Steady state Contingency Analysis of IEEE-39 Bus system Using PSS/E

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  • Atta Ur Rehman Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Mardan 23200, Pakistan
  • Ajmal Farooq Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Mardan 23200, Pakistan
  • Imtiaz Ahmad Department of Electronics, Islamia College University Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
  • Shafiullah Khan Department of Electronics, Islamia College University Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
  • Ihteshamul Haq
  • Amir Ayaz
  • Muhammad Saad



Contingency Ranking, Contingency Screening, Steady State, PSS/E, Newton-Raphson, (N-1) Contingency, Voltage Stability And Power Flow


Nowadays the stable, secure and reliable power system operation is the main objective of any electric power utility. The Power system is vulnerable to any contingency i.e. loss of Transmission line, Transformer, Generating unit etc. The power system control engineer should have detail analysis of at least the most probable and sever contingencies of the system and accordingly devise the remedial action plan. Thus, Power system contingency analysis and evaluation play vital role in ensuring power system stability and reliability. Keeping in view the importance of contingency analysis in power system operation and control, this research focuses on steady state Contingency analysis of IEEE-39 bus system using newton Raphson method. PSS/E is used for the analysis, different contingencies are evaluated and ranked based upon the Power flow (Overloading), Voltage and phase angle deviation. Once the ranking is performed, the PV and QV analysis is performed for most severe contingencies. Remedial Actions is proposed for the most severe contingencies and this research could be applied to any real time network.


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How to Cite

Rehman, A. U., Farooq, A., Ahmad, I., Khan, S., Haq, I., Ayaz, A., & Saad, M. (2023). Steady state Contingency Analysis of IEEE-39 Bus system Using PSS/E. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(7), 78–85.


