Materials Innovations for Next-Generation Photovoltaic Manufacturing

Next-Gen PV, Sputtering Process, Thin Films, CIGS, CZTSAbstract
The next generation of photovoltaic cells holds great promise to revolutionize the solar energy landscape. Advanced materials have shown exceptional efficiency and potential for scalability. By incorporating these next-gen photovoltaic cells, we can further enhance the efficiency and performance of solar energy conversion. Therefore, research endeavors exploring the synthesis and deposition of these cutting-edge photovoltaic materials through processes like DC sputtering are of utmost importance for the future of sustainable energy. Our study proposes an advanced simulation to investigate the thin film formation of Cu2ZnSnS4, Si, and CuInxGa(1−x)Se2 semiconductor materials used in today's PV cells based on the Monte-Carlo method, where Argon is utilized as the bombardment gas in the vacuum chamber during this simulation. We aim to identify the most efficient sputtering yield by systematically varying the bombardment energies and incidence angles. Our findings reveal that an incident angle of 85° gives the optimal sputtering yield, with CZTS exhibiting superior performance compared to Si. Building upon these results, we proceed to apply this specific angle (85°) during the sputtering process for Cu2ZnSnS4 and CuInxGa(1−x)Se2. By meticulously varying the bombardment energy, we examine the total ejected atoms from the constituent elements of these materials. As a result, we deduce that the sulfide (S4) and selenide (Se2) elements significantly contribute to the overall sputtering yield obtained from these materials. The insights gained from this research can potentially pave the way for optimizing the deposition of nextgeneration photovoltaic materials, thereby propelling the solar energy industry towards unprecedented levels of efficiency and sustainability.
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