International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
<p>International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches (IJANSER) publishes regular research papers, reviews, letters, and communications covering all aspects of engineering and natural sciences. Our aim is to publish novel / improved methods/approaches of these field to benefit the community, open to everyone in need of them. There is no restriction on the length of the papers or colors used. The method/approach must be presented in detail so that the results can be reproduced.</p>Umut Özkayaen-USInternational Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches2980-0811WSN Routing Protocols: A Clear and Comprehensive Review
<p>Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have emerged as a fundamental technology in modern <br>applications, including environmental monitoring, smart cities, healthcare, and industrial automation. <br>Efficient routing plays a crucial role in ensuring network longevity, energy efficiency, and reliable data <br>transmission, given the inherent constraints of WSNs, such as limited energy, processing power, and <br>dynamic topologies. Over the years, various routing protocols have been proposed to address these <br>challenges, each designed to optimize performance based on different criteria. This paper provides a <br>comprehensive yet concise review of WSN routing protocols, offering a broader classification than previous <br>studies by integrating multiple taxonomies from the literature. Unlike existing reviews that may either be <br>too detailed or overly general, this study presents a structured and accessible overview that balances depth <br>and clarity. Key routing challenges, including energy efficiency, scalability, and security, are discussed, <br>followed by a detailed classification of routing protocols based on network structure, data delivery mode, <br>path establishment, application type, and next-hop selection strategies. By merging diverse classification <br>schemes into a unified framework, this review aims to provide researchers and practitioners with a clear, <br>well-organized perspective on the current state of WSN routing. The insights presented in this study can <br>serve as a foundation for future research and the development of more adaptive and efficient routing <br>solutions for WSNs.</p>Ahmed A. Al-HealyQutaiba I. Ali
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-289311410.5281/zenodo.14957401Cloud Computing in Data Management: Strategic Models, Performance Analysis and Quantum Integration Trends
<p>Cloud computing systems, at the center of digital transformation, represent a paradigmatic shift <br>in enterprise computing technologies. Radically transforming traditional data management approaches, this <br>technological ecosystem is redefining the foundation of computing infrastructures. <br>Governance is the organization's control and oversight of procedures, policies and standards and <br>applications in terms of design, implementation, testing and use. The fact that cloud computing enables <br>simple use over a wide area makes it difficult for organizations to control the arbitrary use of services by <br>their employees. An important advantage of cloud computing is that it reduces the resources spent on capital <br>investment and covers the costs incurred for operational services. In this way, both the financial and time <br>expenditures required for new services are reduced and the return on financial investments is accelerated. <br>This study examines the theoretical framework of data management models in modern cloud computing <br>systems, their performance dynamics and future technological trends in the light of quantum advances with <br>a holistic approach. The research reveals the strategic importance of cloud data management, comparative <br>performance analysis and future technological projections. The study underlines the importance of quantum <br>computing integration and draws the reader's attention to this critical technological dimension. The <br>potential revolutionary role of quantum technologies in cloud data management systems is thus more clearly <br>emphasized.</p>Kamil Aykutalp GÜNDÜZ
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893151810.5281/zenodo.14957403Preparation of silica nanoparticles coated with fluorescent nanomaterials (imidazole) for pesticide detection in aqueous solutions
<p>Silica quantum dots are a preferred type of fluorescent materials and are highly appreciated due <br>to their exceptional properties and size. The study is summarized in several parts In the preparation of <br>fluorescent quantum dots by the reaction of ascorbic acid with Aptes (3-aminopropyl) triethoxy silane <br>(SIQDs). Then, the surface modification of SIQDs with a fluorescence-enhancing substance (amidazole) <br>becomes SIQDs-M. A simple alkaline hydrothermal process was used to synthesize and modify the <br>surface of silica quantum dots using imidazole to enhance the fluorescence emission and thus improve the <br>detection limit ratio. The structural information of the prepared silica for the two compounds SIQDs) 3 <br>and (SIQDs-M) was obtained by XRD and then characterized by (FE-SEM), as well as TEM) and (FT<br>IR). The results also showed that the prepared silica quantum dots have a consistent size distribution <br>ranging from (12-20) nm, in addition to the optical properties, including a tenfold increase in fluorescence <br>intensity. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD) of the identified compounds were <br>determined using fluorescence spectroscopy at room temperature, and the results confirm that these <br>values are important in the use of fluorescence spectroscopy and have the necessary selectivity for <br>environmental applications and can effectively detect the pesticide (boric acid) in aqueous samples. The <br>optimum factors for the pesticide detection process (mixing time of solutions, concentration, pH effect <br>and ions) were studied, which proved the effectiveness of the prepared quantum dots in detecting the <br>pesticide.</p>ALI .S. ALZAIDYBassam F. ALfarhani
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893193110.5281/zenodo.14957407Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Distributed Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
<p>The increasing prevalence of multi-factory models has led to the emergence of more complex <br>problems. To solve these large and complex issues, our study utilizes the Distributed Flow Shop Scheduling <br>Problem (DFSP) with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for inter-factory transportation. DFSP aims to <br>optimize job sequencing and inter-factory transportation times to minimize the total completion time <br>(makespan). Solving this problem is particularly crucial in improving resource-sharing efficiency, <br>minimizing costs, and ensuring quick market response in complex and diverse production environments. <br>Experiments demonstrate that PSO optimizes job sequences and balances factory assignments, achieving a <br>minimum makespan of 10 units. A Gantt chart was used to visualize resource utilization and planning <br>efficiency for a better understanding of the solution. Compared to methods such as Genetic Algorithms and <br>Simulated Annealing, PSO offers advantages in convergence speed and computational efficiency. <br>This study shows that PSO is one of the best methods applicable to real-world planning problems and <br>logistical challenges. Future studies may combine PSO with other metaheuristic methods for faster <br>resolution of dynamic planning problems.</p>Ümit TOKZüleyha YILMAZ ACAR
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893323910.5281/zenodo.14957413Parameter Optimization of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm on Solar Distillation System
<p>As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for potable water. However, <br>the ever-decreasing reserves of fresh water are under serious threat. Freshwater reserves constitute only <br>2.5% of the world's total water supply. According to various research reports, by 2050, 75% of the global <br>population will struggle to access potable water and face severe water scarcity. To mitigate this issue, <br>water resources need to be managed intelligently and sustainably. In addition, scientists are working on <br>desalination systems to make non-potable water drinkable. This study focuses on a solar distillation <br>system with a conical shape designed to produce drinkable water by distilling saline water under <br>appropriate conditions. Since the performance of these solar distillation systems depends on multiple <br>parameters, careful optimization is necessary. In this study, the optimization of three key parameters was <br>carried out using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO): solar radiation, saline water mass, and water inlet <br>temperature. As a result of the optimization, potable water production of 1.81780 kg/m² with 63.51% <br>efficiency was achieved under the conditions of 1000 W/m² solar radiation, 3 kg saline water mass, and <br>30°C water inlet temperature.</p>Halil Görkem HEREKZüleyha Yılmaz ACAR
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893404610.5281/zenodo.14957416İşverenlerin Stajyer Öğrencilerden Beklentileri
<p>Geçtiğimiz dönemlerde işletmeler stajyer öğrenci seçerken birden fazla kriteri dikkate alırlardı. Artan <br>işgücü ve işletmede istihdam edecek işçi bulmakta zorluk yaşamaları neticesinde artık öğrenci seçerken <br>bazı kriterleri göz ardı etmeye çalışmaktadır. Bundan dolayı artık öğrencilerde staj yapacağı işletmenin <br>sağlayabileceği imkanlar ve seçmiş olduğu alanın hangi koşullarında geliştirmek istemesine göre işletme <br>tercihini yapmaktadır. Bu çalışma sonunda işletmeler uyum içerisinde çalışabileceği ve teknik alt yapıya <br>sahip stajyer öğrenciler ararken, stajyer öğrencilerde güncel teknolojiyi yakalamış ve kurumsal anlamda bir <br>büyüme gerçekleştirmiş olan işletmelere daha çok tercih etmektedirler. <br>Sonuç olarak, işletme stajyer seçerken teknik alt yapısı olan ve ekip çalışmasına ayak uydurabilecek <br>öğrencileri tercih etmektedirler. Öğrencilerde işletmenin sağlayabileceği koşullar, ücret tarifesi ve <br>kurumsal oluşuna göre tercihini yapmaktadırlar. <br>Bu çalışma işletmelerde staj yapan 12. sınıf öğrencilerinin işletmelerden beklentileri ve işletmelerin stajyer <br>öğrencilerinden karşılıklı olarak beklentileri üzerine bir çalışma sunmaktadır.</p>Mehmet ÇOLAKÖzal PAMUK
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893475610.5281/zenodo.14957420Yapay Zekâ Teknikleri ile Sürücü Yorgunluk Tespit Sistemi
<p>Sürücü yorgunluğu, dünya genelinde trafik kazalarına neden olan kritik bir faktördür ve <br>araştırmalar, yorgunluk kaynaklı kazaların diğer nedenlere kıyasla daha yüksek ölüm oranlarına yol <br>açtığını göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, sürücülerin fizyolojik verilerini kullanarak yorgunluklarını tespit <br>eden yenilikçi ve müdahalesiz bir sistem önerilmektedir. Sistem, direksiyon simidine entegre edilmiş bir <br>Fotopletismografi (PPG) sensörü ile nabız takibini sağlarken, kızılötesi sensör aracılığıyla burun <br>sıcaklığındaki değişimleri ölçerek sürücünün solunum hızını tahmin etmektedir. Elde edilen bu biyolojik <br>veriler, bulanık mantık tabanlı yapay zeka algoritmaları ile işlenerek sürücünün yorgunluk seviyesi gerçek <br>zamanlı olarak belirlenmektedir. <br>Önerilen sistem, uykusuzluk, dikkatsizlik ve otoyol hipnozu gibi yorgunluk kaynaklı kazaların temel <br>nedenlerini ele alarak sürücülere erken uyarılar sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Geleneksel yorgunluk tespit <br>sistemleri genellikle sürücü davranışlarına veya araç hareket modellerine dayanırken, bu çalışmada <br>sürücüye özgü biyolojik sinyaller ile araç tabanlı veriler birleştirilerek daha yüksek doğruluk <br>sağlanmaktadır. Deneysel sonuçlar, çok kaynaklı veri entegrasyonunun tespit doğruluğunu artırdığını ve <br>sistemin gerçek dünya uygulamaları için yüksek güvenilirlik sunduğunu göstermektedir. <br>Bu araştırma, akıllı ulaşım sistemleri alanına katkıda bulunarak, modern araçlara entegre edilebilecek <br>gelişmiş bir yorgunluk tespit mekanizması sunmaktadır. Bulgular, biyometrik sensörlerin yapay zeka <br>destekli analizlerle birleştirilmesinin yorgunluk kaynaklı kazaların riskini önemli ölçüde azaltabileceğini <br>ve yol güvenliğini artırabileceğini göstermektedir. Gelecek çalışmalar, sistemin farklı sürüş koşullarına <br>adaptasyonunun iyileştirilmesi ve daha gelişmiş makine öğrenimi tekniklerinin entegrasyonu üzerine <br>odaklanacaktır.</p>Taner KAVAKLIBurak BAŞOLMustafa DEMİRAYHakan YILMAZMehmet AKİF ERDEN
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893576110.5281/zenodo.14957424Öteleme Yüzeylerinde Dalgalanma Etkisi
<p>Öteleme yüzeyleri, diferansiyel geometri alanında yaygın olarak incelenmekte olup fizik, <br>mühendislik ve bilgisayar grafikleri gibi çeşitli alanlarda uygulamalara sahiptir. Klasik öteleme yüzeyleri <br>iki bağımsız fonksiyonun toplamı olarak tanımlanırken, sinüzoidal dalgalanmaların eklenmesi yüzeyin <br>geometrik özelliklerini değiştirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, öteleme yüzeylerini oluşturan eğrilere sinüzoidal <br>fonksiyonlar eklenerek ortaya çıkan dalgalanmaların yüzeyin ortalama eğrilik ve Gauss eğriliği <br>üzerindeki etkileri analiz edilmiş, sayısal simülasyonları yapılmıştır.</p>Gülden ALTAY SUROĞLUOnur AKTAŞ
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893626810.5281/zenodo.14957430Modeling of a Hydraulic System Using the Takagi-Sugeno Model and Parametric Optimization with the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
<p>Process industries have long faced the challenge of liquid level control. The performance of a <br>control system largely depends on the accuracy of the mathematical model used to predict its dynamic <br>behavior. This paper presents the development of a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model for a coupled-tank <br>system, based on a linearization technique. Furthermore, the Marquardt-Levenberg optimization <br>algorithm was employed to identify the parameters of the Takagi-Sugeno model. Finally, a comparison <br>between the nonlinear model and the identified model was conducted, demonstrating satisfactory results.</p>Kamel MERAHIAbdelaziz AOUICHE Abdelghani DJEDDI
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893697510.5281/zenodo.14957434Optimization of Image Super-Resolution through Artificial Neural Networks and Cloud Implementation
<p>This paper presents an optimized Super-Resolution model that enhances image upscaling <br>through the use of artificial neural networks and cutting-edge processing techniques. The model focuses <br>on reducing inference time via compression methods like quantization and pruning. Additionally, a web <br>application has been developed to facilitate easy interaction with users. <br>The study evaluates several deep learning architectures, including SRCNN, EDSR, and RRDB, using a <br>training set of over 4,000 images. These images are processed on an Nvidia GTX 1650 GPU to fine-tune <br>parameters and improve performance. The model's effectiveness is tested with upscaling factors of x2, x3, <br>and x4, focusing on the quality of the details recovered and the efficiency of the execution. For practical <br>deployment and scalability, the system is hosted on a cloud platform utilizing technologies like <br>TensorFlow, Keras, and Flask. The corresponding web application enables users to upload images, <br>choose upscaling parameters, and retrieve enhanced results within a response time of 300 milliseconds or <br>less. <br>The results demonstrate that the combination of model optimization and cloud deployment offers an <br>effective solution for real-time image enhancement. This approach has potential applications in photo <br>processing, medical visualization, and recovery of low-resolution visual data, proving its versatility and <br>utility in various fields.</p>Eda TabakuEjona DuciAnna Maria KosovaRinela Kapciu
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893768510.5281/zenodo.14957442Okul Müdürlerinin İletişim Yeterliklerine İlişkin Öğretmen Görüşleri
<p>Okul müdürlerinin sahip oldukları iletişim yeterliklerine ilişkin öğretmenlerin görüşlerini <br>belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu araştırma, nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama modelinde <br>gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Sakarya ilinde bulunan resmi okulöncesi, ilkokul, ortaokul <br>ve liselerde görev yapan öğretmenler arasından basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen toplam <br>836 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde aritmetik ortalama, standart <br>sapma, minimum ve maksimum değerler kullanılmıştır. Bu değerlerin tespitiyle okul müdürlerinin <br>iletişim yeterliklerine ilişkin öğretmenlerin algılarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde <br>edilen bulgulara göre öğretmen görüşlerine göre okul müdürlerinin sahip oldukları iletişim yeterlik <br>düzeylerinin düşük düzeyde; yine anlama-empati kurabilme ve destekleme yeterlik düzeylerinin düşük <br>düzeyde; sosyal rahatlık sağlama yeterlik düzeylerinin ise orta düzeyde olduğu sonuçlarına varılmıştır. <br>Eğitim örgütlerinin lideri konumunda olan okul müdürlerinin iletişim yeterlikleri örgüt içi iletişim ağı <br>kurulması, örgüt içi ilişkilerin geliştirilmesi, olumlu okul ikliminin oluşturulması/devam ettirilmesi ve <br>okul etkililiği için kritik bir role sahiptir. Okul müdürlerinin etkili iletişim yeterliklerine ilişkin tutum ve <br>davranış geliştirmelerine yönelik eğitim programları hazırlanabilir. Okul müdürlerinin iletişim <br>yeterliklerine ilişkin derinlemesine incelenmesine imkân verecek nitel araştırmalar yapılması önerilir.</p>Erdem AyanoğluKenan YıldızGülnur Değer YoloğluŞebnem GirginVeli YoloğluVesile Özlem AyanoğluVedat PEKERMenderes Bayındır
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893869210.5281/zenodo.14957446Dielectric-Filled Circular Waveguide Design for Localized 2.45 GHz Microwave Corn Drying
<p>This study presents an optimized microwave dryer design for industrial food drying <br>applications, operating at the target frequency of 2.45 GHz. By integrating a short-circuited circular <br>waveguide filled with dielectric materials (porcelain, ε=6), the design achieves localized microwave <br>energy delivery, addressing key challenges of conventional systems such as energy loss and uneven <br>heating. Numerical simulations using Finite Element Method demonstrated a resonant frequency of 2.451 <br>GHz with a reflection coefficient of -29.7 dB, indicating minimal power reflection (<0.1%) and near<br>optimal impedance matching. Electromagnetic field analysis revealed concentrated energy distribution, <br>with electric field strengths exceeding 1000 V/m near the microwave source and ~100 V/m across the <br>corn surface (ε=55.57), ensuring efficient moisture removal while mitigating overheating risks. The <br>geometry, optimized for aluminum (σ=3.56×10⁷ S/m) and copper (σ=5.8×10⁷ S/m) components, enables <br>focused forward field propagation, validated by vertical energy localization in the drying chamber. <br>Despite minor non-uniformities, the system outperforms traditional designs by balancing high-efficiency <br>power transfer (via N-type connector) and material-specific adaptability. These results highlight the <br>potential of the proposed waveguide structure as a scalable solution for rapid, energy-efficient food <br>drying, providing a foundation for further refinements in cavity geometry and dielectric-material <br>interactions to enhance processing uniformity.</p>Caner MURAT
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-2893939710.5281/zenodo.14957458The Importance of The Turkish Straits and The Montreux Convention Regarding The Russia and Ukraine War
<p>The article aims to underline the important Turkish straits and the Montreaux Convention in the <br>contextual analysis of the Russia-Ukraine war. The paper provides a historical and geopolitical analysis of <br>the Turkish Straits, underlining their importance as the critical maritime passage. Further, the country's <br>adherence to the Montreux Convention, the effect this has had on the maritime security situation in the <br>Black Sea, and the greater geopolitical dynamics between NATO, Russia, and Ukraine will be discussed. <br>It further analyzes the implications of Russian military and maritime doctrines in the Black Sea region, with <br>regard to the policies and developments of Turkey that might be conceptualized on the basis of the results <br>of regional security concerns. Based on recent empirical data, scholarly research, and a critical review of <br>the existing literature, the present research aims to provide an analytical view of the importance of the <br>Turkish Straits in view of the ongoing conflict.</p>Hassan Abdisalam
Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
2025-02-282025-02-28939810510.5281/zenodo.14957466Impact of Different Feeding Methods on Honey Composition and Bee Health in Northern Iraq
<p>Honeybee nutrition is essential for maintaining colony health, enhancing honey quality, and ensuring ecological stability. This study explores the effects of different feeding methods, including natural floral sources, fruit-based nutrition, and artificial sugar syrups, on the physicochemical composition of honey in the northern region of Iraq. The research compares ‘fruit honey’ produced by bees fed 1 kg of watermelon, sugar syrup, and candy, as well as naturally sourced honey. Physicochemical analyses, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), refractive index, viscosity, microscopic imaging, pH, and density measurements, were conducted to assess honey quality. The results indicate that feeding practices significantly influence honey composition, affecting sugar content, viscosity, acidity, and bioactive compound levels. Unlike bees solely reliant on sugar solutions often exhibiting reduced lifespans, weakened immunity, and increased inflammation those supplementing their diets with fruit juices demonstrate improved colony health and honey quality. This study highlights the importance of natural and fruit-based nutrition as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to artificial feeding. Promoting these practices can enhance bee health, support colony growth, and ensure the economic viability of beekeeping while maintaining ecosystem stability by preventing hive abandonment and pollination disruptions.</p>Mohammed Sadeeq RamadhanAli ÖlçücüErcan AydoğmuşMaruf Hurşit DemirelMehmet Mürşit TemüzMustafa Hamdi Karagöz
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2025-03-012025-03-019310611510.5281/zenodo.14957571Development and Evaluation of Lightweight and Floating Concrete Using Pumice Stones and EPS Beads: A Comparative Study
<p>The advancement in employing Light Weight Concrete (LWC) for structural and non-structural purposes have enhanced in the recent decades. However, there are reservations when it comes to comparing material cost with load bearing capacity. This study deals with the development of lightweight concrete using inexpensive lightweight aggregate namely as Pumice Stones and EPS Beads. Lightweight aggregate plays a crucial role in construction by reducing the dead weight of the structures, improving thermal insulation and durability in harsh conditions by using light weight components. In this study, EPS beads are utilized to lessen the density of concrete and increase buoyancy, enabling it to float, though lowering its compressive strength while simultaneously recording its effect on strength and density. This analysis will help practitioners gain deeper understanding to improve their mix design to suit specific purposes.</p>Maria AamirMuhammad Abdullah Syed Asad Erum Aamir
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