Fully Developed Laminar Flow of Heat Transfer Non-Newtonian Flow in Ducts with Arbitrary Cross-Sectional Shape

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  • Naas Toufik Tayeb University of Djelfa
  • Chati Tounsi University of Djelfa




Non-Newtonian Fluids, Laminar Flow, The Poiseulle Number, The Nusslt Number


The pressure drop and heat transfer properties of a laminar flow with circular, square, and triangular cross sections and a constant heat flux boundary condition are given by a numerical solution. A 3D Navier-Stokes incompressible flow and energy equation serves as the foundation for the numerical model. Results are tabulated and given visually for the velocity field, Poiseuille number, and Nusselt number product for various power-law indices (0.5 n 1.0). One of the analyzed ducts causes a greater heat transfer intensification along with a significant pressure loss. A different type of duct allows for a better balance between pressure loss and heat transfer. In order to verify the accuracy of the numerical codes created in the current study, critical comparisons with earlier findings in the literature are also carried out.

Author Biographies

Naas Toufik Tayeb, University of Djelfa

Gas Turbine Joint Research Team, 17000, Algeria

Chati Tounsi, University of Djelfa

Departement of mechanical engineering,  17000, Algeria




How to Cite

Tayeb, N. T., & Tounsi, C. (2023). Fully Developed Laminar Flow of Heat Transfer Non-Newtonian Flow in Ducts with Arbitrary Cross-Sectional Shape. All Sciences Abstracts, 1(2), 24. https://doi.org/10.59287/as-abstracts.1214