering emphasizes passive strategies, <br>natural ventilation and energy saving methods to reduce energy consumption and promote environmental <br>sustainability. Incorporating modern insulation, green technologies and innovative features like smart <br>energy glass windows, recuperators, solar panels, passive solar shades, active double-curtain walls,<br>daylighting and natural ventilation can significantly reduce energy use and boost sustainability. Structural <br>insulated panels (SIPs) are prefabricated parts that enable faster construction, better strength, improved <br>energy and sound efficiency. Regulations like the Energy Conservation Act and the Energy Conservation <br>Building Code aim to promote energy efficient building construction. By adopting tailored energy saving <br>methods suitable for different climates and leveraging advanced technologies, high-rise buildings can <br>pursue more sustainable energy practices and aid global greenhouse gas emission reduction efforts.</p> Emaan Ishaq Burhan Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 76 82 Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Existing High-Rise Buildings: A Comprehensive Review <p>The energy crisis stemming from insufficient infrastructure, reliance on non-renewable sources, <br>inefficient policies, population growth and urbanization has led to a persistent shortage of electricity. <br>Buildings, particularly high-rise structures consume nearly half of the total energy largely due to airconditioning, lighting and elevators. Improving the energy efficiency of existing high-rise buildings is <br>crucial for combating climate change, reducing harmful emissions and promoting sustainability. Energy<br>efficient buildings also enhance indoor comfort and health. With the increasing reliance on energy resources <br>and the depletion of deposits finding better ways to make buildings more energy efficient is imperative. <br>Challenges in achieving energy efficiency in high-rise buildings include their complexity, diverse uses and <br>limited space for renewable energy systems. Basic building methods such as orientation and natural <br>ventilation along with advanced heating, cooling and lighting systems are essential for smart energy use. <br>Retrofitting of existing buildings with energy saving technology is crucial for reducing energy <br>consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring long-term sustainability while adhering to regulations <br>and environmental standards. The use of tools like building information modelling (BIM) can aid in <br>designing energy efficient buildings. Architects and engineers are focusing on various methods to save <br>energy in tall buildings such as optimizing cooling and heating systems. The building envelope, particularly <br>windows plays a significant role in regulating temperature and energy usage. Upgrading buildings with <br>improved window systems can substantially reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. As energy <br>resources dwindle and the desire for comfortable living persists, it is essential to prioritize energy efficiency <br>in high-rise buildings.</p> Emaan Ishaq Burhan Ahmad Muhammad Ayyaz Haider Bhatti Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 83 92 Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) in Construction; Energy Efficiency, Seismic Performance and Sustainability: A Review <p>The construction industry faces significant challenges related to energy dependency, outdated <br>technologies and slow adoption of energy saving measures. In response, there has been a surge in <br>technological advancements including the development of structural insulated panels (SIPs). Structural <br>insulated panels (SIPs) are gaining popularity in the construction industry as an innovative solution to<br>address energy conservation, environmental concerns and lifecycle costs. SIPs consist of a foam plastic <br>insulation core sandwiched between two structural panel facings, offering superior insulation properties,<br>airtightness, improved thermal comfort, lower lifecycle costs and ability to reduce energy consumption <br>which contribute to overall energy savings. The use of SIPs addresses the global challenge of energy <br>conservation in buildings which consume over 85% of energy resources. Additionally, SIPs provide <br>enhanced seismic performance due to their stiffness and specially designed connections making them <br>effective in resisting lateral forces during seismic events. As energy prices rise and global carbon dioxide <br>emissions remain a concern, the market for SIPs is expected to grow, driven by their ability to meet <br>stringent building regulations and contribute to the construction of energy efficient buildings. The <br>adoption of SIPs in the construction industry presents significant opportunities for sustainable and energy<br>efficient buildings contributing to the reduction of global carbon dioxide emissions and promoting <br>occupant well-being in the face of rising global temperatures and urban heat effects.</p> Emaan Ishaq Burhan Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 93 100 Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Bar Diameter on Bond Stress-Slip Behavior in ABAQUS <p>This paper presents a numerical analysis on the effect of changing the rebar diameter on bond <br>stress-slip mechanism in reinforced concrete specimen. The aim is to develop a validated FEM model in <br>ABAQUS and to observe the effect of different diameters (10mm,12mm, and 16mm) through it. There are <br>many studies which show contradictory results in case of increasing the bar diameter as according to some <br>researchers, increase in bar diameter increased the bond strength as it can bear higher forces meanwhile <br>other suggested that higher the bar diameter, lesser will be the interlocking with the concrete surface. The <br>results presented in this paper show that with an increase in the bar diameter the bond strength values <br>decreased. Moreover, 10mm and 12mm rebars showed a pull-out failure meanwhile 16mm rebar showed a <br>splitting behavior. The Contact Cohesive Behavior (CCB) technique, which replicates the bond stress-slip <br>behavior in reinforced concrete, is used to study the concrete-rebar interface. Furthermore, the Concrete <br>Damaged Plasticity Model (CDPM) is used to model the nonlinear behavior of concrete. The method used <br>to model the ribbed rebar interface doesn’t involve modeling the rebar’s ribs, but another method is utilized <br>which is to model a plain bar specimen which is connected to the concrete by elements with specific <br>properties to simulate the bond interface efficiently. The FEA models adequately represent the pull-out test <br>simulations which are later compared to results of experimental results of pull-out tests from another <br>research to prove the validity of the numerical simulations.</p> Sana Shaukat Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 101 105 Thermal and Mechanical Characterizations of Improved Polyimide Insulation for High voltage Applications <p>Insulation failures linked to poor thermal stability and less tensile strength have drawn in power <br>transformers, power cables, aerospace industries and electrical and electronic circuits. The concerns have <br>developed regarding the thermal stability, mechanical breakdown strength and the safety of polyimide <br>insulations(PI) in electrical high voltage engineering. Several polyimide composites are selected for <br>evaluation in the laboratory tests. The selected composites of polyimides are made in the laboratory through a <br>roll ball milling process. Thermos-gravimetric analysis(TGA) and Tensile strength tests is performed by <br>using a universal testing machine (UTM) in accordance with American society for testing and materials <br>(ASTM D412). In this study these tests are performed in the high voltage laboratory at NUST University in <br>Islamabad.</p> Abdur Rahman Gul Rukh Nafees Ahmed Hamdullah Jan Muhammad Ismail Zeeshan Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 106 113 Effects of Rotational Speed/Traverse Speed Ratio on AA2024 Alloy Microstructure and Macrostructure in Friction Stir Processing <p>In this study, the effects of rotational speed/traverse speed on microhardness, macrostructure <br>and microstructure of AA2024 material subjected to friction stir processing were examined. The <br>experimental approach involves drilling the samples, filling them with SiC particles, and changing FSP <br>process parameters such as rotational speed and traverse speed in a controlled manner. The processed <br>samples were then subjected to macrostructural and microstructural examinations, as well as Vickers <br>microhardness tests. The highest microhardness value was observed as 120 HV for 33.33 rotational<br>speed/traverse speed ratio. The macrostructural analysis and microhardness analysis showed that the ratio <br>does not have effect on the stir zone widths. Microstructural analysis demonstrated variations in the size <br>and distribution of SiC particles, indicating potential influences of the FSP process and the rotational<br>speed/traverse speed ratio on the microstructural characteristics of the processed material. It showed that as <br>the W/V ratio increases the homogeneity of the particle distribution decreases. These findings highlight the <br>importance of considering the W/V ratio in FSP and the need for further research to fully understand its <br>potential effects on the microstructural and macrostructural properties of processed materials. This study <br>provides valuable information on the friction stir processing of AA2024 alloy, which has important <br>applications in materials engineering and manufacturing industries.</p> Aykut Batinli Fatih Kahraman Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 114 118 Make Science Visible through Numerical Methods in Computer Graphics. Water Wave Equation through Graphical Bezier Solution <p>This article shows how computer graphics can be used to visualize science concepts and <br>operationalize inquiry practices in engineering design to support integrated learning and teaching of science <br>and engineering. The main results of the study demonstrate the importance of numerical methods in <br>computer graphics, particularly in terms of their ability to generate smooth curves, detailed surfaces, and <br>realistic transformations. This article provides real-world examples in the field of sustainable energy <br>engineering based on open-source design and analysis Web app. Simulations were performed to showcase <br>the capabilities of numerical methods. The graphics results obtained highlighted the strengths and <br>limitations of each technique, providing valuable insights for practitioners and researchers. Additionally, <br>the article discusses code simulations for B-spline curves, surface subdivision, and interpolation, providing <br>practical examples for implementation.<br>The findings of this study can be useful for researchers, practitioners, and students seeking to develop their <br>understanding and implementation of numerical methods in computer graphics. Based on these graphical <br>capabilities, generative design driven by evolutionary computation can also be visually illustrated to give <br>students a glimpse into how artificial intelligence is transforming engineering design.</p> Alma Sheko Shkelqim Hajrulla Robert Kosova Vasil Lino Leonard Bezati Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 119 128 Discrete fractional numerical analysis on the shallow water wave theory <p>In order to address the wave height distribution in any region, from deep ocean to shallow water, <br>coastal engineering, electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, and acoustics, this study introduces <br>numerical methods to tackle a variety of problems in wave theory. At that point, numerical analysis and <br>techniques become useful in assisting us in obtaining the most accurate approximation possible for our <br>barrier. <br>The core formulas of our numerical analysis technique are the linearized wave equations with unknown <br>functions only at the water surface, like the particle velocity components and the elevation of the water <br>surface, which are derived from the Eulerian equations of motion and continuity assuming small amplitude <br>in constant water depth. <br>We quantify the accuracy of discretization solution techniques such as finite difference or finite elements <br>schemes in powers of a discretization step size h. The Nemerov system is useful. A method with p &gt; 2 is <br>typically referred to as a higher order method, and one with error O (h<br>p<br>) is said to be of order p.</p> Shkelqim Hajrulla Alma Sheko Robert Kosova Loubna Ali Ozen Ozer Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 129 139 Structural Engineering Applications Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Review <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing civil engineering, particularly in the fields of <br>structural design and analysis. This review paper explores the application of AI methodologies, including <br>machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), in enhancing Civil Engineering practices. The study <br>highlights how AI can address complex challenges such as structural health monitoring, structural analysis,<br>design optimization and modelling of design. Through a systematic review of literature, empirical studies, <br>and practical predictive modeling, the paper emphasizes the potential of AI to improve decision-making <br>processes, optimize structural analysis and design predictions, and innovate traditional engineering <br>practices. It also discusses the interdisciplinary nature of AI, drawing on computer science, engineering, <br>and mathematics, while acknowledging challenges related to data quality, model accuracy, and <br>computational efficiency. The findings underscore the need for continued research and development to fully <br>harness AI's capabilities for the benefit of the civil engineering community and society at large.</p> Sardar Muhammad Abubakar Muhammad Umer Karimi Shiekh Junaid Mustafa Burhan Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 140 145 Affirmative action perspective through the strategy of workplace to overcome systemic barriers <p>This article seeks to explore the various facets of affirmative action with an emphasis on its role <br>in fostering workplace diversity. By offering a comprehensive account enriched with historical context, an <br>outline of arguments, and illustrative examples, we invite an informed reflection on the nuances of <br>affirmative action within modern society. The primary intention of affirmative action is to offset the effects <br>of past discrimination and to create a level playing field for those who have been disadvantaged by historic <br>injustices. At its core, affirmative action is intended to create an environment of fairness. The goal of <br>affirmative action is to provide equal access to education, employment, and other opportunities to people <br>who have been traditionally excluded. It is a set of initiatives, including programs, and procedures, that are <br>designed to promote access to education, employment, and business opportunities for people historically <br>excluded and underrepresented groups.</p> Gledia Hajrulla Desantila Hajrulla Taqo Stojani Hajrulla Sh Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 146 152 Feedback Control over Response in the Cavity Quantum Electromagnetic Sensor <p>Here we discuss as an important particular case the hybrid quantum electromagnetic sensor <br>represented by a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensemble of N &gt;&gt; 1 centers in the doped diamond coupled to a <br>high-quality factor dielectric resonator. The existing NV ensemble-based devices exhibit sensitivities that <br>are several orders of magnitude away from theoretical limits. On the one hand, improvements in spin <br>dephasing time, readout accuracy, and properties of the base diamond material can significantly improve <br>the quality of operation of a quantum sensor. On the other hand, sensing optimization schemes also <br>significantly affect its performance. We focus on the application of feedback to control the response in the <br>cavity quantum electromagnetic sensor. We use the standard Tavis-Cummings model for the system and <br>then introduce control over the target attractor method. In this model they are considered to be noninteracting two-level systems with transition frequencies wj, distributed inhomogeneously due to <br>heterogeneous local magnetic and strain environments as well as hyperfine coupling with 14N nuclear <br>spins. We adopted an operator form of closed-loop algorithm to the semi-classical Tavis-Cummings <br>model in its ‘weak microwave drive’ limit. We used here target attractor Kolesnikov’s formulation of <br>feedback to track the sensor response r or, alternatively, the reflected signal to the input drive field. In <br>both cases, we achieve the tracking goal in the exponentially fast convergence.</p> Sergey Borisenok Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 153 157 DIGITAL PRACTICES IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE <p>The concept of good agricultural practice has developed due to rapid changes and globalization <br>in agriculture and the food industry. These changes occur as a result of the responsibility and work for the <br>production of healthy and safe food, as well as the implementation of stable and safe sustainable agriculture, <br>taking care to preserve the environment. The practices that are related to the quality of the soil include the <br>maintenance and improvement of its organic ingredients, with the application of appropriate crop rotation <br>and the application of the digital revolution. The digital revolution in agriculture represents the <br>transformation of standard agriculture into digital agriculture through the installation and implementation <br>of digital machines, sensors, systems, application of information and communication technologies. One of <br>the most used technologies in the agricultural industry is the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet <br>of Things (IoT) enables the automatic monitoring, control and management of devices that contain <br>hardware, software and sensors, which can be controlled remotely using a smart device, and the data <br>obtained from input devices such as sensors can be are recorded in a database for further processing, <br>selection and generation of reports. By applying IoT, a sufficient level of protection of natural resources <br>from pollution and damage is enabled, which, in addition to soil, includes water and air as resources, which <br>will contribute to the reduction of global warming.</p> Daniela PELIVANOSKA DAMESKA Blagojche NAJDOVSKI Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 158 161 Modelling of two well-known SPD methods (ECAP and MDF) and comparison with a numerical analysis method. <p>In this study, two Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) methods, which significantly improve the <br>mechanical properties of materials by causing significant improvements in the microstructure of materials, <br>are comparatively analyzed. The study compares the most well-known and commonly used Equal Channel <br>Angular Pressing (ECAP) and Multi-Directional Forging (MDF) methods. Both methods have significant <br>advantages and disadvantages in terms of application and their effects on the material. In this study, which <br>is a finite element analysis (FEA) study, both methods will be modelled and numerically analyzed, and the <br>results will be examined comparatively. Therefore, the necessary application forces and changes in material <br>strain values will be compared for both methods.</p> Seher KAPLAN Mehmet ŞAHBAZ Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 162 167 Importance of meat packing <p>The meat industry is an important sector of the food industry in the world and is in first place <br>among several ranked agricultural and livestock products such as milk, wheat, corn, rice, but the industry <br>in the Republic of North Macedonia is not so developed due to economic conditions. Both animal husbandry <br>and meat production in the industry have a great socio-economic importance in the country. Apart from the <br>production of meat and meat products, storage is also important, and above all of permanent and semipermanent meat products.<br>The meat and meat processing industry is constantly growing, but the production is not for that <br>industry, indeed the meat habits, lifestyles of the population are changing, quality awareness and changing <br>food habits and hence there is a market for scientifically produced meat products. There is also a demand <br>for processed, packaged and ready-to-eat or ready-to-serve meat products that require minimal preparation.<br>Meat and meat products are classified as fresh meat, frozen meat, dry meat, thermally processed meat and <br>dehydrated meat products. Packaging requirements may vary in terms of the requirements that packaging <br>must meet for the product itself. In any case, fresh, frozen or dehydrated meat cannot and must not be kept <br>in the same way, much less be kept and stored in the same conditions. Each product must be stored <br>according to the conditions of protection.</p> Darko Veljanovski Blagojce Najdovski Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 168 171 Importance of Information and Network Security: Evaluation within the Scope of Business <p>From past to present, security has played an important role in every aspect of life. With the rapid <br>development of computer technology, different problems and solutions have emerged in the field of <br>security. Previously, organizations and companies only had their own local networks, but due to the need <br>for communication between these organizations, networks have expanded further and security has become <br>very important in parallel. Security has emerged to prevent external attacks or damages caused by user <br>errors on these computer networks, wired, wireless networks and the internet used by organizations. <br>Wireless networks provide significant advantages thanks to various benefits such as easy use and flexibility. <br>However, they also have several disadvantages compared to a wired network. Security risks are at the top <br>of these disadvantages. In order to ensure that the security of this network, which emerges entirely from the <br>requirements, is provided correctly, it is necessary to evaluate, analyze and analyze the information security <br>risks of network policies. This analysis and evaluation is done according to certain criteria. Accordingly, <br>in this research, in the light of these criteria, evaluations, network security policies, determination and <br>analysis of information security risks related to security policies are included in the direction of providing <br>network security for businesses and institution</p> Ayşenur ERDİL Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 8 5 172 182 Optical and Electrical Properties of NiO Thin Films Deposited by DC Sputtering Technique <p>In this study, Nickel Oxide (NiO) thin films were deposited on silicon and glass substrates <br>with different thicknesses by parameter optimization using the direct current (DC) sputtering technique. <br>The deposited NiO thin films were annealed for 30 min at different temperatures ranging from 30C to <br>330C. After annealing, the optical and electrical properties of NiO thin films were examined. <br>Characterizations were mainly carried out by ultraviolet–visible (UV/Vis) Spectrometer and four-point<br>probe (FPP) measurements. The minimum surface reflectance of 50 nm NiO film coated silicon substrate, <br>annealed at 135C for 30 min was 2.0% (at 550 nm) and the average surface reflectance was measured as <br>10.21% on the sample with 20 nm NiO thin film on the surface, annealed at 30C. In case of FFP <br>measurements, the minimum resistivity was measured as 0.01 ohmm when the thickness of NiO was 10 nm <br>and annealed at 30C. The maximum resistivity was observed as 4.19 ohmm on the 70 nm of NiO coated <br>glass and annealed at 330C for 30 min.</p> İlker Fatih GÜNGÖR Abdullah ÜZÜM Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 183 188 Frekans Analizi Yöntemi ile Ses Sistemi ve Akort Sorununa Yenilikçi Bir Çözüm Önerisinin Türk Halk Müziği’ne Uyarlanması <p>Bu çalışmada, Türk Halk Müziği’nde sıkça araştırma konusu olan ses sistemi ve akort sorununun, <br>günümüz teknolojik imkânları kullanılarak çözüme kavuşturulmasına yönelik bir yol haritası <br>oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle konunun tarihsel süreçleri kısaca ele alınmış, ardından<br>alanda yapılacak çalışmalara kaynak teşkil etmesi açısından yazılım temelli bir yöntem önerilmiştir. <br>Günümüzde Türk Müziği ses sitemlerinde; tambur, ney, bağlama gibi çalgılardaki perde düzeni veya <br>ahenk anlayışı temel alınmakta, bu durum ise müziğin yazılı ifadesi başta olmak üzere akort, entonasyon <br>ve müzik iletişimi gibi konuların araştırılmasında problem yaratmaktadır. Ancak bu durum, müziğin <br>yazılı ifadesi başta olmak üzere akort, entonasyon ve müzik iletişimi gibi konuların araştırılmasında <br>sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Çalgı temelli ses sistemleri, zamanla çalgıların yapısında yaşanabilecek <br>değişiklikler nedeniyle kullanışsız hale gelebilir veya teori ile icra arasında uyuşmazlıklara neden olabilir.<br>Araştırmamızda, herhangi bir çalgıyı temel almadan, Halk Müziği’ni ifade eden ve müzik folklorunun bir <br>gereği olarak mümkün mertebe edisyon icra kayıtları kullanılmıştır. İcra kayıtlarındaki frekansların sıklığı <br>ve yüksekliği üzerinden yapılan analizlerle bazı temel çıkarımlar yapmak mümkün olmuştur. Bu <br>çıkarımlar üzerinden, çalışmanın örneklemine dahil edilen ezgi için teorik saptamalar yapmak mümkün <br>olmuştur. Çalışmanın sonuçları, Türk Halk Müziği’nde akort sorunlarının çözümüne yönelik teknolojik <br>ve metodolojik yaklaşımlar sunarak, müziğin doğru ve tutarlı bir şekilde icra edilmesine katkıda <br>bulunulmasına ve bu sayede, Türk Halk Müziği’nin zengin kültürel mirasının gelecek nesillere doğru bir <br>şekilde aktarılmasına katkı sağlayacaktır.</p> Tunahan Balli Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 189 193 Enhancing Sunflower Productivity Through Folıar Application of Thiourea <p>Pakistan is sternly deficit in edible oil production. Sunflower is an oilseed crop, which <br>contains 36-50 % oil content. By using nutrients with different combinations, its growth, yield and oil <br>percentage can be increased. Sulphur is more important to boost oil production in oilseed crops. Thiourea <br>contains four elements including Sulphur (42.11%), Nitrogen (36.81%), Hydrogen (5.31%) and carbon <br>(15.77%). To determine the impact of thiourea application on sunflower cultivated under rain fed <br>conditions, the current study was executed at University Research Farm of PMAS Arid Agriculture <br>University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The experiment was designed in Randomized Complete Block Design <br>(RCBD) with 3 replications. There was one control and three treatments of thiourea including 5 m mol, <br>15 m mol and 25 m mol. The study parameters included were plant height (cm), head diameter (cm), stem <br>girth (cm), achenes per head and oil yield. After 4 weeks of thiourea application, plant height was <br>observed the highest of 80.14 cm in plants treated with thiourea when applied @ 25mmol that was <br>statistically higher to other application rates of 5 and 15 mmol and also the control. After 8 weeks of <br>thiourea application, plant height was observed the highest of 150.42 cm in plants treated with thiourea <br>when applied @ 25mmol that was statistically similar to its application rates of 5 and 15 mmol but <br>significantly different from that of the control. After 4 weeks of thiourea application, head diameter with <br>the maximum of 22.75 cm in plants treated with thiourea with its application of 25 mmol that was <br>statistically different to all other application rates and the control. After 8 weeks of thiourea application, <br>head diameter was recorded the highest of 47.10 cm in plants treated with thiourea with its application of <br>25 mmol that was statistically similar to its application of 15 mmol but significantly higher to other <br>application rate of 5 mmol and also the control. Stem girth observed the highest of 9.45 cm in plants <br>treated with thiourea when applied @ 25mmol that was statistically higher to other application rates of 5 <br>and 15 mmol and also the control. The maximum achenes of 1089.28 per head were recorded in plants <br>treated with thiourea with its application rate of 25 mmol that was statistically similar to those plants <br>treated with application rate of 15 mmol but significantly different from those treated with application <br>rate of 5 mmol. The oil content of sunflower was recorded the highest of 40.79 % in plants treated with <br>thiourea with its application of 25 mmol that was statistically different and higher to its application of 15 <br>mmol and 5 mmol and also the control..</p> Esha Yaseen Ghulam Qadir Farid Asif Shaheen Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 194 203 Non-invasive Methods for Diagnosing Jaundice in Newborns: A Review <p>Neonatal jaundice, characterized by the manifestation of yellowing in the skin and eyes as a <br>result of augmented levels of bilirubin, presents a substantial peril to the well-being and duration of life in <br>neonates, conceivably influencing their comprehensive health and longevity. Its early onset, typically <br>within the initial days, demands prompt attention, especially when it arises physiologically on the second <br>or third day. Elevated bilirubin, stemming from red blood cell breakdown, presents a challenge for <br>newborns as they struggle to naturally eliminate this pigment. Left untreated, jaundice can lead to severe <br>outcomes like kernicterus, causing irreversible brain damage due to heightened bilirubin levels. This study <br>aims to comprehensively assess various non-invasive frameworks for identifying neonatal jaundice. The <br>review scrutinizes innovative, non-invasive approaches, comparing methods based on clinical data to <br>predict serum bilirubin levels. Challenges in using machine learning for jaundice detection are also <br>highlighted. Non-invasive methods have shown remarkable success across diagnostic, supportive, research, <br>and clinical domains in managing neonatal jaundice. This ongoing exploration sets the stage for improved <br>neonatal care, underscoring the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention to prevent enduring <br>neurological damage resulting from acute bilirubin encephalopathy. The conclusions drawn from this <br>research hold great importance, as they emphasize the possibility of non-invasive methods to revolutionize <br>neonatal healthcare, guaranteeing a safer and more efficient approach to monitoring and treating jaundice <br>in infants.</p> Banan K. Abdulkader Mazin H. Aziz Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 204 218 Çok Fazlı Akış Analizi İçin Türbülans Modeli ve Analiz Parametreleri Seçimi <p>Çok fazlı akış problemleri son derece maliyeti yüksek, analizi zor problemlerdir ve uygun modelin <br>seçilmesi için karşılaştırma çalışması tam gelişmiş akışlar için zor olacaktır. Analizlerin belirlenen akış <br>süresini en kısa gerçek zamanda ve incelenmek istenen parametreleri en doğru olacak şekilde çözmesini <br>sağlamak için uygun türbülans modellerinin uygun parametreleri ile seçilmiş olması gerekmektedir. Bu <br>karşılaştırma özellikle güncel çalışma gibi adaptif mesh üzerinden yürütülüyorsa parametre ve modellerin <br>seçimi daha da önemli bir hal almaktadır. Çalışma çapraz akış etkisi altında jet akışının ayrılması ve sprey <br>olarak modellenebilmesi problemi üzerine kurulduğu için seçilen modeller kε-Standart, kε-Realizable, kωStandart, kω-SST ve kω-SST LES Blended olmak üzere 5 tanedir. Bütün modeller yaklaşık 2 saatlik bir <br>zaman için çözdürülüp değerlendirme bu aralık üzerinden yapılmıştır. Karşılaştırmalar için ANSYS <br>FLUENT programı, adaptif çözüm ağı ve adaptif zaman adımlaması ile birlikte kullanılmıştır. Çok fazlı <br>akış modeli olarak zamana bağlı VOF modeli kullanılmış ve çözümler arasındaki farklar verilmiştir.<br>Karşılaştırma için kullanılan parametreler ise, iki saatlik simülasyonda ulaşılan maksimum akış zamanı, bir<br>zaman adımı içerindeki maksimum iterasyon sayısı, bir zaman adımı içerisinde geçirilen maksimum gerçek <br>zaman değeri, iki saatin sonunda ulaşılan maksimum hücre sayısı, program tarafından tanımlanan ortalama <br>fiziksel zaman (dt) ve ortalama Courant sayısı değerleridir. Karşılaştırmalar hem iki saatlik koşular için <br>hem de belirli bir akış zamanına ulaşan modeller için yapılmış olup en uygun modelin kw-SST LES <br>Blended modeli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.</p> Özgür İMRE Nureddin DİNLER Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 219 226 Mobilya Sektöründe İnovasyon ve Akıllı Mobilya <p>Akıllı mobilya, teknoloji ile birleştirilerek kullanıcılara daha konforlu, pratik ve işlevsel bir yaşam <br>deneyimi sunan mobilya çeşitleridir. Mobilyada inovasyon ve akıllı mobilya insanların hayatlarını <br>kolaylaştırabilmek için yapılmış ve yapılmaya devam edilmektedir. Teknoloji ve yapay zekanın bir araya <br>gelmesiyle insanoğlunun yaşamını olumlu anlamda ilerletmeye ve kolaylaştırmaya çalışmıştır. <br>Olabildiğince çevreye minimum zararı olan, çevre dostu mobilyalar yapılarak ekolojiye zararı minimuma <br>indirilmeye çalışılmakta ve buna yönelik yatırımlar giderek artmaktadır. <br>Mobilyada minimalist tasarımlar, etkileyici ve kullanıcı dostu deneyimler sunarak markaların daha güçlü <br>bir şekilde iletişim kurmasını sağlamaktadır. Akıllı mobilya tasarımında minimalist yaklaşımlar giderek <br>dikkat çeken bir trend haline gelerek modern ve profesyonel bir imaj oluşturabilecek olmasıdır. Bu <br>çalışmayla akıllı mobilyaların ne olduğunu, nasıl çalıştığını, avantajlarını ve dezavantajlarını ele alarak <br>gelecekteki akıllı mobilya trendleri konusunda değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.</p> Mehmet ÇOLAK Tahsin ÇETİN İbrahim TEKİN Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 227 237 Alüminyum İlavesinin Çift Esaslı Roket Yakıtlarına Etkilerinin İncelenmesi <p>Bu çalışmada, polimer matrisli çift esaslı bir katı yakıt karışımına farklı oranlarda düzlemsel <br>(flake) (%0,2-1,4) ve küresel tip (%1-12) alüminyum tozu eklenerek katı yakıt özelliklerine etkileri <br>araştırılmıştır. Alüminyum tozları, haddeleme işleminden önce karışıma eklenmiş, haddeleme sonucunda <br>2 mm kalınlığında levhalar üretilmiş ve deney numuneleri bu levhalardan alınmıştır. Farklı oranlarda <br>alüminyum tozu içeren karışımların yanma hızı, yanma ısısı, mekanik özellikleri, ağırlık kaybı, sertlik ve <br>yoğunluklarındaki değişimler incelenmiştir. Hem flake hem de küresel tip alüminyum tozu ilavesiyle çift <br>esaslı katı yakıt karışımlarının lineer yanma hızının azaldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Metalik katkılar içeren <br>karışımlarda mevcut oksijen miktarı tüm elementlerin yanması için yeterli değildir, ancak yanma odası <br>basıncı arttıkça lineer yanma hızı artar. Metalik katkıların tane inceliği ve oranı arttıkça lineer yanma hızı <br>da artmaktadır. Oksitleyici tane boyutu küçüldükçe ve oksitleyici oranı arttıkça lineer yanma hızı artar. <br>Flake ve küresel tip alüminyum tozu miktarı arttıkça yanma ısıları da artar. %12 küresel tip alüminyum <br>tozu içeren karışımın yanma ısısı %50 oranında artmıştır. Yanma ısısının artmasıyla yanma odası <br>sıcaklığı ve lineer yanma hızı artar. Flake yerine küresel tip tozların kullanımı, yanma ısısı açısından daha <br>uygundur. Yanma ısısının artması, yanma ürünlerinin sıcaklığını ve basıncını artırarak itme kuvvetini <br>yükseltir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, metalik toz ilavesi olmayan çift esaslı yakıt karışımı ve bazı kompozit <br>yakıt karışımları ile karşılaştırılmıştır.</p> Mustafa AKÇİL Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 238 250 Risk-Adjusted Performance of South African Active Investment Strategy of Liability-Driven Investor <p>This paper investigates the risk-adjusted performance of an active investment strategy tailored <br>for a liability-driven investor (LDI) within the South African financial market. The primary focus is on a <br>portfolio consisting predominantly of short-term government securities and cash, reflecting the LDI’s <br>objectives of capital preservation and liquidity. Utilizing risk-adjusted performance indicators such as the <br>Sharpe Ratio, Jensen's Alpha, and Sortino Ratio, along with Value at Risk (VaR) methodologies, this <br>study provides a comprehensive analysis of the portfolio's risk-return profile over a period from August <br>29, 2000, to September 21, 2021. The findings indicate that the active management strategy has been <br>effective in balancing risk and return, achieving competitive returns relative to the risks undertaken. The <br>positive Jensen’s Alpha highlights the portfolio manager's skill in generating excess returns, while the <br>VaR estimates offer insights into potential downside risks under various market conditions. This research <br>contributes to the broader understanding of risk-adjusted investment strategies for liability-driven <br>investors, particularly within emerging markets, and underscores the importance of ongoing portfolio <br>monitoring and risk management.</p> Martin Kocúrek Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 251 257 VALUATION OF ECO-DESIGN WITHIN THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF STUDENTS-ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS <p>The article presents a theoretical-practical study that succinctly exposes and analyzes some <br>researchers' views in the targeted field, reflecting the importance and possibilities of contemporary <br>university education for sustainability. It specifies state policies for promoting a healthy and safe <br>environment and proposes pedagogical strategies for enhancing environmental education or ecological and <br>sustainability education for architecture and design students. Additionally, it presents educational activities <br>carried out in both formal and non-formal contexts, contributing to the development of scientific and <br>professional thinking of architecture and design students, fostering respect for environmental protection <br>through concept projects aimed at reducing excessive human consumerism. Furthermore, it highlights the <br>role of ecological education in developing creativity, aesthetic taste, moral qualities, and the affectiveemotional sphere in the process of planning and executing planned actions. The influence of teaching and <br>educational experience on the selection of recycled materials used for creating furniture and lighting <br>fixtures is elucidated; in the research and presentation of these within theoretical-practical seminars. <br>Recommendations are offered to optimize the ecological education of architecture and design students to <br>achieve ecological literacy among future specialists who will develop sustainable and durable works. The <br>students' creations vary in composition, form, size, color range, and functionality.</p> Angela MUNTEANU Tatiana FILIPSKI Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 258 263 Hidrazit Esaslı Maleik Asit Metal Komplekslerinin Kolorimetrik ve Spektrofotometrik Olarak İncelenmesi <p>Bu çalışmada, bir maleik asit hidrazit olan (2Z)-4-hidrazin-(4-oksobüt-2-enoik asit), maleik anhidrit <br>ile hidrazin monohidratın etanol içindeki reaksiyonundan elde edilmiştir. Sentezlenen bu hidrazit esaslı <br>ligand bileşiğinin Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Ca(II), Zn(II), Mg(II), Mn(II) ve Fe(III) metal iyonlarıyla <br>oluşturduğu komplekslerin kemosensör yetenekleri kolorimetrik olarak belirlenmiştir. Ligand bileşiği ile <br>Fe(III) metal iyonu arasındaki etkileşmenin stokiyometrisi sürekli değişim yöntemi ile hesaplanmıştır. Bu <br>metal kompleks bileşiğindeki, ligand:metal iyonları arasındaki stokiyometrik oran spektrofotometrik <br>ölçümlerle 1:1 olarak tespit edilmiştir.</p> Cumali Çelik Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 264 270 Geleneksel Türk Sanatları Desenleri ile Siyamatik (Cymatics) Şekillerin Benzerliği <p>Sanat ve bilim arasındaki ilişki, tarihsel ve kültürel bağlamlarda incelenirken, bazen beklenmedik <br>benzerlikler ve etkileşimlerin ortaya çıktığı gözlemlenmektedir. Türk sanatçısı bu bağlamda kendi tekâmül <br>yolculuğunda sanatını yansıtmada soyutlamaya yönelerek öze ulaşmak istemiştir. Böylelikle matematik <br>düzen ve estetik gibi kavramlarla beraber sembolizm de sanatının temelini oluşturmuştur.<br>Yapılan araştırmalarda, sesin görünürlüğü görsel verilere aktarıldığında, oluşan şekillerin aynı ritmik düzen <br>içinde bir geometriden oluştuğu bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmıştır. Bu çalışma, ses dalgalarının madde üzerinde <br>oluşturduğu geometrik desenlerle Geleneksel Türk sanatları desenlerinin, simetrik ve geometrik düzeni <br>açısından benzerliklerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Türk sanatındaki desenlerin ve <br>siyamatik şekillerin görsel analizlerine yönelik konuya uygun tablolar oluşturulmuş ve yorumlamalar <br>yapılmıştır. Oluşturulan tablolarda ve şekillerin karşılaştırılarak kompozisyon özelliklerinin <br>incelemelerinde, ortak özellikler olduğu düşünülmektedir. Böylelikle siyamatik (cymatics) sistemde oluşan <br>18 tane görsel ile 17 tane geleneksel Türk sanatları deseninin benzerliği ortaya konmuştur. Karşılaştırılan <br>bu eserlerin 8 tanesi mimari yapı olan cami kubbelerindeki desenler, 4 tanesi taş tezyinatından seçilen <br>desenler, 2 tanesi bir el yazmasının zahriye sayfasında bulunan desenler, 1 tanesi çini deseni, 1 tanesi klâsik <br>bir çintemani deseni ve 1 tanesi Mühr-i Süleyman desenidir.<br>Türk sanatındaki desenler incelendiğinde, Türk sanatçısının geometrik, sembolik ve matematiksel anlam <br>açısından kozmos, sonsuzluk, iktidar, güç ve zıtlık gibi kavramları sembolize ettiği düşünülmektedir. <br>Görünür olmayan ses dalgalarının görünür hale gelmesiyle oluşan şekiller, birer sanat eseri niteliğindedir<br>ve geleneksel Türk sanatları desenleri ile benzerlikleri olduğu düşünülmektedir. Sonuç olarak Türk <br>sanatçısı, yaşadığı evreni anlama yolunda süreklilik, tekrar, çeşitlilik, düzen, birlik ve uyum kavramlarını <br>sanatıyla ifade ederken, gözlem ve deneylerle bilimsel bir bakış açısı ile hareket etmiş olabilir.</p> S. Bilge (Günceoğlu) Karaöz Fatma Zehra Yağmur Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 271 283 Enhancing Diabetes Diagnosis through the Investigation of Cost-Sensitive Learning with Ensemble Techniques <p>Diabetes mellitus is a prevalent chronic disease represented in the body’s un-successful insulin <br>effect, that appears in the elevation of the blood’s glucose levels and potential damage to many body <br>systems, causing the increasing of mortality rates. Early diagnosis is important for managing this illness, <br>and machine learning algorithms play a crucial role employing various methodologies for diabetes <br>detection, and in handling imbalanced data in particular.<br>Using diverse classification algorithms such as (Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, <br>Support Vector Machine, Convolutional Neural Network) for diabetes diagnosis and classification <br>demonstrate the dominance of one class and the resulting underrepresentation of the minority class.<br>To address this issue, cost-sensitive learning and resampling techniques are investigated in this study. <br>The proposed approach aimed to propose robust cost-sensitive classifiers by modifying the objective <br>functions of well-known algorithms. Additionally, hybrid approach of our improved Cost-sensitive <br>models with well used ensemble techniques like Cost-sensitive XGBoost and Cost-sensitive Random <br>Forest, Cost-sensitive Logistic Regression are analyzed to effectively address imbalanced classes. <br>To validate proposed models two imbalanced medical datasets (PIMA Indi-an, and BASEDIABET <br>datasets) are applied. Obtained results proves the accuracy and sensitivity of diabetes prediction models <br>enhancement, by reducing costly classification errors.</p> Yasmine Khedimi Nadjette Dendani Hana Khemisa Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 284 295 Implementing Standards for Student Assessment <p>Within the realm of education, assessment plays a pivotal role in reflecting both teaching efficacy <br>and student learning outcomes. It necessitates teachers' perpetual readiness and determination in shaping <br>students' educational journey. Traditionally viewed as discrete undertakings, the processes of learning and <br>assessment prompt educators to engage in continuous reflection, from lesson planning to execution, <br>encompassing content delivery and instructional methodologies such as explanation, inquiry, and discourse.<br>This master's thesis endeavors to provide a comprehensive examination of diverse assessment techniques <br>and their alignment with established standards, investigating their impact on enhancing student <br>achievement within the context of curriculum acquisition. It seeks to elucidate the interplay between<br>assessment strategies and academic performance. Utilizing a questionnaire tailored for educators, this study <br>aims to identify and delineate the intricate connections between assessment methodologies and student <br>outcomes.</p> Besa Dogani Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 296 304 Smart Decisions for "Smart Villages": Advancing Agricultural Innovation <p>The concept of "Smart Villages" is emerging as a key solution for the modernization of rural <br>areas, especially in the agricultural sector. This paper explores the integration of advanced technologies <br>and smart decision-making frameworks to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability. By using <br>Internet of Things (IoT) devices, artificial intelligence (AI) and precision farming tools, Smart Villages <br>can address critical challenges such as resource inefficiency, climate variability and market accessibility.<br>This study presents a comprehensive review of current technology applications in agriculture and <br>identifies gaps in existing research. A robust decision-making framework that includes data collection, <br>analysis and implementation strategies tailored to rural contexts is therefore proposed. This framework <br>aims to empower local farmers with actionable insights, optimize resource use and improve crop yields. <br>In addition, we discuss the socio-economic impacts of smart villages, considering opportunities and <br>barriers to adoption.<br>Through detailed analysis and practical recommendations, this paper contributes to the current discourse <br>on sustainable rural development. This paper highlights the potential of smart technologies to transform <br>agricultural practices, fostering resilient and prosperous rural communities.</p> Katerina Kareska Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 305 320 Verimliliği Etkileyen Faktörler: Bir Mobilya Fabrikası Örneği <p>Verimlilik, eldeki kaynaklardan ne derece yararlanıldığını gösterir. Verimliliğin arttırılması için <br>kaynakların daha etkili olarak kullanılmaları gerekir. İşletmelerin karlılığını artırabilirken, ekonomilerin <br>büyümesine toplumların yaşam kalitesinin artmasına katkı sağlayabilir.<br>Bu çalışmanın amacı bir mobilya fabrikasında verimliliği etkileyen faktörler incelenmektedir. Araştırma <br>kapsamında, mobilya fabrikasında hem üretim hem de ofis çalışanlarıyla yüzyüze görüşülerek anket <br>soruları yöneltilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar bilgisayar ortamında raporlanıp, veri analiz yöntemi ile incelenmiştir.<br>Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında çalışanların görev ve sorumlulukları, fabrikanın işleyişine yer verilmiştir.<br>Sonraki aşamada ise materyal ve metot belirlenip detaylandırılmıştır. Çalışmanın son aşamasında anket <br>yönteminden elde edilen veriler veri analiz yöntemi ile tablolar halinde faktörler incelenmiştir. Elde edilen <br>bulgular bu faktörlerin mobilya fabrikasında verimliliğini arttırmak için alınması gereken önlemleri ve <br>iyileştirme alanlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma sonuçlarına göre bir mobilya fabrikasında <br>verimliliği arttırmak için işletmede moral-motivasyon sağlamadaki avantajları, çalışan dayanıklılığı ve <br>çalışan verimliliğine yönelik davranış unsurlarının önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışanların <br>verimliliğini artırmak için bu alanlarda yapılacak iyileştirmelerin önemli olduğu belirtilmiştir.</p> Mehmet ÇOLAK Büşra ÖZDEMİR Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 321 341 Enhancing Carbon Sink: Challenges in Urban Forestry of Major Cities in Tamil Nadu, India <p>Recognizing the crucial role of green cover in mitigating climate change and improving <br>environmental sustainability, the research aims to evaluate the existing potential urban green cover and its <br>carbon sequestration potential, including Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in the 21 Municipal Corporations of <br>Tamil Nadu. The study employs latest geospatial technologies to analyze satellite imagery using NDVI and <br>generate accurate data on the extent and distribution of green spaces in the selected cities. Additionally,<br>field surveys and vegetation sampling are conducted to estimate the carbon stock of the identified green <br>areas. It is observed that 11 cities (Avadi, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dindigul, Kancheepuram, Madurai, <br>Tambaram, Thanjavur, Tirunelveli, and Tiruppur) out of the 21 cities do not meet the minimum <br>recommendation of the World Health Organisation of 9 sq.m of urban green space per person, and is a <br>critical point of consideration. The least proportion is found in the completely urbanized Greater Chennai <br>Corporation, while Nagercoil is the only city with the highest proportion of urban green cover. The total <br>biomass carbon sequestration by all the cities of Tamil Nadu was 4.25 Tg of CO2-eq. In general, the total <br>carbon stock in all the cities is very less when compared to the total carbon stock in the forests of Tamil <br>Nadu. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the carbon stock in light to reduce the discomfort level, <br>offset the emissions, and also to increase soil fertility. From the comprehensive assessment of green cover <br>in all the 21 cities of Tamil Nadu, it is inferred that though urban forestry is man-made, there isn’t much <br>attention given to urban forest management. Hence, municipal authorities must pay heavy attention to <br>increasing the green cover as a seamless effort involving the Forest Department, Urban Development <br>Departments, and Non-Governmental Organisations.</p> A. Ramachandran Divya Subash Kumar Mathan Mathivanan Ahamed Ibrahim S N Kurian Joseph Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 8 5 342 366 Modelling Stock Market Volatility and Attention <p>This paper aims to model stock market volatility by incorporating attention as an input variable, addressing the inconclusive evidence on its impact on stock volatility. Given the varying importance of attention across studies and the absence of a standard definition, the paper seeks to advance volatility and attention modelling by reviewing and testing different approaches. The study employs a VAR model to examine the relationship between volatility and attention in the U.S. renewable energy sector from 2006 to 2020. Using realized volatility, VIX, trading volume, and Google search volume indices, the research investigates the influence of these variables on the following day's stock price volatility for twenty renewable energy companies. Initial results from the VAR model indicate the statistical significance of some variables, such as prior variance and actual variance, while volume changes appear to have limited significance, contrary to previous findings. The study aligns with existing research, suggesting that attention and trading volume generally increase stock price volatility, whereas attention to industry fundamentals may reduce volatility.</p> Jakub Tabacek Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-07-03 2024-07-03 8 5 367 370 Investigating Impact of Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Halyomorpha halys Stål, 1855 [Hemiptera (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)]Egg Hatching: A Response Surface Methodology Approach <p>Nowadays, due to global warming, both carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) rise and temperature increase occur. Such climate changes have significant effects on living things. In this research, the reproduction and egg formation of <em>Halyomorpha halys</em> Stål, 1855, also known as the hazelnut pest in the Black Sea Region in our country, was monitored. An air-conditioning cabinet and CO<sub>2</sub> application system suitable for global climate change were developed and the hatching status of the eggs of this pest was examined. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate and optimize the effects of multiple variables in experimental studies. With this method, necessary evaluations were made in planning the experiments, collecting data, and analyzing the results. RSM, mathematical modeling, and optimization techniques enable us to understand the results of experiments better and optimize processes. In this study, the hatching number of <em>Halyomorpha halys</em> eggs with CO<sub>2</sub> applications has been evaluated with RSM. The effectiveness of experimental working conditions, carbon dioxide ratio, and carbon dioxide application time have been determined by RSM. Statistical analysis has been performed in RSM to evaluate the compatibility of real data and model values. Especially when <em>Halyamorpha halys</em> eggs were monitored, egg hatching was observed on the 4th day (96th hour) and 5th day (120th hour). According to the results, increasing the carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) decreased the number of eggs hatched.</p> İnanç Özgen Ercan Aydoğmuş Cenk Yanen Murat Topal Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-07-03 2024-07-03 8 5 371 377