Impact of Aggregate Properties on the Microstructural Performance of Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures: An Analytical Review

Types of Aggregates, High Temperature, Compressive Strength, ReviewAbstract
Exposure of concrete to high temperatures affects its mechanical properties by reducing the compressive strength, bending… etc. Factors reducing these properties have been focused on by several studies over the years, producing conflicting results. This article interested an important factor, that is the type of aggregates. For this, an experimental study on the behavior of concrete based on different types of aggregates: calcareous, siliceous and silico-calcareous subjected to high temperatures. In addition, the particle size distribution of the aggregates was chosen to be almost identical so that the latter does not affect the behavior of the concrete. Aggregates and concrete samples were subjected to a heating/cooling cycle of 300, 600 and 800 C at a speed of 1 C/ min. The mechanical and physical properties of concrete before and after exposure to high temperatures were studied. Thus, a comparative study between various researches on the mechanical properties of concrete exposed to high temperatures containing different types of aggregates was carried out. The compressive strength test results showed that the concrete based on siliceous aggregates (C-S) has better mechanical performance up to 300 C. However, above 300C, the compressive strength decreases faster compared to calcareous-based concrete (C-C). This study reinforces the importance of standardizing test procedures related to the properties of concrete in a fire situation so that all the results obtained are reproducible and applicable in other research.
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