A Transparent and Immutable Voting System Utilizing Blockchain
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Blockchain, Anonymity, Voting, Verification, 3-tier Architecture, GanacheAbstract
Democracy has been a major part of many of the current nation’s political landscape for many years, it is a form of government and authority selection where power is held by the people of the nation as they would be able to participate in the decision-making process and have a say in the policies and laws that may affect them in terms of the nation’s growth and development. However, many countries in the world are still using traditional voting method which is inefficient and inconsistent as there had been major controversies surrounding the usage of the system that it may introduce various exploitation from political parties to increase their chances of winning the election, which would lower the confidence of voters considerably as they may think that their vote is insignificant and would not bring any changes to the overall results. Thus, this paper would like to develop a 3-tier architecture blockchain based electoral system under the local blockchain of Ganache, integrated with front-end interfaces which allows the voters to vote while ensuring their anonymity in the process. The system would introduce verification feature whereby voters could verify their own selection of candidate to ensure scrutiny of the system, without worrying that their selection of votes would be traced back to them.
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