Comparison of Wireless Ad Hoc Routing Protocols

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  • Ahmet Zengin Sakarya University
  • İdris Cesur Sakarya Applied Science University
  • Beytullah Eren Sakarya University



Ad Hoc, Routing, AODV, DSDV, Ns-2


Routing protocols are crucial for efficient data transmission in computer networks, determining the best paths for data to traverse between devices. Their significance lies in ensuring reliable and scalable communication within and across networks, enhancing their functionality and interconnectedness. Network simulators, like NS-2 (Network Simulator 2), play a vital role in network engineering, research, and education due to their powerful features, open-source nature, and flexibility. This paper compares DSDV and AODV protocols, analyzing performance, energy consumption, packet loss, throughput, and End-toEnd Delay. Results demonstrate that both protocols can be effectively used in diverse applications based on the evaluated parameters. Understanding the differences between these routing protocols empowers network designers and researchers to make informed choices, optimizing network performance and reliability for specific scenarios.

Author Biographies

Ahmet Zengin, Sakarya University

Computer Engineering/Türkiye

İdris Cesur, Sakarya Applied Science University

Mechanical Engineering/ Türkiye

Beytullah Eren, Sakarya University

Environmental Engineering/ Türkiye




How to Cite

Zengin, A., Cesur, İdris, & Eren, B. (2023). Comparison of Wireless Ad Hoc Routing Protocols. International Conference on Modern and Advanced Research, 247–251.