Effect Of Radius On Deep Drawing Stress Analysis

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  • Recep Özbek Mechanical Engineering Department, Kocaeli University, Türkiye
  • Okan Gül Mechanical Engineering Department, Kocaeli University, Türkiye




Deep Drawing, Radius, Punch, Sheet, Ansys Analysis


In this study, die, punch and sheet metal are designed in Solidworks package program, and then radius are given to die and punch, and stress analyzes are examined in Ansys package program. The results of the analysis resulted as we expected, and as the amount of radius we gave increased, the stresses decreased. The aim of this study is to show the effect of radius in the deep drawing process and to show that both time saving and economy can be achieved thanks to analysis programs such as Ansys package program.




How to Cite

Özbek, R., & Gül, O. (2023). Effect Of Radius On Deep Drawing Stress Analysis. International Conference on Pioneer and Innovative Studies, 1, 374–378. https://doi.org/10.59287/icpis.859