Use Of Tannin Mimosa Based Natural Coagulants For Wastewater Treatment: Optimization and modeling using RSM Methodology

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  • Abderrezzaq Benalia Higher Normal School of Constantine
  • Hend Hamdane Higher Normal School of Constantine
  • Asmaa Tabchich Higher Normal School of Constantine
  • Siham Amirou University of Lorraine
  • Antonio Pizzi University of Lorraine
  • Kerroum Derbal National Polytechnic School of Constantine Department of process.
  • Amel Khalfaoui University of Constantine 3



Tannin Mimosa, Coagulant, Wastewater Waters, Turbidity, Experimental Design


Industrial waters are discharges classified as hazardous because of their quantity, concentration or the physical and chemical properties of their constituents (turbidity, heavy metals, organic or phosphorus compounds) that threaten human health and the environment. Among the hazardous industrial waters, we distinguish industrial wastewater. These industrial discharges contain various products in insoluble or soluble form of mineral and/or organic origin, more or less biodegradable and sometimes toxic even in very low concentrations.

In this work, the coagulation-flocculation process was used as a new technology approach for the treatment of this type of rejection. In this study, the jar test was used to determine the optimal conditions of the coagulation-flocculation process using mimosa tannins as natural coagulant by applying a response surface methodology (RSM) based on the bencken box design (BBD) of three levels with three factors (PH, coagulant dosage and setting time) . The BBD is successfully demonstrated to effectively determine the optimized parameters, where 97% of the water turbidity was removed with an initial value of 201 NTU for the optimal conditions of pH (5), coagulant dosage (10 mL/L), settling time (60 min). To evaluate the performance of optimization and modeling of coagulation flocculation process, the coefficients of determinations R2 and R2 adjusted were used, the results obtained clearly show that the R2 (97.20%) and R2 adjusted (92.16%) obtained confirm the validity of this mathematical model.

Author Biographies

Abderrezzaq Benalia , Higher Normal School of Constantine

Constantine, 25000, Algeria;

Hend Hamdane, Higher Normal School of Constantine

 Constantine, 25000, Algeria

Asmaa Tabchich, Higher Normal School of Constantine

 Constantine, 25000, Algeria

Siham Amirou, University of Lorraine

LERMAB-ENSTIB,  27 rue Philippe Seguin, 88000 Epinal, France

Antonio Pizzi, University of Lorraine

LERMAB-ENSTIB, 27 rue Philippe Seguin, 88000 Epinal, France

Kerroum Derbal , National Polytechnic School of Constantine Department of process.

Laboratory of Process engineering for sustainable development and health products (GPDDPS).  Engineering. Constantine Algeria

Amel Khalfaoui , University of Constantine 3

Laboratory LIPE, Faculty Process Engineering, Ali Mendjeli Nouvelle Ville,25000, Constantine ,Algeria.




How to Cite

Benalia , A., Hamdane, H., Tabchich, A., Amirou, S., Pizzi, A., Derbal , K., & Khalfaoui , A. (2023). Use Of Tannin Mimosa Based Natural Coagulants For Wastewater Treatment: Optimization and modeling using RSM Methodology . All Sciences Abstracts, 1(1), 17.