Implementation of Load Frequency Control Using Fuzzy Logic Controller in an Interconnected Power System

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  • S. Vinoth Kumar University College of Engineering Panruti
  • P. Thamizhazhagan University College of Engineering Tindivanam
  • M. Suman Mahabarathi Engineering college
  • D. Periyazhagar Krishnasawmy College of Engineering and Technology



Fuzzy logic Controller, Load Frequency Controller, Matlab, Sugeno type fuzzy and PID Controller


Due to increased electrical system interconnection, load and power flow through tie-lines are dynamically changing. Thus, system frequency and tie-line power flows must be controlled reliably. Fuzzy logic controllers can provide resilient control instead of proportional, integral, and integral derivative controllers. Because conventional controllers have fixed gain levels, load changes do not effect performance. Load changes with time, while typical controller gain settings remain constant. Several more ways have been proposed in our effort to address typical controller weaknesses. Fuzzy logic basis controllers are being tested for load frequency control. The appropriate rules are implemented differently based on load variation to reduce errors. The error fluctuation is kept below the specified amount. The Sugeno type fuzzy inference system is ideal for seamlessly interpolating linear gains throughout the input space as a non-linear system moves around its operational region. Fuzzy logic controllers use triangular membership to create rule bases. This is because the triangle membership function makes rule bases easier than other membership functions. The results of comparing controller performance for different inputs for the identical two-area power system are below. Based on the data, the proposed fuzzy logic controller performs better.The proposed controller requires fewer training patterns than a neural networkbased adaptive method, saving training time. This study investigates load frequency control's dynamic response using MATLAB Simulink.


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Author Biographies

S. Vinoth Kumar, University College of Engineering Panruti

Department of EEE,  Tamil Nadu, India

P. Thamizhazhagan, University College of Engineering Tindivanam

Department of EEE,  Tamil Nadu, India

M. Suman, Mahabarathi Engineering college

Department of EEE, Tamil Nadu, India.

D. Periyazhagar, Krishnasawmy College of Engineering and Technology

Department of EEE,  Tamil Nadu, India.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S. V., Thamizhazhagan, P., Suman, M., & Periyazhagar, D. (2023). Implementation of Load Frequency Control Using Fuzzy Logic Controller in an Interconnected Power System. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(9), 40–46.


