A Novel Dual-band Bandpass Metamaterial Filter using Ground Plane Demetallization Technology for Wireless Communications Applications

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  • Berka Mohammed Department of Electrotechnic, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascar, Department of Electronic/ EPO Laboratory, University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeriaa, Algeria
  • Umut Özkaya Konya Technical University, Turkey
  • Youcef Islam Djilani Kobibi Department of Electrotechnic, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Algeria
  • Abdelhak Zouggaret Department of Electrotechnic, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Algeria
  • Mourad Hebali Department of Electrotechnic, University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Algeria


Coplanaire, DGS, Filtre, HFSS, Perméabilité, Résonateur


The purpose of this article is the analysis and design of a new bandpass metamaterial filter structure, the analysis of this filter is made by applying the concept of ground plane demetallization. The resonator used for the demetallization is a spiral-shaped split ring metamaterial resonator, this resonator which represents a negative permeability (μ<0), has a magnetic resonance. It allows a qualitative control of the bandwidth of the global filter; it also increases the level of electromagnetic coupling with the microstrip lines. The feed lines used at the input and output of the microwave filter have coplanar access adapted to 50 Ω. Numerical calculations are carried out based on the High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) for the finite element method (FEM). The obtained results show a dual-band band-pass DBBPF behavior for two central frequencies located at the C- and X- bands, which nominates the filter to be a potential candidate for wireless communications applications.




How to Cite

Mohammed, B., Özkaya, U., Djilani Kobibi, Y. I., Zouggaret, A., & Hebali, M. (2023). A Novel Dual-band Bandpass Metamaterial Filter using Ground Plane Demetallization Technology for Wireless Communications Applications. International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research, 1, 530–534. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/icfar/article/view/158