Power World Simulator, IEEE 30 Bus System, SVC And Line Sensitivity FactorAbstract
Competition in the power market, as well as production and consumption, will all expand as a result of privatization and deregulatory efforts. The problem of managing congestion is one of the most essential aspects of gearbox management. In order to calculate power flow, the utility company makes use of a sophisticated programmer called Power World Simulator. In order to simulate the power market and verify the strategy, the tool performs an analysis on the power flow data and analyses large case studies in batches using the IEEE 30-bus system. According to the findings, the addition of a Static Var Compensator results in a significantly lower amount of re-dispatched power, which ultimately leads to an ideal operating point that is closer to the market settlement. It has also been determined that the Static Var Compensator is technically feasible and cost-effective as a method of congestion reduction.
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