Inevitable ageing of translations: Challenges of retranslation of literary works in Albania

Re-Translation, Challenges, Albania, Literature, Language, ChangeAbstract
Retranslation is not a new phenomenon, but rather widespread in various translation traditions. As languages evolve, translations become dated, which explains why literary masterpieces are «retranslated». Translations need to be contemporaneous in order to keep pace with the language level of the recipients of any generation. Albanian language has changed. It has become more open to words describing new phenomena that were missing while trying to transmit feelings, situations or events coming across in the works of greatest authors. But, should we translate the translated? This is the question. There are many pros and cons to retranslation. Great classical writers or poets, even though translated into Albanian do not have the spirit and expressions of nowadays level of Albanian literature language, because the translation product is certainly affected by the language development of the respective translation period. Works of Shakespeare, Poe, Cervantes, Dreiser and Markez have been translated with the potential linguistic tools of Albanian language of ’20 – ’30- ies in the XX-th century. This work is an effort to provide another opinion in this respect. The analysis is focused on the ageing of previously translated texts, ideological considerations in connection with changing cultural norms and never ending search for the perfect translation. It will also list the reasons why retranslation is a necessary process.