Shift Planning Problem for Cardiology Department in A State Hospital Considering Radiation Exposure of the Physicians

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  • Gulcin Bektur Deparment of Industrial Engineering, Iskenderun Technical University, Turkey
  • Meryem Zemzem Deparment of Industrial Engineering, Iskenderun Technical University, Turkey
  • Izel Sabahat Tumkaya Deparment of Industrial Engineering, Iskenderun Technical University, Turkey


Shift Planning, Mathematical Model, Radiation Exposure, CPLEX, Space Between Two Shifts


Planning the shift days of physicians is an important decision problem encountered in almost every hospital in real life. The cardiology department is a department that physicians are exposed to radiation. During angiography, physicians are exposed to high doses of radiation. As a result of radiation exposure, thyroid cancer, cataract, blood cancer and urinary diseases can be seen in healthcare workers. These diseases can be occupational diseases. In this study, shift plans are created by considering radiation exposures. A mathematical model is proposed for the shift planning problem. The proposed mathematical model for the solution of the problem is solved with CPLEX. The proposed solution method was applied in a state hospital. As a result, with the proposed solution method, physicians are assigned to shifts quickly and successfully.




How to Cite

Bektur, G., Zemzem, M., & Tumkaya , I. S. (2023). Shift Planning Problem for Cardiology Department in A State Hospital Considering Radiation Exposure of the Physicians. International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 1, 47–50. Retrieved from