Dynamic and Static Analysis of Deep Excavation of Poligon Station in İzmir Metro Line

Deep Excavation, Top-Down Construction, Soil Deformation, Numerical ModelingAbstract
In this paper, the deep excavation stages of Poligon Station which is the located along the Üçyol–Fahrettin Altay subway line was modeled numerically. Although some parts of the metro line were constructed, some parts of metro line are currently under construction in İzmir. The Poligon Station is carried out with a surrounding diaphragm wall and top-down construction method. The foundation mat and four slabs of the station building are used as support elements. The excavation depth of the station is 18 meters. The soil properties of the numerical model were obtained engineering boreholes and laboratory tests. Lateral soil displacements were measured with inclinometers installed in the nearby soil layers. Displacements which were measured from inclinometers and obtained from numerical modeling were compared. Beside the static analysis, the Poligon station of the metro line was analyzed with a model earthquake. 16.12.1977 İzmir Earthquake (Ms=5.5, amax=0.21g) was used as a model earthquake for dynamic analyses. In addition, effects of changing the properties of the soil on computed results were numerically investigated using the software Plaxis.