Triple band microstrip antenna based on complementary split ring resonators for WLAN/WiMAX applications

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  • Nail Alaoui University of Djelfa
  • Souad Kssena University of Bordj Bou Arreridj
  • Belkheiri Affaf Khoulou University of Djelfa
  • Charef Hiba University of Djelfa
  • Abdallah Azzouz Medea of University
  • Umut Ozkaya Konya Technical University
  • Enes Yiğit Uludağ University


Metamaterial, CSRR, Wimax, WLAN, Microstrip Antenna


In this paper, the design of a triple band microstrip antenna is presented for wireless communication applications. Metamaterials serve as the foundation for the triple band design, which operates at 2.4, 3.5, and 5.6 GHz. To provide the triple band response, the ground plane of a typical patch operating at 3.56 GHz is etched with two circular and one rectangular split ring resonator (SRR) unit cell. As opposed to the circular cells, which are introduced to resonate at 5.3 GHz for the higher WiMAX band, the rectangular cells are designed to resonate at 2.45 GHz for the lower WLAN band. The recommended antenna complies with WLAN and WiMAX rules and has a higher peak realized gain.

Author Biographies

Nail Alaoui, University of Djelfa

Laboratoire de Recherche Modélisation, Simulation et Optimisation des Systèmes Complexes Réels, Algeria.

Souad Kssena, University of Bordj Bou Arreridj

ETA Laboratory, Electronics Department, Algeria

Belkheiri Affaf Khoulou, University of Djelfa

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Algeria

Charef Hiba, University of Djelfa

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Algeria

Abdallah Azzouz, Medea of University

Advanced Electronic Systems (LSEA), Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Algeria

Umut Ozkaya, Konya Technical University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Department, Konya, Turkey

Enes Yiğit, Uludağ University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Department, Bursa, Turkey


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How to Cite

Alaoui, N., Kssena, S., Khoulou, B. A., Hiba, C., Azzouz, A., Ozkaya, U., & Yiğit, E. (2023). Triple band microstrip antenna based on complementary split ring resonators for WLAN/WiMAX applications. International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research, 1, 339–345. Retrieved from