Detection of Welding Defects by Non-Destructive Testing Methods

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  • Furkan SOYTURK Mersin University
  • Alper GUNOZ Mersin University
  • Memduh KARA Mersin University



NDT, Ultrasonic Test, PAUT, Radiographic Test


One of the most used joining methods in the manufacturing industry is welded joints. Welded joints are non-removable types of joints and good mechanical properties are expected from the weld seam after joining. For this reason, it is extremely important that there are no errors, defects or gaps in the weld area. This study is about the detection of defects existing in the welding regions of various machine elements with welded joints by non-destructive testing methods. The advantages and disadvantages of the non-destructive testing methods used in the study are presented.

Author Biographies

Furkan SOYTURK, Mersin University

Mechanical Engineering/ Institute of Science,  Turkey

Alper GUNOZ, Mersin University

Mechanical Engineering/ Engineering Faculty,  Turkey

Memduh KARA, Mersin University

Mechanical Engineering/ Engineering Faculty, Turkey




How to Cite

SOYTURK, F., GUNOZ, A., & KARA, M. (2023). Detection of Welding Defects by Non-Destructive Testing Methods. International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, 1(1), 424–427.