Assessment of Adhesion and Moisture Susceptibility of Wood Ashes modified Asphalt

Asphalt, Wood ash, Bitumen Bond Strength, Rolling Bottle Test, Chip Board AshAbstract
Large quantities of wood ash are produced across the world and are often disposed of in landfills or open dumps, leading to land constraint and environmental problems. Although introducing wood by-products into asphalt helps enhance performance and reduce the aforementioned issues, research has been done to investigate the feasibility of using wood ashes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the use of wood ashes affects the performance of asphalt binder and mixes. Asphalt binder and mixes containing 1, 3, and 5 percent by content of mechanically treated wood ashes were prepared. Tests, such as the bitumen bond strength (BBS) and rolling bottle test (RBT), were used to evaluate the rheological and mechanical characteristics of the modified binders and mixes. The findings revealed that a higher concentration wood ashes significantly improved the modified materials adhesion and moisture resistance.
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