International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches <p>International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches (IJANSER) publishes regular research papers, reviews, letters, and communications covering all aspects of engineering and natural sciences. Our aim is to publish novel / improved methods/approaches of these field to benefit the community, open to everyone in need of them. There is no restriction on the length of the papers or colors used. The method/approach must be presented in detail so that the results can be reproduced.</p> Umut Özkaya en-US International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2980-0811 Free vibration analysis of sandwich composite plate based on First-order shear deformation theory using p-element formulation <p>This paper investigates the free vibration responses of sandwich composite plates, employing a <br>high-level programming language code based on Mindlin’s first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) <br>to model the plates. Initially, the validity of the proposed model is established, demonstrating favorable <br>convergence. Subsequently, several numerical examples are solved and discussed Investigate the impact <br>of parameters such as thickness ratio, aspect ratio, boundary conditions, and number of layers on natural <br>frequencies. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of FSDT in predicting the dynamic behavior of <br>sandwich composite plates with low computational cost.</p> A. BELAIDI S.M.N. SERDOUN S. A. BELALIA Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 1 7 GÜMÜŞ NANOPARTİKÜLLERİN BİYOMEDİKAL ALANINDA KULLANIMI <p>Bu araştırmada, gümüş nanopartiküllerin biyomedikal alandaki çeşitli kullanımlarını incelenmiştir. <br>Araştırmada gümüş nanopartiküllerin sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve biyomedikal uygulamalardaki rolü <br>ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır. Özellikle, gümüş nanopartiküllerin antibakteriyel, anti-kanser terapötik, <br>teşhis, optoelektronik, su dezenfeksiyonu ve klinik-farmasötik uygulamalardaki potansiyeli üzerine <br>kapsamlı araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Araştırma, gümüş nanopartiküllerin yara iyileşmesi, ilaç iletimi ve <br>dağıtımı, diş hekimliği, kanser tedavisi, kemik rejenerasyonu ve periodontal tedavi dâhil olmak üzere çeşitli <br>tıbbi uygulamalardaki potansiyel kullanımlarını vurgulamıştır. Gümüş nanopartiküllerin sentezi için çeşitli <br>yöntemler ve stabilizatörlerin kullanımı incelenmiş; bu nanopartiküllerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik <br>özellikleri ayrıntılı olarak karakterize edilmiştir. Gümüş nanopartiküllerin yaygın kullanımı ile ilgili olarak, <br>biyolojik üretim yöntemlerine olan ilgi artmaktadır. Gümüş nanopartiküllerin çeşitli tıbbi ortamlardaki <br>potansiyel biyomedikal uygulamaları, antimikrobiyal özellikleri ve farklı endüstrilerdeki potansiyel <br>kullanımları üzerine araştırmalar kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmiştir.</p> Gökhan NUR Ali AKBULAT Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 8 21 Impact and Deposition of Single and Dual Metal Droplets on Solid Substrate <p>Thermal spraying is a technique within the field of surface treatment processes. It involves the <br>ejection of molten or semi molten droplets onto a prepared substrate, where the droplets deposit <br>successively to produce splats. The accumulation of these splats subsequently forms the coating. <br>Achieving desired coating properties required comprehensive understanding of droplets impact and <br>deposition. Metal droplets deposition on solid surfaces is complex process that combines heat transfer, <br>fluid dynamics and solidification. In order to simulate the dynamics of spreading, deformation and <br>solidification of droplets during the formation of metallic lamella, we developed two-dimensional model <br>in Ansys code. The simulation is conducted by using the volume of fluid method to track the free surface <br>of the impinging droplets. The current study investigates both normal and oblique impact of single and <br>dual aluminum droplets with a diameter of 3.92 mm and an impact velocity of 3 m/s on stainless-steel <br>substrate. The model predicts the morphology of the resulting splat, it was found that the behavior of the <br>dual droplets shows a pattern similar to that of single droplet only with a higher rite of spreading. The <br>simulation results have shown an asymmetric spreading in the oblique impact. Furthermore, the <br>spreading rate of dual droplets is higher than of single droplet in both normal and oblique impact.</p> Amel Hadjeri Mounir Zirari Mouhamed Kezrane Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 22 27 IS AGE A RISK FACTOR FOR BANANA ALLERGY IN CHILDREN? <p>Banana is a source of bioactive components (fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants) <br>which are important for the immune system as well as in the prevention of various diseases. Apart from its benefits, <br>this fruit also causes allergic reactions. Banana fruit allergy results from an abnormal immune response to banana <br>protein immediately after its consumption <br>Material and method. Our study was carried out in the city of Tirana in March-May 2024. This study is random <br>and 93 children aged 0-12 years participated. Each of them underwent a specific IgE test to detect the level of IgE <br>for this allergen. For the quantitative determination of IgE, the indirect ELISA method with Polycheck reagents was <br>used. <br>Results of the study <br>The total number of patients is 93, with the same percentage of women and men: 49.5% and 50.5%. The age group <br>0-3 years had the highest number of cases with positive IgE for each allergen. <br>The laboratory results of specific IgE were processed with the SPSS version 21 program from Which resulted: There <br>is a weak but statistically significant negative correlation between age and positive reactions to banana. It was also <br>shown that there is no statistical relationship between gender and positive IgE. <br>Conclusions: this study shows a high prevalence of banana allergy in children. However, in the interpretation of this <br>result, different natural, climatic and environmental factors must be taken into consideration, as well as the cross <br>reactions of this allergen with other food and inhalant allergens.</p> Griselda Korçari Mirela Lika (Çekani) Artan Trebicka Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 28 33 Covid-19 Hastasında Yapay Zeka Destekli Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Sonuçları ile Klinisyen Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması <p>Koronavirüs nedeniyle yoğun bakım ünitesine yatırılan hastalar, hastalığın ciddiyetini <br>değerlendirmek için puanlama sistemleriyle takip edilir. APACHE ve SOFA puanlama sistemleri yoğun <br>bakım ünitesindeki hasta takibinde sıklıkla kullanılır. Aralıklı çekilen bilgisayarlı tomografilerinde <br>pulmoner tutulumunu nicelleştirmek için bazı yarı-kantitatif puanlama sistemleri kullanılır. Bunlardan biri <br>beş akciğer lobunun puanlandığı yöntemdir. Bu araştırmada Covid-19 tanısıyla yoğun bakımımızda takip <br>edilen hastalarımızın takibinde klinisyenler olarak kullandığımız skorlar ile, yapay zeka yardımıyla izlenen <br>skorların karşılaştırılmıştır. Klinisyenin takipte kullandığı yoğun bakım skorundaki dolayısyla <br>mortalitedeki artış ile, evrişimsel sinir ağlarıyla hesaplanan akciğer yoğunluğundaki artış korelasyon <br>göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda, klinisyenlerin bu tür yöntemlerden yararlanabileceği düşüncesindeyiz.</p> Pınar AYVAT Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 34 39 İzmir Buca Seyfi Demirsoy Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Görülen Sıcak Çarpması Vakaları ve Kentsel Isınmasının Azaltılmasında Alınabilecek Önlemler <p>Sıcak çarpması, sıcak bitkinliğinden sıcak çarpmasına kadar ilerleyen ve ortak bulgusu hipertermi <br>olan tehlikeli bir durumdur. Son yıllarda, küresel ölçekte etkileri izlenebilir hale gelmiş olan İklim <br>değişiminin, dünya genelinde sıcak çarpması vakaları üzerinde bir dizi etki yapması beklenmektedir. Bu <br>çalışmayla Buca ilçesi örneğinde sıcak çarpması vakalarının görüldüğü bölgelerin haritalanarak, sağlık <br>hizmetlerini yönlendirerek acil durum yönetimine katkı sağlamayı ve risk analizi gerçekleştirerek mekansal <br>planlama çalışmalarına yön göstermeyi hedeflenmiştir. İzmir Buca ilçesinde vakaların mahallelere göre <br>dağılımı incelendiğinde, betonlaşmanın en fazla olduğu Çamlıkule, Kozağaç, Yıldız, Buca Koop, Göksu, <br>İnönü, Yaylacık ve Yiğitler Mahallelerinde sıcak çarpması vakalarının görüldüğü saptanmıştır. Geniş bir <br>yüz ölçüme sahip ilçemizde vakaların yoğunlaştığı bu bölgelere yapılacak mekânsal planlama stratejileri <br>ile bu sorunun üstesinden gelinebileceğini düşünmekteyiz.</p> Pınar AYVAT Gülşah ŞEHİTOĞLU ALPAĞUT Nurdan ERDOĞAN Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 40 45 Application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Field of Healthcare <p>Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing healthcare by integrating advanced natural <br>language processing and machine learning technologies. This proposal outlines a survey to explore LLMs’ <br>roles in healthcare, focusing on their development, performance, practical applications, and challenges. The <br>survey will examine how LLMs can enhance medical education, clinical decision-making, and manage <br>complex medical data for personalized care. Additionally, it will assess LLMs’ impact on medical <br>workflows, research, and diagnostics, addressing reliability, safety, and ethical considerations. This survey <br>aims to provide insights into LLMs’ transformative potential and guide future research and innovation.</p> Jandoubi Aymen El Hamdi Ridha Njah Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 46 54 Structural Response of Transfer Beams: Evaluating the Effect of Staged Construction <p>The accurate analysis and design of transfer beams are crucial for the stability and safety of <br>high-rise buildings. Traditional classical analysis methods often fall short in capturing the complexities of <br>the staged construction process, leading to potential underestimation of internal forces and deflections. This <br>study investigates the structural response of transfer beams by comparing classical analysis and staged <br>construction analysis using ETABS 21 software. The research aims to highlight the influence of various <br>design parameters, such as beam geometry and material properties, on the structural performance of transfer <br>beams. The results reveal that staged construction analysis provides a more realistic depiction of the <br>structural response, particularly in terms of span moments, support moments, and axial forces. The findings <br>emphasize the importance of incorporating construction stage effects for a comprehensive assessment, <br>ensuring enhanced structural integrity and safety. The study concludes that staged construction analysis is <br>essential for accurate prediction and design of transfer beams in high-rise buildings.</p> Amina Sadouki Imane Djafar-Henni Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 55 63 Technology and its Use in Urban Space <p>There are three main problems that this paper deals with: The first problem is how technology <br>is used in the urban population, exploiting its advantages. The second problem is the impact of technology <br>and science on the environment, highlighting the main directions such as the preservation of the <br>environment, which aims to limit the impact of pollution from industry, agriculture, human activity, and <br>the preservation of nature, which aims to limit to a minimum the changes in nature (ecosystems) such as <br>the effects of global warming, preserving the ozone layer, reducing gas emissions, avoiding acid rain. The <br>third problem has to do with highlighting the advantages of using technology in education and teaching in <br>the era of globalization as well as in intelligent services and technology challenges. The purpose of this <br>paper is to deal with the way technology is used in urban life by analyzing the application and approach in <br>contemporary cities as well as the impact on its users who can be employees, teachers, etc. to increase their <br>professional performance. The technology in urban life is innovative which is being widely used in the <br>global rank every day and more. Its use is wide in various fields and one of the fields in which it is widely <br>applied is in cities enabling the creation of smart cities. The methodology of the work is mainly based on <br>analysis and synthesis based on the contemporary literature of theoretical interpretations.</p> Lindita Kiri Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 64 70 Comparative Isotherm and Kinetic Analysis of Acid Violet 7 (AV7) and Methylene Blue (MB) Adsorption onto MOF-5 <p>One of the most critical issues in the field of wastewater contamination is the occurrence of <br>colored compounds, including dyes. Synthetic dyes, including acid violet 7 (AV7) and methylene blue <br>(MB), have been employed in a variety of applications. In this study, the adsorption of AV7 and MB dyes <br>was compared using an adsorbent prepared from MOF-5. The adsorption isotherm and kinetics were <br>employed for the respective analysis of AV7 and MB dyes. The adsorption isotherm and kinetics were best <br>described by the Henry and Freundlich isotherm and the elovich and pseudo-second-order kinetic models, <br>respectively, for AV7 and MB. The BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) analysis was employed to ascertain the <br>specific area and pore volume of MOF-5. The findings of this study demonstrate that MOF-5 adsorbents <br>are effective at removing AV7 and MB from aqueous media.</p> Danial Moshtaghi Shafti Irvan Dahlan Azam Taufik Mohd Din Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 71 81 Blokzincir Teknolojisi Kriptografik Şifreleme Yöntemlerine Yönelik Yapılan Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi: WoS Örneği <p>Bu çalışmada, nicel veriler kapsamında, gelişen teknolojik gelişmeler neticesinde kayda değer bir <br>oranda önem kazanan blokzincir teknolojisinde kullanılan kriptografik şifreleme algoritmalarından simetrik <br>şifreleme ve asimetrik şifreleme algoritmaları kavramlarına yönelik yürütülmüş çalışmalar incelenmiştir. <br>Bu doğrultuda simetrik şifreleme ve asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarının kavramsal gelişimlerinin güncel <br>literatür için bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi kullanılarak sistemli bir özetinin çıkarılması hedeflenmiştir. <br>Ayrıca simetrik şifreleme ve asimetrik şifreleme algoritmalarının kavramsal olarak yapılan çalışmaların <br>yönelimlerinin belirlenmesi ve literatürde bulunan boşlukların tespit edilmesi de yürütülen çalışmanın <br>amaçlarındandır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmamızdaki eserleri Web of Science veri tabanından taranarak analizde <br>kullanılmıştır. Arama sonucunda simetrik şifreleme için (1998-2024), asimetrik şifreleme için (1999-2024) <br>yayınlanmış farklı türdeki 2545 adet eser analize dahil edilmiştir. Simetrik şifreleme algoritmaları için 1873 <br>eser yer alırken bu eserler en çok 2022 (169), 2023 (164), 2018 (162) yıllarında yoğunlaşırken; asimetrik <br>şifreleme algoritmaları için 672 eser yer alırken bu eserler en çok 2022 (82), 2021 (63), 2019 (58) yıllarında <br>yoğunlaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca yayın türlerine bakıldığında ağırlığın bildiri ve dergi makalesi türünde <br>olduğu; araştırma alanları kapsamında ise güvenlik sistemleri (1237), güvenlik, şifreleme ve kodlama (161), <br>telekomünikasyon (127) alanlarında eserlerin yer aldığı; ülkelere göre bakıldığında ise BD (13068), Çin <br>(11267), Hindistan (3208), Fransa (2190), Avustralya (2176) olduğu; CPCI-S (960), SCI-EXPANDED <br>(808), ESCI (153) endekslerde taranan yayınların ağırlıkta olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Simetrik şifreleme ve <br>asimetrik şifreleme algoritmaları alanlarında yapılmış çalışmalarda anahtar kelime olarak en fazla tercih <br>edilenler ise 250 tane symmetric encryption (simetrik şifreleme), 227 tane encryption (şifreleme), 201 tane <br>security (güvenlik), 180 tane cryptography (kriptoloji) ifadeleri yer aldığı tespit edilmiştir.</p> Adem ÖZDEMİR Hasan KÜÇÜKOĞLU Serdar AYDIN A. Kamil KABAKUŞ Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 82 89 Current Research Trends on Distance Education Studies within Cyber Security Concept: Findings from A Bibliometric Analysis <p>In recent years, distance education systems which are one of the normal methods of education, <br>have become more associated with the concept of cyber security in terms of digitalization requirements. <br>In this context, the aim of this study is to explore the current tendencies and trends of studies involving <br>the concepts of distance education and cyber security at the international level. In the study, researches on <br>these concepts in the last ten years in the Web of Science database were selected and bibliometric analysis <br>of these publications was examined in terms of many performance indicators. Since the study examines <br>the most recent studies on the relationship between distance education and cyber security, it provides an <br>understanding of the development process and future evolution of this field. The results reveal that <br>distance education studies in the cyber security concept are becoming increasingly popular and should be <br>focused more on becoming a multidisciplinary field.</p> Hasan Küçükoğlu Adem Özdemir Ahmet Kamil Kabakuş Serdar Aydın Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 90 98 Investigation of Electrochemical Behavior of 3-Hydroxytyramine Hydrochloride Modified Pencil Graphite Electrode: Usability in Determination of Paracetamol <p>In this study, in order to determine Paracetamol (PAR), a widely used antipyretic and <br>analgesic drug active ingredient due to its cheapness and easy availability, 3-hydroxytyramine <br>hydrochloride (3-HT) molecule was modified to pencil graphite electrode (PGE) surface with cyclic <br>voltammetry (CV) technique in +0.3/+2.0 V potential range and 100 mV s-1 scan rate for 10 cycles. The <br>electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical behaviors of 3-HT on PGE surface were investigated by CV, <br>electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and linear scanning voltammetry (LSV) techniques. After <br>modification and chemical bonding processes, surface characterizations were compared with bare PGE <br>and 3-HT modified PGE surfaces by using ferrocene in nonaqueous medium and ferricyanide solutions in <br>aqueous medium with CV technique. Characterization studies performed by CV technique were <br>supported by EIS technique. Studies conducted at pH 2.0 in BR buffer solution using square wave <br>voltammetry (SWV) technique showed that PAR could be directly determined on the 3-HT modified PGE <br>surface.</p> Şeyma Korkmaz Shabnam Aliyeva Aysel Rustamova İbrahim Ender Mülazımoğlu Ayşen Demir Mülazımoğlu Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 99 104 Significance of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industrial Safety <p>In today's conditions, where the digital age is accelerating with a very high acceleration, <br>technological transformations are very trendy.In this age where technology is used very effectively, <br>artificial intelligence is the most important element of the technological system. The use of artificial <br>intelligence has a very large share in this digital cycle, which constitutes and is used in a large part of human <br>life.The industrial area, which is the main area of industrialization, and the activities here are one of the <br>central cycles of the world. Therefore, artificial intelligence in industrial activities finds the opportunity to <br>be used for various purposes.Since industrial activities are labor-intensive sectors, the safety of human life <br>is important all over the world.In this study, a qualitative literature research was conducted to investigate <br>in detail the impact and use of artificial intelligence in the process of safety measures in industrial activities <br>and to reveal what kind of applications of artificial intelligence in this field. According to the result <br>obtained, it was seen that artificial intelligence was utilized in multiple areas while taking industrial safety <br>measures.</p> Munevver Yakut Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 105 110 Lifecycle Evaluation of Live Hinges in Automotive Polymer Fasteners Manufactured via Digital Light Processing (DLP): A Study Through Folding Test Analysis <p>This study investigates the mechanical durability and long-term performance of live hinge <br>regions in automotive polymer fasteners fabricated using the Digital Light Processing (DLP) additive <br>manufacturing method. Live hinges, which serve as essential flexible joints in various automotive <br>applications, are subjected to continuous mechanical stress during operation, necessitating exceptional fold <br>endurance and fatigue resistance to ensure consistent functionality and longevity throughout the vehicle's <br>lifespan. The research systematically evaluates the material characteristics and structural performance of <br>these hinges by conducting repetitive folding tests, designed to replicate real-world conditions, including <br>thermal and mechanical stresses encountered in automotive environments. <br>In this context, the study explores the influence of various polymer compositions, additive formulations, <br>and DLP processing parameters—such as layer thickness, curing time, and post-processing treatments—on <br>the microstructural integrity and fold endurance of the live hinges. A comprehensive analysis is undertaken <br>to assess the correlation between these variables and the mechanical resilience of the hinges under cyclic <br>loading. <br>The findings of this research aim to contribute to the advancement of design methodologies and <br>manufacturing techniques for high-performance polymer fasteners in the automotive sector. By optimizing <br>the material and process parameters, the study seeks to enhance the fatigue life, wear resistance, and overall <br>durability of live hinges, thereby facilitating the development of more robust, efficient, and long-lasting <br>automotive components. This work not only provides valuable insights into the material science and <br>mechanical behavior of DLP-manufactured components but also offers practical guidelines for improving <br>design reliability in next-generation automotive fastener systems.</p> Gökşan Şan Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 111 118 Investigation of the Energy Use Pattern in Hotel Buildings in Tropical Savannah Climate: A Case Study of Minna <p>The hospitality industry is crucial for economic development in cities like Minna, Nigeria, <br>providing essential services to a diverse clientele. However, the energy-intensive nature of their operations, <br>exacerbated by the tropical savannah climate's high temperatures and humidity found in Minna, <br>highlighting a critical need for research on energy consumption patterns and factors influencing energy <br>usage in these establishments. There are a lot of questions about the energy consumption patterns of hotel <br>buildings, especially in places like Minna where climatic and ecological factors further shape energy <br>dynamics and the need for sustainable practices. This study aims to investigate the energy use pattern of <br>hotel buildings in Minna. It utilized a qualitative approach through energy audits of ten randomly selected <br>hotel buildings in Minna, analyzing data from energy consumption bills and observations to identify energy <br>usage patterns and inform strategies for enhancing energy efficiency. The analysis of energy consumption <br>revealed that, on average, each room consumes 30.24kWh/day and reflect the operational scale and <br>efficiency of each hotel, with potential for improved energy management particularly in hotels with high <br>differences between full capacity and actual occupancy demands. This also shows possibility for energy <br>efficiency improvements in hotels, particularly by optimizing operational strategies and integrating <br>renewable energy sources to reduce overall environmental impact. It is recommended that hotels adopt <br>energy-efficient technologies and optimize their operational strategies, particularly during low occupancy <br>periods, to enhance energy conservation and reduce environmental impact.</p> Gabriel Hassan Zhiri John Agmada Bawa Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 119 125 Elektroliz Yöntemi ile Atık Yemek Yağından Biyodizel Üretimi: Sıcaklık Etkileri <p>Bu çalışma, elektroliz yöntemiyle atık yemek yağından biyodizel üretiminde sıcaklığın etkisini <br>araştırmıştır. Geleneksel transesterifikasyon yöntemlerine kıyasla, elektroliz yöntemi hammadde <br>içerisindeki yüksek serbest yağ asidi ve su içeriği sınırlamalarını ortadan kaldırarak avantajlar sunmaktadır. <br>Farklı sıcaklıklarda (25°C, 45°C ve 65°C) gerçekleştirilen deneyler sonucunda, 65°C'de en yüksek <br>biyodizel verimi (%96.3) elde edilmiştir. Literatürdeki benzer çalışmalarla da uyumlu olarak, sıcaklığın <br>artmasının biyodizel verimini olumlu yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. Öte yandan, reaksiyon süresinin de <br>optimize edilmesi gerektiği, aksi halde uzun süreli reaksiyonların istenmeyen sabunlaşma reaksiyonlarına <br>yol açabileceği vurgulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, elektroliz yöntemiyle biyodizel üretiminin ekonomik ve <br>çevresel açıdan sürdürülebilir bir alternatif olduğu, enerji verimliliği ve çevresel etkiler bakımından önemli <br>katkılar sağlayabileceği ortaya konmuştur. Bu bulgular, elektroliz yöntemiyle biyodizel üretiminin daha <br>geniş ölçekte uygulanabilirliğini ve verimliliğini geliştirme potansiyeline işaret etmektedir.</p> M. Raşit ATELGE Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 126 132 Predicting Solar Irradiance Using Machine Learning Approaches: The Case of Duzce, Turkey <p>This research focuses on predicting the solar irradiance received by a standard photovoltaic <br>panel in Duzce, Turkey, using various machine learning techniques. The methodologies evaluated include <br>Bagging Learning, Decision Tree Learning, Gradient Boosting Learning, LightGBM Learning, Random <br>Forest Learning, Ridge Regression Learning, and XGBoost Learning. Through a comprehensive <br>comparative analysis, a Hybrid Gradient Boosting Learning approach is proposed for enhanced accuracy. <br>The study utilizes an extensive dataset comprising meteorological and sensor data, including Temperature <br>(T), Dew Point (DP), Humidity (H), Wind Speed (W), Pressure (P), Precipitation (PP), Total Feed-in <br>Time (TFT), Total Operating Time (TOT), Total Energy Produced (TWO), Number of Grid Connections <br>(OGSC), Environment Temperature Value (ETV), Module Temperature Value (MTV), and Radiation <br>(RD). The dataset spans from 2019 to 2024, and the RD value is predicted based on the other variables. <br>Random search was employed for hyperparameter optimization of the machine learning algorithms, with <br>the data divided into training and testing sets with an 80%-20% split. Performance metrics such as Mean <br>Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), R² (Coefficient of Determination), Explained <br>Variance Score (EVS), Median Absolute Error (MedAE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) <br>were used to evaluate the models. The results indicate that XGBoost achieved the highest performance, <br>while the proposed Hybrid Gradient Boosting model showed significant improvement over traditional <br>Gradient Boosting. The performance evaluations of each method are detailed, with graphical <br>representations and histograms demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed hybrid approach.</p> Osman Dikmen Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 8 9 133 145 AI AIDED DISCRIMINATION OF COVID AND PNEUMONIA DATASET WITH DEEP LEARNING BASED 3D SEGMENTATION MODELS <p>The rapid and accurate discrimination between COVID-19 and common pneumonia has become crucial for effective patient management, especially during the global pandemic. This study presents a novel approach using deep learning-based 3D segmentation techniques to differentiate between COVID-19-induced pneumonia and other forms of pneumonia from medical imaging data, specifically computed tomography (CT) scans. The proposed framework aims to assist radiologists and healthcare providers in identifying unique patterns in COVID-19 infections while distinguishing them from common viral or bacterial pneumonia. The core of the method involves the application of a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) integrated with a V-Net and Res-Net architectures for volumetric segmentation of lung regions affected by infection. By analyzing CT scan volumes, the model can isolate and segment crucial lung abnormalities, such as ground-glass opacities (GGOs), consolidations, and other characteristic features seen in COVID-19 and pneumonia patients. Preprocessing steps, including image normalization, contrast enhancement, and noise reduction, ensure robust input data for model training and testing. The 3D segmentation model is trained on a diverse open publicly dataset comprising 1000 CT scans labeled for COVID-19 and 1000 CT for common pneumonia cases. It utilizes deep learning techniques, including transfer learning, to maximize performance and efficiency, allowing the model to generalize well across varying patient populations. Additionally, the system employs a hybrid classification model that further distinguishes between COVID-19 and non-COVID pneumonia based on the segmented lung regions, using features such as the distribution, volume, and texture of infected areas. Performance evaluation demonstrates that the proposed deep learning model achieves high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in distinguishing COVID-19 from common pneumonia. The model outperforms conventional 2D segmentation techniques by leveraging the richer spatial context provided by 3D imaging. In extensive testing, the system attained an accuracy exceeding 96% for ResNet, %86 for SegNet and %74 for UNet models, with notable improvements in reducing both false positives and false negatives. Furthermore, the model's segmentation quality is validated against radiologist annotations, confirming its clinical relevance and potential for real-world applications.</p> Ali Berkan Ural Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-07 2024-10-07 8 9 146 161 Rational Drug Management System with Internet of Things <p>According to World Health Organization data, more than half of the medicines used are used inappropriately. It is important to use medicines, which have protective and therapeutic properties when used correctly, on time and at the specified doses. The use of drugs that are not in accordance with Rational Drug Use may cause undesirable situations such as decreased treatment success and prolonged disease duration. In parallel with the developments in technology in the last century, the internet has become an integral part of our lives. This situation has revealed the concept of Internet of Things, which refers to the connection of different devices to each other with the help of wired and wireless networks to exchange information. In this study, a Rational Drug Use System was developed using Arduino, App Inventor and RESTful API. Through the developed system, the user will enter the hours he/she needs to take his/her medication during the day and the total duration of medication use. According to the usage information entered into the system, it will be possible to track whether the medication has been taken or not. In this way, medication tracking will be automated and the user will be ensured to take his/her medication on time, and the use of medication at the appropriate time and at the appropriate dose will be maximized and optimum benefit will be obtained.</p> Hayri İncekara Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-17 2024-10-17 8 9 162 170 A Stat-of-the-Art Review of Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Evaluating Mechanical Performance <p>Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) incorporates fibers to enhance its properties, making it an <br>intriguing subject for researchers to explore in different applications. Many studies have reviewed the role <br>of fibers in concrete mixes to evaluate how they influence various concrete characteristics. However, these <br>reviews often have limitations, such as focusing on a single type of fiber or concrete or analyzing only a <br>limited set of concrete properties. Some reviews have specifically targeted recycled fibers, neglecting the <br>effects of freshly manufactured industrial fibers on concrete performance. To address these gaps and <br>limitations, this study aims to create a comprehensive database that includes diverse fiber types, properties, <br>ratios, concrete mixtures, and aggregate particles. The literature provides insights into the impact of fibers <br>on different forms of concrete. The present study examines how fibers affect different properties of <br>concrete, drawing from previous sources that discuss its durability, workability, and mechanical <br>performance.</p> Shahir Ahmad Safi Khaled Waleed Radman Ali Raza Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 171 180 Electric Motor <p>The transportation sector has undergone many profound changes, a true revolution occurred in <br>the 20th century with the widespread adoption of the internal combustion engine which uses fossil fuels, <br>relatively available and simple to use. <br>Despite the decrease in emissions in the Organization for economic cooperation and development OECD <br>countries, the countries emitting the most greenhouse gases linked to transportation, the sector's <br>contribution to global GHG emissions increased by 18% over the 2000-2010 periods. This industrial <br>environment has changed greatly because we are no longer in an era where demand exceeded supply. <br>Currently, supply is significantly higher than demand, and companies are seeking to improve and better <br>manage their production while reducing costs. <br>In return, the electric motor in the vehicle today implies a significant additional cost that will have to be <br>recouped by the driver through reduced consumption and, in the longer term, through the benefit of <br>additional features. This additional cost will be all the more significant as the degree of vehicle <br>electrification and the features provided by this motor are substantia.</p> Fidouh Nedjoua Chouitek Mama Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 181 187 Performance Comparison of Learning Models to Predict The In-Hospital Mortality <p>The prediction probability of in-hospital mortality who are admitted to the Intensive Care Unit <br>(ICU) are calculated in this work by applying two common learning models: artificial neural networks <br>and the hidden Markov model. Both models were applied to the same dataset to ensure a fair comparison. <br>The clinical data supporting these models were carefully selected from the Multi-Parameter Intelligent <br>Monitoring (MIMIC III) database, with a particular emphasis on the ICU domain. Thus, accurately the <br>real-world conditions were reflected. The dataset, comprising 8000 individual records, was divided using <br>cross-validation techniques. Subsequently, the datasets were utilized as training and test sets for each <br>learning model. The effectiveness of the models was evaluated using the Area Under the Receiver <br>Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC-ROC) measure due it aligns well with the fundamental <br>characteristics of the models. Notably, the single hidden layer neural network model produced a ROC <br>value of 0.8927, while the multi-hidden layer model generated a significantly lower ROC value of 0.8691. <br>The hidden Markov model achieved the best result in this study, with a higher ROC value of 0.9038.</p> Mehmet Kurucan Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 188 196 Atık Pişirme Yağlarından Biyodizel Üretimi: Kinetik ve Termodinamik Analiz <p>Bu çalışma, atık pişirme yağlarından biyodizel üretiminde reaksiyon sıcaklığının etkisini ve <br>transesterifikasyon reaksiyonunun kinetik ve termodinamik özelliklerini incelemektedir. Çalışmada, atık <br>pişirme yağlarının metanol ve potasyum hidroksit (KOH) katalizörü kullanılarak transesterifikasyon <br>yoluyla biyodizele dönüştürülmesi için 45, 55 ve 65 ℃ sıcaklıklarında ve 30, 60, 90 ve 120 dakika süreyle <br>reaksiyonlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, biyodizel veriminin reaksiyon sıcaklığı ve süresiyle arttığını, en <br>yüksek verimin ise 65 ℃ ve 120 dakika sonunda elde edildiğini göstermiştir. Kinetik analizler, reaksiyonun <br>pseudo birinci dereceden olduğunu ve hız sabitinin sıcaklıkla arttığını ortaya koymuştur. Termodinamik <br>analizler ise, reaksiyonun endotermik olduğunu ve yüksek bir aktivasyon enerjisine ihtiyaç duymadan <br>gerçekleştirilebildiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, atık pişirme yağlarının sürdürülebilir bir biyodizel <br>üretimi için ekonomik ve çevresel olarak uygun bir hammadde olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.</p> M. Raşit ATELGE Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 197 203 Student Disciplinary Investigations in Higher Education Institutions in the Light of Judicial Decisions <p>The purpose of disciplinary penalties in higher education institutions is to ensure peace, <br>tranquility and discipline within the higher education institution, to prevent acts and behaviors that are <br>incompatible with educational and educational activities and prevent the healthy conduct of educational <br>and educational activities. It is observed that when disciplinary investigations conducted in higher education <br>institutions are transferred to administrative jurisdiction, they are usually canceled because they are faulty <br>in terms of procedure. In the audit conducted by the Court of Accounts at a university; when the case files <br>and results transferred to administrative jurisdiction from the investigations conducted against academic <br>and administrative personnel and students alleged to have committed illegal acts within the university were <br>examined, it was found that 17 out of 21 case files resulted in cancellation against the administration. It has <br>been seen that 16 of the cases that resulted against the administration were caused by non-compliance with <br>the investigation procedures. Therefore, in higher education institutions; due to non-compliance with the <br>procedural provisions, cases are lost, trial expenses and proxy fees are paid, the student who should be <br>penalized as a result of cancellation does not receive a penalty, trust in the law is damaged, and the <br>reputation of the institution is weakened. In this study, the issues that investigators should pay attention <br>to when taking statements and defense, sub-punishment and repetition application, time out, application of <br>court decisions, preparation of an investigation report, notification, issuing a punishment by a disciplinary <br>supervisor or disciplinary board, objection, analysis of court decisions made related to investigations were <br>conducted.</p> Abdullah ELMAS Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 204 210 AB Yapay Zeka Yasasının Analizi <p>Dünyanın ilk çerçeve ve kapsamlı Yapay Zeka Yasası olan AB Yapay Zeka Yasası, sağlık, güvenlik <br>ve temel haklarla ilgili ortaya çıkan riskleri düzenlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu düzenleme <br>demokrasiyi, hukukun üstünlüğünü, insan haklarını ve çevreyi korumayı amaçlamaktadır. Yapay zeka <br>sistemlerinin kullanımı, sosyo-ekonomik büyümeyi ve toplumsal faydayı ve küresel rekabeti artırma <br>yeteneğine rağmen, kullanıcıların güvenliği ve temel hakların ihlali gibi yeni riskler ortaya çıkarmaktadır. <br>Yapay zeka sistemlerinin oluşturduğu bu riskler güven eksikliği yaratmakta, bu durum hukuki belirsizliğe <br>neden olmakta, yapay zeka teknolojilerinin kamu-özel sektör ve vatandaşlar tarafından kabul <br>edilmesini/benimsenmesini zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, AB'nin yapay zeka kullanımını <br>düzenlemesinin nedenleri, risk kategorileri, bir yapay zeka sisteminin yüksek riskli olup olmadığını <br>belirleme prosedürü, yüksek riskli yapay zeka sistemleri sağlayıcılarının yükümlülükleri, Yapay Zeka <br>Yasası'nda standardizasyonun rolü, genel amaçlı yapay zeka modellerinin düzenleme prosedürü, AB Yapay <br>Zeka Yasası'nda yapay zeka çıktılarının filigranlanması ve etiketlenmesiyle ilgili yükümlülükler, Yapay <br>Zeka Yasası'nın biyometrik tanımlamayı düzenleme şekli, kuralların temel hakları nasıl koruduğu, temel <br>haklar etki değerlendirmesinin ne olduğu ve böyle bir değerlendirmeyi kimin ve ne zaman yapması <br>gerektiği, bu düzenlemenin yapay zekada ırk ve cinsiyet ayrımcılığını nasıl ele aldığı, AB Yapay Zeka <br>Yasası'nın ihlali durumunda yaptırımlar nelerdir, çevre koruma ve sürdürülebilirlik ile ilgili düzenlemede <br>yer alan hükümler, Yapay Zeka Paktı'nın Yapay Zeka Yasası'nın uygulanmasındaki rolü, AB'nin <br>yaklaşımının uluslararası boyutu, Yapay Zeka Yasası'nın nasıl uygulanacağı analiz edilmiştir.</p> Abdullah ELMAS Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 211 218 Study, Design and implementation of a solar smart stick for blind people <p>There are different techniques, tools and technologies available to enable disabled from carrying <br>out their daily activities, one of the most used tools is the white stick which allows the user to detect <br>obstacles that are approximately one meter from him and also to detect the state of the ground on which <br>they walk. However, there are still constraints to detect higher obstacles as well as to touch them and <br>recognize them, which makes the visually impaired unsociable. Sensor technology allows us to identify <br>physical quantities and transform them into information thanks to knowledge of the physical phenomena <br>that occur there. Understanding waves has made it possible to develop sensors that can detect objects at a <br>distance through the analysis of received echoes. <br>These systems have several drawbacks, which are based on a simple adaptation of the devices designed for <br>motorists and are therefore unsuitable or poorly suited to a pedestrian, also visually impaired. <br>The main objective of these studies is to create an intelligent cane for people suffering from blindness visual <br>by using several sensors. On the other hand, is monitored by using solar energy.</p> Karim Choubani Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 219 223 Magnetically Controlled Spinal Implants: Current Trends, Future Perspectives, and Challenges <p>Spinal disorders are health problems that are frequently seen especially in individuals in the <br>growing age and significantly affect the quality of life. Especially in parallel with the growth in childhood <br>and adolescence, the fixed implants placed in the vertebrae are incompatible with the body characteristics. <br>This causes the implant to remain small or fail and often requires additional surgical interventions. These <br>second surgeries to replace or lengthen the implant are both painful and challenging for the patient. In this <br>paper, magnetically controlled implants used in the treatment of slipped discs, spinal deformities, and <br>similar spinal disorders are examined in detail. These systems, which are controlled by magnetic waves, <br>have the potential to eliminate the incompatibilities that may occur by adapting to the growth and structural <br>changes in the body with non-invasive methods. The adaptation of this system to the physiological <br>development and growth of the patient reduces the need for surgical interventions and surgical <br>compartments, shortens the general recovery time of the patients and provides a significant reduction in <br>operation costs and provides economic contributions to the health system and the patient. The main aim of <br>this study is to evaluate the current status and advantages of existing magnetically controlled implant <br>technologies and to analyse their place in clinical use. In addition, to examine the challenges and problems <br>encountered in these technologies and to investigate where this technology will evolve in the future. This <br>paper aims to be a guiding resource both in current clinical practice and in future research and development <br>studies.</p> Fatmanur Zehra AKSOY Abdullah Tahir ŞENSOY Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 224 228 Biomechanical Solutions for Diabetic Foot Complications: Material and Design Approaches <p>Many of the foot problems are concerns for diabetics, and even the mildest can lead to severe <br>ones. The majority of diabetic patients have neuropathy, or damaged nerves, and in conjunction with other <br>factors, this leads to foot problems. Peripheral artery disease and neuropathy are the products of active <br>diabetes as a result of the summation of all the elaborated metabolic reactions. Coexistence of peripheral <br>neuropathy, peripheral artery disease and ischemia might allow the possibility of foot ulcers. Diabetes <br>mellitus is a hyperglycemic state due to abnormalities in insulin secretion and action and results in chronic <br>hyperglycemia and metabolic changes. A multitude of physiological changes and interactions precede <br>diabetic foot conditions. In diabetic foot syndrome, there exists clear evidence of significant threats <br>regarding ulceration and amputation. New material research for orthotic insoles underlines the importance <br>of material stiffness and pressure distribution properties. However, standardization of quantitative methods <br>to determine suitable materials and design in diabetic neuropathy management is still lacking in the <br>literature. In this review, the different studies on the mechanical compatibility of heel and insole are <br>comparatively analyzed, considering their methodologies, used materials, and obtained results. This paper <br>assembles various findings aimed at investigating optimum geometries of support and single material <br>properties in personalized footwear design to enhance the quality of life of diabetic neuropathy patients. It <br>also discusses some of the methodologies that can be employed in establishing ways of minimizing plantar <br>pressure to avoid complications, such as finite element modeling and biomechanical tests.</p> Malak Alaghbary Abdullah Tahir Şensoy Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 229 236 Tırların Hıza Bağlı Olarak Oluşturduğu Çevresel Gürültünün İncelenmesi <p>Çevresel gürültü kentsel yaşamın gelişmesiyle gün geçtikçe etki alanını büyütmektedir. Bu yayılım <br>insanların maruz kaldığı gürültü değerlerini artırmakta ve günlük yaşam kalitesini düşürmektedir. <br>Psikolojik sorunlardan fizyolojik rahatsızlıklara kadar birçok türde soruna sebep olan gürültü kavramı <br>teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte önemini artırmaktadır. Bu sebeple çevresel gürültünün engellenmesi yerel <br>ve idari yönetimlerce zorunlu çalışma alanı haline getirilmiştir. <br>Çevresel gürültünün oluşmasında birçok farklı bileşen görev almaktadır. Ticari alanlardan eğlence <br>mekanlarına kadar farklı örnekleri bulunan bu bileşenler içinde ulaştırma faktörü çevresel gürültünün <br>oluşmasında en etkili olan parametredir. Ulaşım gürültüsü taşıt ve kaplama arasındaki etkileşimden <br>meydana gelmektedir. Bu etkileşim sonucu oluşan gürültü değerleri araç hızıyla doğrudan bağlantılıdır. <br>Bu sebeple çalışma kapsamında karayolunda gürültü maruziyetine en çok sebebiyet veren tır tipi araçlar <br>incelenmeye alınmıştır. Araçların duran halde ve farklı hız değerlerinde sebep oldukları gürültü değerleri <br>kayıt altına alınarak hız ve gürültü üzerinde bir bağlantı elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. <br>Yapılan çalışmada aynı tip ve modeldeki tırlar incelenmiştir. İlk olarak hızın 0 km/saat olduğu durgun <br>haldeki motorun sebebiyet verdiği gürültü değeri ölçülmüş daha sonra iki farklı hız değeri için 3 farklı <br>araç geçişi izlenmiştir. Bu araç geçişlerinde oluşan gürültü değerlerinin tamamı hız ile bağlantılı olacak <br>şekilde tablolaştırılarak bir grafik elde edilmiştir. <br>Oluşturulan grafik incelendiğinde araç hızının artmasıyla birlikte oluşan çevresel gürültünün arttığı <br>gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca düşük hızlarda birim hız değişimine karşılık oluşan gürültü değişim değerlerinin <br>yüksek hızlarda yaşanan birim hız değişimine karşılık oluşan gürültü değişim değerlerinden daha küçük <br>değerlerde olduğu gözlenmiştir.</p> Göknur Berber Muhammet Vefa Akpınar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 237 241 Lojistik Merkez Yer Seçiminde Kullanılan AHP ve Delphi Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması <p>Küresel pandemi döneminde daha çok göz önüne çıkmış olan lojistik kavramı üretici ve son tüketici <br>arasında devam eden bir iletim zinciri olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Üreticiden elde edilmiş olan herhangi <br>bir ürünün en hızlı ve en karlı şekilde nihai tüketiciye erişmesi süreçlerinin tamamı doğru bir lojistik <br>sistemi işletilmesiyle sağlanabilmektedir. İnsanların gün geçtik ihtiyaçlarının artması ve bu ihtiyaçlarını <br>gidermek için kısıtlı zamanlarının olması lojistik hizmetlerin önemini bir kez daha göstermektedir. <br>Gıdadan bilgiye kadar tüm envanterlerin üretici ve tüketici arasında aktarılması lojistik hizmetlerle <br>sağlanmaktadır. Tüketicinin oluşturacağı talep doğrultusunda istenen ürün tedarik zinciri boyunca <br>aktarılmaya başlanır. Bu aktarım işlemlerinin en karlı ve en etkin şekilde yürütülebilmesi için bazı <br>mekânsal ihtiyaçlara gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Lojistik merkezler bu mekânsal ihtiyaçların <br>giderilebilmesi için kullanılmaktadır. Lojistik merkezler tedarik zincirinde oluşan ihtiyaçlar <br>doğrultusunda ürünlerin uygun koşullarda depolanmasında kullanılabildiği gibi demonte halde gelen ürün <br>parçalarının birleştirilip ürünün son şeklini almasında da kullanılmaktadır. Bu ve bunun gibi birçok <br>ihtiyacın giderilmesinde kullanılan lojistik merkezlerinin yer seçiminin doğru bir şekilde yapılması <br>bahsedilen sebepten dolayı önem kazanmaktadır. <br>Lojistik merkez yer seçiminde kullanılan birden çok yöntem bulunmaktadır. Yapılan çalışma bu <br>yöntemler içinden AHP ve DELPHİ yöntemini inceleyerek lojistik merkez yer seçiminde hangisinin daha <br>kullanılabilir olduğunu sapmak için hazırlanmıştır. <br>Çalışma kapsamında seri anket uygulanması sistemine dayanan DELPHİ Yönteminin yeterli sayıda <br>katılımcı bulunamaması durumlarında tutarlı cevaplar vermediği ortaya çıkmıştır. DELPHİ Yöntemine <br>nazaran AHP Yönteminin çok alternatifli ve çok kriterli durumlarda karar vermede daha etkin olduğu <br>gözlenmiştir.</p> Göknur Berber Muhammet Vefa Akpınar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 242 245 Optimizing Mosquito Screening Systems for Malaria Control in Tropical Environments <p>The culture of housing in tropical African regions requires that windows are created and <br>operated for natural ventilation and aeration of internal room spaces. However, the threats posed by <br>malaria carrying vectors makes natural ventilation more risky that comforting. As a result of this, <br>windows are designed to integrate both the functions of passive (natural) ventilation and mosquito <br>repelling, through the adoption of mosquito screening systems (referred to as MSS for the purpose of this <br>study). A review of conventional mosquito screening systems (MSS) was conducted within Nigerian <br>cities, and this enabled the identification of the most commonly adopted designs. The operational mode of <br>the identified systems indicated the existence of a break referred to as interludes, between the opening of <br>netted screens and operation of the window panes. This minute interlude periods (when the window <br>opening is totally exposed to the open environment) is responsible for the admission of malaria carrying <br>mosquitos into the indoor living spaces. This study presents an optimized mosquito screening system <br>which provides homes with constant aeration periods and zero contact with malaria vectors. A <br>comparative review of the screening systems indicated a total mosquito blockage by the optimized MSS <br>compared to the conventional MSS.</p> Akubue Jideofor Anselm Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 246 256 Sınır noktalarının birinde tekilliğe sahip olan iki-aralıklı özdeğer probleminin bazı spektral özellikleri <p>Bu çalışmada, etkileşim noktası adı verilen sol ve sağ aralıkların ortak ucuna uygulanan sınır <br>iletim koşulları olan tekil iki-aralıklı Sturm-Liouville problemleri araştırılmıştır. Tüm özdeğerlerinin <br>basitliğini yani geometrik katının bire eşit olduğunu ve farklı özdeğerlere ait özfonksiyonların <br>ortogonalliğini garanti eden yeterli koşullar bulunmuştur. Özel durum B=1 durumunda ele alınan problem <br>ve elde edilen sonuçlar benzer klasik olan problemlere indirgenmektedir. Dolayısıyla elde edilen sonuçlar <br>karşılık gelen klasik sonuçları genelleştirmektedir.</p> Kadriye Aydemir Oktay Sh. Mukhtarov Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 257 265 Application of the Method of Characteristics to Supersonic Nozzle Design and Its Comparison with CFD Analysis <p>Supersonic nozzles play a crucial role in the propulsion systems and engines of various <br>vehicles designed for diverse applications. Contoured nozzles, recognized for their efficiency, are the <br>most commonly used profiles today. This study utilizes the Method of Characteristics (MoC) to design <br>the supersonic section of a contoured nozzle profile, employing an isentropic, inviscid, and irrotational <br>supersonic flow model. The objective is to achieve a parallel and uniform flow with a specified exit Mach <br>number. The results are then compared with those from a CFD simulation of the flow field using the <br>Ansys-Fluent platform. By analyzing pressure and Mach number along both the centerline and wall, the <br>findings revealed a good agreement, highlighting specific characteristics of the MoC.</p> L. Dai A. Haddad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 266 272 Improving Modulus of Elasticity Prediction in Cement-Based Composites: The Impact of Rubber Particle Incorporation, Nonlinear Regression Optimization, and Hybrid Voigt-Reuss/Reuss-Voigt Models <p>This study investigates the influence of rubber particles on the stiffness and deformability of <br>cement-based composites, with a particular focus on predicting the modulus of elasticity based on the <br>incorporation rate of rubber particles. Accurate prediction of the modulus of elasticity for these <br>composites presents a challenge due to the tendency of conventional models to either overestimate or <br>underestimate this parameter. The Voigt-Reuss and Reuss-Voigt models, employed as predictive bases, <br>are reliable; however, they exhibit biases in estimating the modulus of elasticity. Nevertheless, these <br>models prove valuable when optimized using nonlinear regression factors derived from polynomial <br>equations of nth order. Despite their tendency to skew results, the Reuss-Voigt and Voigt-Reuss models <br>remain robust tools for predicting the modulus of elasticity of concrete. The optimization process utilizing <br>the calibration factor significantly enhances their predictive accuracy. This research highlights the <br>enhancement of predictive accuracy in models for cement-based composites, thereby contributing to a <br>better understanding and optimal utilization of these materials in structural applications.</p> Djallal Eddine TELMAT Madina KILARDJ Hadda HADJAB Amar BENAZZOUK Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 273 280 İşletmelerde Bulanık Mantığa Dayalı Risk Değerlendirme Yaklaşımları <p>Hayatın en önemli bölümünü oluşturan çalışma hayatı, geçmişten günümüze insanlığın gündemini <br>önemli ölçüde etkileyen bir bütünlükten oluşmaktadır. Birden fazla faaliyet alanının olması, yer ve zamanın <br>farklılık göstermesi iş hayatının farklı düzenlemelere ihtiyaç duyduğunu göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla sağlık <br>ve güvenlik koşullarının iyileştirilmesi ve mümkün olan en iyi seviyede tutulması için bir dizi kural ve <br>tedbirin alınmasını doğurmaktadır. Değişen ve gelişen faaliyetlerin yürütüldüğü işyerleri çalışanlar için <br>çeşitli riskler barındırmaktadır. İş sağlığı ve güvenliği sistemi multidisipliner bir alan olduğu için bütün iş <br>hayatında uygulanması önem arz etmektedir. Yürütülen faaliyetlere ve işletme bünyesine göre uygulanacak <br>iş sağlığı ve güvenliği sistemi değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. İş hayatındaki iş kazası ve meslek <br>hastalıklarının önlenmesi için şüphesiz iş sağlığı ve güvenliği sistemi kurulmalıdır. Çalışanların sağlığı ve <br>güvenliği korumak için güvenilir bir risk modelini ihtiyaç vardır. İşletmelerde uygulanan risk modelleri <br>nitel ve nicel verileri kullanmasından dolayı objektiflik düzeyleri değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. Mevcut <br>risk değerlendirme yöntemlerinin eksikliklerinin giderilmesi ve geliştirilmesi için bulanık mantık kullanımı <br>oldukça avantajlıdır. Bulanık mantık geniş kullanım ağına sahiptir.Bulanık mantığın birden avantajına <br>sahip olması dolayısıyla iş sağlığı ve güvenliği alanında da yaygın kullanılmaktadır. Bulanık mantık risk <br>modellerindeki belirsizlikleri giderebilmektedir. Bulanık mantığa dayalı risk modelleri uzmanlara daha <br>güvenilir risk değerlendirmesi olanağı tanımaktadır. Bu çalışmada literatürde belirli yıllarda yapılmış <br>bulanık mantığa dayalı geliştirilmiş risk modelleri ele alınmıştır. Çalışmalar seçilirken özellikle farklı <br>sektörde olan belirli başlı çalışmalar ele alınmıştır.</p> Münevver Yakut Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 281 296 Determining the Awareness Levels of University Students Living in Isparta Related to Renewable Energy Sources <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain whether there are statistically significant differences <br>in the awareness levels of students at Süleyman Demirel University regarding renewable energy sources, <br>taking into account demographic characteristics such as gender, age, income level, and so forth. The data <br>for this study were collected from students at Isparta Süleyman Demirel University during the 2023-2024 <br>year. A power analysis for the sample size yielded 362, with 95% power, and a dependency level of 0.05. <br>The initial section comprises demographic questions, while subsequent sections encompass 23 items on <br>renewable energy. In order to ascertain the differences between the relevant variables, an independent <br>sample t-test was employed when there were two variables or groups, and one-way Analysis of Variance <br>(ANOVA) was employed when there were three or more three variables. The results demonstrate that there <br>is no significant difference between male and female in terms of awareness of renewable energy sources. <br>However, analysis of the age variable indicates a significant difference between age groups in terms of the <br>affective sub-dimension. A significant difference was observed regarding the affective sub-dimension in <br>relation to place of residence. No significant differences were identified with respect to the class or income <br>level variables. Finally, a significant difference was noted between faculties with regard to the affective <br>sub-dimension.</p> Cengiz GAZELOĞLU Ece ÖZGÖREN ÜNLÜ Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 297 303 Insecticides Resistance in Dengue Mosquitoes from District Rawalpindi, Pakistan <p>In Pakistan, application of pyrethroids insecticides and temephos is on peak. The present <br>research is designed to detect current level of the temephos and pyrethroids resistance and identifying the <br>presence of knockdown resistance. LC50 and RR50 values from Pothohar town and Rawal town were <br>(0.245 ppm, 7.17) and (0.032 ppm, 8.2). LC95 and RR95 values from pothohar town and Rawal town were <br>(0.413, 8.4) and (0.245, 5).LC50 values of deltamethrin from Pothohar and Rawal Town were 0.016 and <br>0.015 % with resistance ratio 6.4 and 6, respectively. LC50 value of cypermethrin from Pothowar and <br>Rawal Town were 0.017 and 0.019 % with resistance ratio 5.6 and 6, respectively.</p> Syeda Hina Bukhari Farid Asif Shaheen Talha Habib Muhammad Waseem Akram Nida Zahra Usama Afzal Ahsan Irshad Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 304 315 Unveiling the complexities of Vocabulary: Exploring the dynamics of words evolution <p>Vocabulary is dynamic and ever evolving aspect of language, shaped by historical events, <br>technological advancement, social changes, and cultural influences. This article delves into the intricate <br>processes of word formation, evolution, and standardization, examining the roles of linguists, <br>lexicographers, and language institutions in shaping the English language. Through a comprehensive <br>analysis of etymology, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, and historical events, we uncover the complex <br>web factors that contribute to the development of vocabulary. We explore how words are borrowed, <br>adapted, and transformed over time, reflecting changes in society, culture, and technology. Furthermore, <br>we discuss the significant influence of dictionaries, particularly the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), in <br>recognizing and standardizing words, highlighting the power dynamics and subjective nature of <br>lexicography. By exploring the multifaceted nature of vocabulary evolution, this article aims to enrich our <br>understanding of language as a living, evolving entity that adapts to the changing world.</p> Jawad Mangrio Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 316 323 THE CONNECTION AND DIFFERENCE OF THE FINANCIAL LEASE WITH OTHER CONTRACTS <p>The meaning of the leasing contract based on Albanian legislation is found in Article 849 of the Civil <br>Code, but the legislator is not satisfied with this part alone, giving a definition of the leasing contract in the law <br>no. 9396/2005 "On Financial Rent", amended. <br>Article 849 of the Civil Code provides the definition of the leasing contract by providing: "With the financial <br>lease contract, one party is obliged to make available to the other party, for a certain time, a movable or <br>immovable object, against a payment in periodic installments determined in relation to the value of the item, <br>the duration of the contract and possibly other elements according to the agreement of the parties." <br>In addition to the definition made by the Civil Code for the leasing contract, as we mentioned above, a detailed <br>definition is also made by law no. 9396/2005 "On Financial Leasing", amended, which in its article 1, point 11 <br>defines financial leasing [1]. <br>In this paper, it is intended to deal with the financial lease contract and its comparison with other contracts, as <br>well as to highlight the importance of this contract by dealing with legal concepts, the real possibility of <br>changes.</p> PhD(c). Endi Kalemaj Msc Kejsi Marku Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 8 9 324 334