Development of A Smart Waste Management System with The Help of The Internet of Things

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  • Batuhan Hikmet Gürhan Selçuk University
  • Fatih Başçiftçi Selçuk University


Waste Management, IoT Sensor, Pollution, ESP32 MCU, Ultrasonic Sensor


This text describes a solution to the problem of waste management. Waste management is a widely known issue that creates many negative effects, such as environmental pollution, health problems, reduced soil productivity, and visual pollution. To solve or minimize this problem, the authors have created an IoT sensor system and a web application. The system uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect the level of garbage in a trash can, and an MQ-135 sensor to detect negative odors. The data collected by the IoT sensors is transferred to a firebase database via an ESP32 MCU and displayed on a web application built with React JS. The application shows the garbage level and  level and indicates if they are over or under 80% with red or green colors, respectively. Additionally, the application has a scheduling system for garbage collection, providing a fast mechanism for future problems.

Author Biographies

Batuhan Hikmet Gürhan, Selçuk University

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Konya

Fatih Başçiftçi , Selçuk University

Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, Konya


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How to Cite

Gürhan, B. H., & Başçiftçi , F. (2023). Development of A Smart Waste Management System with The Help of The Internet of Things. International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research, 1, 129–133. Retrieved from