Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Ethical Responsibilities and Duties of The Authors, Editors and Reviewers
Publication Ethics
Users of All Sciences Proceedings (editors, authors, reviewers, department editors, readers) must obey to the ethical rules and responsibilities specified by Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) that we have shared on our Open Journal Systems (OJS) page. These ethical rules and responsibilities are summarized below.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
- Authors prepare and send their manuscripts in original form.
- The authors ensure that their citations and quotations in their manuscripts are accurate and complete.
- Authors should indicate and explain situations in which they may be involved in conflicts of interest.
- The editors, department editors or the reviewers can request raw data from the author of the manuscripts. Therefore, the author must keep the raw data of the conference paper ready for submission.
- Ethical reports must be submitted by the author together with the conference paper, when necessary.
- Authors are obliged to inform the journal authorities in case of any errors and inaccuracies about the conference paper during any of the pre-control, evaluation, proofreading and publishing stages.
- One conference papercannot be processed in two different journals at the same time. Even if the overall process is completed in a journal and the conference paper is rejected. In other words, a conference paper published in another journal cannot be sent to All Sciences Proceedings.
- In order to add an author, change the order of the authors or omit an author for a conference paper on process for publishing on All Sciences Proceedings, an application with the approval of all contributing authors is required. Journal management reviews the application and notifies the corresponding author about the decision.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
The editors of All Sciences Proceedings should be obeyed to the ethical roles and responsibilities of “Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)” announced and provided on our OJS web page. These duties and responsibilities are summarized below.
Editors’ Relationships with Readers
The editors are responsible for taking into account the feedback from the readers, researchers and practitioners about the published works and to provide the necessary responses and take necessary actions.
Editors’ Relations with the Authors
- Editors make decisions about the conference papers based on the original value of the conference paper, the aims of the journal and the ethical rules.
- Editors should accept papers with high original value, based on journal objectives and ethical rules for the evaluation process.
- The editors should take into account positive opinions of the reviewers unless there is an important reason.
- Requests and feedback from the authors should be returned with feedback.
Editors’ Relations with the Reviewers
- The reviewers to be appointed must be selected from related area of the manuscript.
- The editor should make sure that there is no conflict of interest between the reviewers and the authors.
- The editor is responsible for guiding the reviewers during the conference paper evaluation process and for providing the requested information.
- The editor is obliged to hide the credentials of the author and the reviewers by means of blind reviewing.
- The editor must make the necessary warnings to the reviewers about evaluating the conference paper in a timely, impartial and scientific manner.
- The editor must make an effort to increase the number of reviewers.
Editors’ Relations with Advisory Board
Editors should consider the opinions and recommendations of the advisory board about the conference papers.
Editors’ Relations with the Journal Owner and the Publisher
Editorial decisions should be independent of the publisher.
Publication of the Conference Paper
Editors are responsible for considering publishing principles, journal objectives and international standards in the conference papers to be published in the journal.
Retention of Personal Data
Editors are responsible for not transferring the personal information to third parties except for the consent of the authors.
Ethics committee, Human and Animal Rights
The editors are responsible for protecting the human and animal rights at about manuscript in the studies conducted on humans and animals. The editor is responsible for rejecting the conference paper if ethics committee approval is not sent in the works that must provide ethics committee report.
Protection of intellectual property rights
Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all conference papers submitted and published in the journal.
Complaints to Editors
Editors are responsible for providing an open and enlightening answer to complaints from the reviewers, authors and readers.
Conflicts of interest and relations
Editors are responsible for taking action against conflicts of interest between authors, reviewers and third parties in order to complete the impartial and independent evaluation processes of the conference papers.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
- The reviewers are responsible for not evaluating the conference paper if there is a conflict and relationship of interest.
- The reviewers are responsible for evaluating the conference paper with due regard to the principles of confidentiality and impartiality.
- The reviewers cannot use the work sent to them for any purpose until the evaluation process is completed and issued.
- When evaluating the manuscripts, the reviewers are responsible for not allowing the gender, nationality, religious beliefs, or political views of the authors to have an influence on the evaluation.
- The reviewers should use a gentle and constructive language when evaluating the conference paper and should avoid insulting, defaming and hostile comments and statements.
- The reviewers are responsible for evaluating the conference paper in a timely and ethical manner.