Reliability Achievement of MIMO-OFDM Communication Systems

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  • Shahir Fleyeh Nawaf Tikrit University
  • Lujain Sabah Abdula Tikrit University
  • Abdulmutalib A-Wahab Husein Tikrit University



Multiple Input Multiple Output, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Convolution Coding


Wireless communication must have high spectral efficacy and the ability to resist fading channel in an environment of channel multipath, and it is difficult to achieve these requirements with traditional modulation techniques, but the Multiple system Input Multiple Output-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) It can fulfill these requirements. Research offers a way to improve the performance of OFDM- MIMO system by decreasing the Bit Error Rate (BER) using both (DWT) Discrete Wavelet Transform and Convolutional Coding (CC). The OFDM system is modeled with a single antenna at the transmitting end and a single antenna at the receiving end (DWT) . Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) By adding a second antenna at the transmitting end, and then improving it with Output Multiple Input Single technology SIMO (by adding a second antenna at the receiving end, and with MIMO technology by adding a second antenna at the receiving end The transmitter and a second antenna at the receiving end, thus optimizing the OFDM-MIMO system using convolution coding, Then using DWT instead of FFT (Fast Fourier Transform ). The research is based on the study of BER according to bit energy to noise energy density N0/Eb. The system was modeled and tested using the MATLAB program. The use of (DWT) and (CC) in OFDM-MIMO reduces N0/Eb )4.7( dB times in the item of the Rician fading channel and 3.2 dB times in the item of the Rayleigh fading channel when BER =10-3 .

Author Biographies

Shahir Fleyeh Nawaf, Tikrit University

Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering College, Tikrit, Iraq.

Lujain Sabah Abdula, Tikrit University

Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering College,  Tikrit, Iraq.

Abdulmutalib A-Wahab Husein, Tikrit University

Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering College,  Tikrit, Iraq




How to Cite

Nawaf, S. F., Abdula, L. S., & Husein, A. A.-W. (2023). Reliability Achievement of MIMO-OFDM Communication Systems. International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, 1(1), 634–640.