Proposal for the possibility of promoting cross-curricular relationships of vocational subjects in the field of agriculture in relation to the subject of computer science

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  • Ondrej Takáč J. Selye University
  • Ladislav Végh J. Selye University



Education, Logic Circuits, Arduino, Tinkecad, Electronics, Vocational Subjects


Today we are witnessing a great boom in computer science. We rely on our smart devices and the apps we have installed on our mobile phones. However, we must not forget the hardware side, which is taking a back seat, forming the basis of all the software we use. We are thinking of Boolean algebra and logic circuits. They find their use not only in computer science, but also in automation, control or regulation. In our paper we will describe one possible application not directly from the world of computer science but from agriculture, on the example of which we will try to teach in a form acceptable to students the procedures and reasons for minimizing logic functions and we will point out their importance in practical implementation. Our paper may find its application not only in computer science classes, but also in automation and related courses as an example of solving a real problem for students. Our aim is also to support cross-curricular relationships of professional subjects, in particular computer science - programming, automation - signaling, electronics - electrical circuit design or even sensing of electrical quantities.


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Author Biographies

Ondrej Takáč, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia

Ladislav Végh, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Takáč, O., & Végh, L. (2023). Proposal for the possibility of promoting cross-curricular relationships of vocational subjects in the field of agriculture in relation to the subject of computer science. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(7), 226–231.


