Study the behavior of nanocomposite beams under bending load

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  • Samira Hassiba TAGRARA School National Polytechnic of Oran
  • Khadidja AISSANI University Djilali LIABES of SIDI BEL ABBES
  • Abdelouahed TOUNSI University Djilali LIABES of SIDI BEL ABBES,
  • Fouad BOURADA University of TISSEMSILT
  • Mohamed BOURADA University Djilali LIABES of SIDI BEL ABBES,



CNTRC Beams, Bending, Elastic Foundation, Ship Solution


In this work, a trigonometric refined beam theory for the bending analysis of carbon nanotubereinforced composite (CNTRC) beams resting on elastic foundation is developed. The significant feature of this model is that, in aaddition to including the shear deformation effect, it deals with only 3 unknowns as the Timoshenko beam (TBM) without including a shear correction factor. The single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are aligned and distributed in polymeric matrix with different patterns of reinforcement. The material properties of the CNTRC beams are assessed by employing the rule of mixture. To examine accuracy of the present theory, several comparison studies are investigated. Furthermore, the effects of different parameters of the beam on the bending, buckling responses of CNTRC beam are discussed.


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How to Cite

TAGRARA , S. H., AISSANI , K., TOUNSI , A., BOURADA , F., & BOURADA , M. (2023). Study the behavior of nanocomposite beams under bending load. International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies, 3(1), 54–60.