A Novel Safety Sensor Design for Elevator Leveling and Early Door Opening Applications Considering Signal Integrity

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  • Bilgehan Bozkurt Selcuk University
  • Dağhan Atakay Pamukkale University
  • Berna Koca KTO Karatay University
  • İlhan Altan Karabuk University




Elevator, , Early Door Opening, Infrared Light Transmitter, Levelling, Sensor, Signal Integrity Level


The elevators are a common part of our life and day by day being increased the elevator abilities to rich the fast of day. High level passenger elevators have special traffic control strategies such as high speed, low noise and more to save time and energy. New elevators need high performance level sensors to move in safe and obtain high reliability in case of early door opening and leveling procedure. On the contrary, many elevators model uses reed relay based magnetic sensor to run. Moreover, magnetic sensing sensor has only two contacts and not electronically device inside it to obtain safe. Aim of this study is to reduce elevator accident related to sensor based. Unreliable and ordinary sensors could lead accident because of sensor behavior. In this study, a new generation infrared radiation sensor was designed and implemented for real applications by performing a risk analysis, considering the elevator electrical connection diagram. In this study, designed novel sensor has two sensing section to decide the right signal evaluation. Designed sensor has two channel outputs for the control boards and control boards evaluate the elevator situations in safe. 


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Author Biographies

Bilgehan Bozkurt, Selcuk University

Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Turkey

Dağhan Atakay , Pamukkale University

Mechanical Engineering, Turkey

Berna Koca, KTO Karatay University

Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Turkey

İlhan Altan , Karabuk University

Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Turkey


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How to Cite

Bozkurt, B., Atakay , D., Koca, B., & Altan , İlhan. (2023). A Novel Safety Sensor Design for Elevator Leveling and Early Door Opening Applications Considering Signal Integrity. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(9), 273–281. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.1646


