Gas-hydrodynamics of gas-liquid flow in the reservoir-well system

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  • Gunel Alizada



A hydrodynamic model of gas-liquid flow in the reservoir-well system is developed and the boundary problem is solved. As the volume of liquid in the mixture is very small (5-10%), its effect on the gas-liquid mixture flow was considered only in terms of density change effect. It is assumed that liquid and gas particles move in the pipe at the same speed and there is no mass transfer. The gas is assumed to be ideal and an isothermal process is considered. The solution of some equations in initial and boundary conditions is found and the continuity condition at the well bottom is written, Pc(t) - bottom hole pressure is found. The borehole productivity is then determined by setting Pq.a (t) (taken from experiment).

Author Biography

Gunel Alizada

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan




How to Cite

Alizada, G. (2023). Gas-hydrodynamics of gas-liquid flow in the reservoir-well system. All Sciences Abstracts, 1(2), 13–15.