Hematological, Biochemical and Blood Gas Findings in a Calf with Cerebral Theileriosis

Calf, Cerebral Theileria, L-Lactate, Hematological ValuesAbstract
This case report aims to present the clinical and laboratory findings of cerebral theileriosis in a 1-month-old female Holstein calf. In the clinical examination of the calf, blindness, ataxia, opistotonus, nystagmus and convulsions, anemia and petechial hemorrhage foci in the conjunctiva, upper palate, gingiva were observed, and asymmetrical enlargement of the left prescapular lymph node was detected. As a result of hematological examinations, it was determined that lymphocyte count, erythrocyte count, hemoglobin amount, mean erythrocyte diameter (MCV) and hematocrit values were lower than normal, but mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and platelet values were lower than normal in the calf. higher than normal values. In terms of biochemical values, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), direct and indirect bilirubin, triglyceride and creatine kinase myocardial band (CK-MB) values were found to be higher than normal values. In blood gas analysis, blood pH and glucose values were lower than normal values, and lactate concentration was higher than reference values. The parameters in this case report are reported to be helpful in the differential diagnosis of similar cases that veterinarians in the field may encounter.