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  • Süleyman KASAP Van Yüzüncü Yıl üniversitesi


Foreign Language Teaching, Education, Language Learning.


The main reason for teaching English in Turkey can be shown as trying to explain the terms written in foreign languages in the textbooks and to improve English teaching methods. The English expressions seen in the textbooks and other educational tools written to be used in lessons in some private schools, public schools and especially in colleges, and in some private books published within the borders of Turkey have led to the need for the use of this language. With the widespread use of foreign languages from the Ottoman history, some important steps have been taken to improve the teaching of foreign languages, especially English, in the fields of trade, politics and education. At the beginning, with the training that scholars received from teachers brought from abroad, English learning methods were started to be developed for children who started language learning at an early age in Enderuns and schools. In the books translated from Ottoman Turkish into Turkish, it is mentioned that trade was carried out in a common language. This common language is English. Since the common language used in most of the world's countries is English, it has spread very quickly. In the following years, the development of technology, the increase in exports, the fact that the language of most of the TV and internet channels (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) is English is that it is necessary for parents to teach a foreign language for their children and themselves, and it is a privilege to start these trainings when you are still a baby. It has given birth to a belief to be both to be and to use all social media tools correctly. With this study, it is aimed to have a detailed analyzes of the general history of foreign language teaching in Turkey from the ground up to the present. The study also tries to explain the historical development of English from the first sources to the ones used today, the positive development of learning English from infancy in a person's life and how the characteristics of these people can change with the development of their language learning.

Author Biography

Süleyman KASAP, Van Yüzüncü Yıl üniversitesi

Yabancı Diller Bölümü / Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkiye


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How to Cite

KASAP, S. (2023). TEACHING AT EARLY AGE AND THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN TURKEY. International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research, 1, 50–57. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/icfar/article/view/29