A Survey on the Production Potential of Bread Wheat in Public Agricultural Establishments in the Province of Setif-Algeria

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  • Mohamed Ridha Aissaoui Ferhat ABBAS University
  • Ameur Boulaoudja Ferhat ABBAS University




Triticum Aestivum L., Cultivated Area, Yield Production, Public Agricultural Establishments, Setif Province


The present survey was carried out at seven public agricultural establishments spread over the territory of Setif province. This investigation has brought out a more detailed diagnosis of the unsatisfactory reality of bread wheat production in relation to the natural, human and financial available capabilities. Results revealed that PCA analysis explained 64% of total variance including for 37% of the variation explaining variables related to agricultural land occupation namely SHD1220 and SBT being the major factors, the hierarchical ascendant classification allows to subdivide the public agricultural establishments into two distinct groups, dominated by the largest agricultural establishment Makhloufi Aissa characterized by a large sown area averaging 777.6 ha/growing season and a modest average yield of about 11.6 q over the five growing seasons, while the rest of establishments were characterized by a small sown area as well as a much lower yield.


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Author Biographies

Mohamed Ridha Aissaoui, Ferhat ABBAS University

Department of Biology and Plants Ecology, Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences, Sétif-1, Setif, 19000, Algeria.

Ameur Boulaoudja, Ferhat ABBAS University

Natural Biological Resources Valorization Laboratory, Setif-1, Setif, 19000, Algeria


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M. R. Aissaoui, and M. Fenni, “Effect of supplemental irrigation on bread wheat genotypes yield under Mediterranean semi-arid conditions of north-eastern Algeria”, Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron. Medellín, vol. 74, pp. 9431-9440, Jan. 2021.


MADR.2019. La Production agricole campagnes 2016/2017 et 2017/2018. Rapport 881. Available:





How to Cite

Aissaoui, M. R., & Boulaoudja, A. (2023). A Survey on the Production Potential of Bread Wheat in Public Agricultural Establishments in the Province of Setif-Algeria. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(1), 25–28. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.112


