Etude comparative between twosliding mode controllerstructure of five phase permanent magnet synchronous motor

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  • Haithem Boughezala Hamad Djelfa University
  • Kouider Laroussi Djelfa University
  • Kouzou Abdellah Djelfa University



Five Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, Sliding Mode Controller, Sliding Surface S(X)


Five phase permanent magnet synchronous machines' sliding mode controller is presented in this paper. This control is a nonlinear control technique that modifies a nonlinear system's dynamics by delivering a discontinuous control signal that compels the system to "slide" through a cross-section of the system's typical behavior along the surface S(x). Sliding mode controller (SMC) stability employing Lyapunov stability criteria and the selection of sliding surface S (x). Using (SMC) for simple surface S(x) and surface contain integral error, that is the paper's major goal. The simulation findings show that the sliding mode controller of five PMSMs works best for surfaces that contain integrals because they have a faster dynamic response and better perturbation rejection than surfaces without integrals.


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Author Biographies

Haithem Boughezala Hamad, Djelfa University

Faculty of Science and Technology,  Algeria

Kouider Laroussi, Djelfa University

Faculty of Science and Technology, Algeria

Kouzou Abdellah, Djelfa University

Faculty of Science and Technology,  Algeria


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How to Cite

Hamad, H. B., Laroussi, K., & Abdellah, K. (2023). Etude comparative between twosliding mode controllerstructure of five phase permanent magnet synchronous motor. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(9), 1–6.


