Effect of Graphite Powder Additive on Electrical Conductivity in Cementitious Systems

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  • Rüstem YILMAZEL Kırıkkale University
  • Ahmet FILAZI Kırıkkale University
  • Muharrem PUL Kırıkkale University


Graphite Powder, Machinability, Electrical Conductivity, Electrical Resistivity, Flexure Test


As a result of snowfalls in the winter season, icing of airlines and highways in the world and our country causes very serious accidents. De-icers spilled on the roads or mechanical methods cause damage to the roads and stripping of aggregates. In order to eliminate such negative situations, the effect of graphite powder on electrical resistivity was investigated in cement mortar systems. Graphite powder, which is 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 4% by weight and passed through a 75 micro sieve, was added to the cement. Thus, machinability, flexure, pressure and electrical conductivity tests were carried out on the new sample. Graphite powder addition had a negative impact on machinability. It also had a positive effect on flexure and compression tests up to 1% addition rate. It was observed that the electrical conductivity of the graphite powder increased with the addition of the cement.

Author Biographies

Rüstem YILMAZEL, Kırıkkale University

Kırıkkale Vocational School, Department of Control and Electronics, Kırıkkale, Turkey

Ahmet FILAZI , Kırıkkale University

Kırıkkale Vocational School, Department of Construction, Kırıkkale, Turkey

Muharrem PUL , Kırıkkale University

Vocational School, Department of Electricity and Energy, Kırıkkale, Turkey


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How to Cite

YILMAZEL, R., FILAZI , A., & PUL , M. (2023). Effect of Graphite Powder Additive on Electrical Conductivity in Cementitious Systems. International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research, 1, 235–238. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/icfar/article/view/80