A Study on the Design of a Braille Printer Working on a Microcomputer

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  • Bilal Gürevin Sakarya University of Applied Sciences
  • Emin Güney Sakarya University of Applied Sciences




Braille, Braille Printer, Braille Translator, Arduino Mega, Visually Impaired People


In this paper, a two-dimensional printer mechanism for a Braille printer is designed and implemented at a low cost on an embedded computer. This mechanism was programmed with the help of Arduino Mega and enabled the conversion of texts in electronic media into Braille texts. Various materials such as Arduino Mega, Servo motor, Stepper motor, GT2 pulley, GT2 belt, chrome-plated shaft, 3D printer outputs, and linear bearing were used. In addition, many techniques, such as Solid CAD design programs and C-based programming, were also used. In the realized study, it was recognized that the networks could reach the texts in the electronic environment. For this, a mechanism that moves in the X and Y axes and also makes punctuation in the Z axis has been created. The movement in the X and Y axes is transferred from the stepper motors to the car moving in the X and Y axes with the help of belts and pulleys. Data from Arduino Mega drive this car. There is an apparatus on the vehicle that is used to mark the point on the Z-axis. With this apparatus, a point is placed at each location. In addition, this apparatus is moved by servo. Paper aluminum and a soft floor were placed under the mechanism at the end of this design. The accuracy of the letters was checked by operating the mechanism.

Author Biographies

Bilal Gürevin, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Graduate Education Institute, Sakarya, Turkey

Emin Güney, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Sakarya, Turkey




How to Cite

Gürevin, B., & Güney, E. (2023). A Study on the Design of a Braille Printer Working on a Microcomputer. International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology, 17–21. https://doi.org/10.59287/icriret.1364