Enhancing Person Identification with Score Fusion of Biometric Modalities

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  • Kenza Chenni Department of electronics/LIS Laboratory, University of Ferhat Abbes Setif1, Algeria
  • Naceur-Eddine Boukezzoula Department of electronics/LIS Laboratory, University of Ferhat Abbes Setif1, Algeria




Biometrics, Multimodal Biometric Systems, Score-Level Fusion, ORL Face, IITD Iris


Biometric systems play a vital role in identifying individuals by capitalizing on their distinctive physical or behavioral traits. However, individual biometric techniques have limitations that can impact the accuracy and reliability of identification. Multimodal biometric systems, which incorporate data from several modalities, have evolved as a solution to these problems. There are four levels of integration into multimodal biometric systems, but score-level fusion is seen as the most efficient. The fusion level used in this paper was the score level. The fusion proposal was assessed using the ORL Face and IITD Iris datasets. The suggested technique can enhance the ability to identify people in various areas.




How to Cite

Chenni , K., & Boukezzoula, N.-E. (2023). Enhancing Person Identification with Score Fusion of Biometric Modalities. International Conference on Pioneer and Innovative Studies, 1, 28–33. https://doi.org/10.59287/icpis.801