Mechanical behavior analysis of corroded pipelines used to transport hydrogen

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  • Abdelhakim Maizia Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef
  • Ghania Habbar Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef
  • Mohammed Bettayeb University 8 May 1945
  • Abdelkader Hocine Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef
  • Abderrezak Bezazi University 8 May 1945
  • Omar Bouledroua SONATRACH



Hydrocarbons, Pipes, API 5L Steels, Corrosion, Defects, Finite Elements


This paper is dedicated to the implementation of a numerical model of corroded pipelines using the finite element method. This last model was carried out on the commercial software ANSYS Apdl. A numerical model of a pipeline with one defect was made to validate the results of the bursting stress. This results have been compared with data and results from experimental and analytical large-scale pipeline tests. Then, four numerical models were implemented with different types of external defects. Thanks to these models, we carried out a series of numerical tests for the four cases, and from the results obtained, we found that the depth of the defect affects the stress more than the circumferential Sc and longitudinal Sl spacing between the defects. On the other hand, the interaction between the defects clearly manifests when these spacings take small values. In addition, for larger spacings, we noticed the absence of interactions between the defects, and each defect alone affects the equivalent Von Mises stress.

Author Biographies

Abdelhakim Maizia, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef

 Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CLTMSM
Laboratory, PO. Box 151, Hay Salem, Chlef, Algeria.

Ghania Habbar, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef

 Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CLTMSM
Laboratory, PO. Box 151, Hay Salem, Chlef, Algeria

Mohammed Bettayeb, University 8 May 1945

 Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of applied mechanics
of new materials (LMANM), BP 401 Guelma 24000, Algeria

Abdelkader Hocine, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef

 Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CLTMSM
Laboratory, PO. Box 151, Hay Salem, Chlef, Algeria.

Abderrezak Bezazi, University 8 May 1945

 Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of applied mechanics
of new materials (LMANM), BP 401 Guelma 24000, Algeria.

Omar Bouledroua, SONATRACH

Central Direction of Research & Development, Avenue November1st, 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria




How to Cite

Maizia, A., Habbar, G., Bettayeb, M., Hocine, A., Bezazi, A., & Bouledroua, O. (2023). Mechanical behavior analysis of corroded pipelines used to transport hydrogen. International Conference on Modern and Advanced Research, 395–399.