Design of Hybrid multi-level inverter for photovoltaic(PV) application

PV, THD etcAbstract
Nowadays the demand and consumption of energy increase in the word. Due to high cost of fossil fuel it’s not able to meet the required power generation demand. But the developed and developing countries encourage to generate power from renewable energy sources. The developed countries manage their resources in such a manner that they will fulfill their needs today and in the future as well. Nevertheless, the developing countries have limited sources of fossil fuels, which may decrease day by day. For this problem, the alternate solution is required, which is renewable energy. The output of renewable i.e. photovoltaic (PV) is DC. Now this is a challenging task for the researcher to integrate the renewable energy into the ac grid. For the reliable future of the power system, it is imperative for the modern era to integrate non-conventional sources into the AC power grid. The use of photovoltaic cells is increasing dramatically in all areas of life because of their small environmental impact, pollution-free, minimal maintenance, and zero noise. The real work focuses on the integration of PV systems with the proposed new topology called Multi-level inverters based on switch dc sources for low, medium and high power applications. An inverter is a power electronics device that converts DC input to AC output voltage. Input DC voltage is obtains from PV cell array, fuel cell or any other source. The output of PV panels is use as DC input voltage source for the proposed inverter. Single-phase multilevel inverter is use to convert dc power receiving form PV array to AC power. First single phase two level inverter introduce which have many problems like those that high value capacitor required at output and high total harmonics distortion’s (THD). Nevertheless, as the number of level increased in inverter output the number of electronic switches also increased which may increase the losses. Multi-level inverters are gave more attention for high power applications. In recent years, lower order harmonic components has been developed to operate at higher switching frequencies.On the other side as the number of level increased the output waveform approach to sinusoidal waveform and the harmonics decreased. Output voltage and current waveforms are obtains and THDs are analyze. The multi-level inverter used in un-interrupted power supply (UPS), variable frequency drives (VFD), pumps etc. The performance of single-phase multi-level inverter will be analyzed in MATLAB / Simulink software.