Specificities of technology-enhanced learning in technology and entrepreneurship

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  • Lyubima Zoneva South-West University "Neofit Rilski"




Technological Training, Technologically Enhanced Training, ICT, Computer-Mediated Training


One of the guidelines for the development of modern education is to improve the quality of the educational process through modernization and digital transformation. The integration of digital information and communication technologies in the practice of education in the subject "technology and entrepreneurship" is the main means of its updating and optimization. Modernization is sought in the rational synthesis of classical and computer-based pedagogical technologies, application of new methods and forms of learning, new approaches to learning and teaching. Network connectivity and computermediated communications are changing the model of secondary level technology education. The peculiarities of the technology and entrepreneurship curriculum and the practical-applied nature of the learning process determine specific requirements when designing variants of pedagogical design, organization of the learning environment and applied management interactions. Computer-assisted learning is identified with a new integrative communicative learning system. The article presents a structural schematic model of the learning process in technology and entrepreneurship with information and communication technologies integrated to varying degrees. Based on the classic information management models, the proposed version recreates the complex multidirectional interactions between participants in the learning process, having disparate digital tools and Internet services. The model reflects variations of different forms of e-learning and hybrid learning, providing personalized and constructivist learning in technology-enabled, augmented or ubiquitous learning environments. Technologically enhanced education in technology and entrepreneurship has a complex nature and requires coordination of methodical, didactic and technical means and resources aimed at stimulating greater independent cognitive activity of learners. The use of ICT changes the functions performed by the teachers and places high demands on their digital pedagogical competences.

Author Biography

Lyubima Zoneva, South-West University "Neofit Rilski"

Department of Technology Training and Professional Education, Faculty of Engineering, , Bulgaria




How to Cite

Zoneva, L. (2023). Specificities of technology-enhanced learning in technology and entrepreneurship. International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology, 221–226. https://doi.org/10.59287/icriret.1403