Enhancing Stability and Reliability: Robust Control Strategies for Interleaved Buck Converters

Integral Sliding Mode Control, Interleaved Buck Converter, Power Electronics, Robust Control, Disturbance Rejection, Nonlinear Control, Stability AnalysisAbstract
This paper presents an innovative approach to the design and implementation of integral sliding mode control for an interleaved buck (Buk) converter. The interleaved buck converter is a popular topology used in power electronic applications for its efficiency and improved current handling capabilities. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the integral sliding mode control approach in regulating the output voltage of the interleaved buck converter. The controller demonstrates superior performance compared to PI control techniques, showcasing improved transient response, disturbance rejection, and tracking accuracy. The proposed control strategy contributes to enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of the interleaved buck converter, making it suitable for a wide range of power electronic applications.
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