Sustainable ERP Systems: A Green Perspective

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  • Ibrahim Umut Yuzgenc Süleyman Demirel University
  • Erdal Aydemir Süleyman Demirel University



ERP, Sustainable-ERP, SMAC, Carbon Footprint, Green Supply Chain Management


Sustainability has become a top priority for industries today. Businesses require a centralized system for sustainable management. These platforms, which use systems for sustainability, are called Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning (S-ERP) systems, aligning environmental and social impacts with corporate processes to achieve sustainable goals. Cloud-based technologies form the foundation of S-ERP systems. Cloud technology enables energy savings and facilitates information sharing, allowing for effective management of the system. Cloud computing reduces carbon footprint and lowers operational costs. Reducing electronic waste, also known as e-waste, is important for recycling and reuse. Digital platforms improve waste management and facilitate the collection and analysis of product performance data. Acting quickly is important for the sustainability of the supply chain, and green supply chain management consists of various dimensions: internal environmental management, external environmental management, investment recovery, and eco-design. Carbon footprint decreases with the implementation of Circular Economy (CE), optimizing energy consumption and improving waste management. Digital tools transform business models. Supply chain management (SCM) and green supply chain are also important. Implementing environmental policies and criteria is effective. Sustainability indicators are considered as an absolute measurement tool that can be used to assess not only environmental performance but also social and economic performance. This study examines ERP systems and software, sustainability, and supply chain relationships, and compares current ERP with sustainable ERP from a green perspective using CO2 consumption as a measure.

Author Biographies

Ibrahim Umut Yuzgenc, Süleyman Demirel University

Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Isparta, Türkiye

Erdal Aydemir , Süleyman Demirel University

Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Isparta, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Yuzgenc, I. U., & Aydemir , E. (2023). Sustainable ERP Systems: A Green Perspective. International Conference on Pioneer and Innovative Studies, 1, 533–538.