Carrying capacity studies for a nature-based tourism destination in the Indian Sundarbans

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  • Suchandra Bardhan Jadavpur University
  • Soumik Sarkar Jadavpur University


Natural Areas, Physical Carrying Capacity, Sustainability, Tourist Density, Tourist Traffic Flow


Tourism, as an anthropogenic and anthropocentric activity, has high impact on all dimensions of sustainable development particularly in nature-based destinations with low population density. The concept of carrying capacity applies most appropriately in this context of sensitive zones. Carrying capacity has multiple facets–physical, ecological, social, and economic, among others. Assessment of tourism carrying capacity helps to regulate tourist traffic flow and adopt management practices specific to a certain location in the interest of sustainability. This paper attempts to assess the physical carrying capacity of a nature-based tourism destination in the Jharkhali Island of the Indian Sundarbans, a world heritage site of natural category. Tourism in Jharkhali is still in the growing phase and is being promoted by local authorities with robust infrastructure and investments. Jharkhali not only has its own attraction in the form of a wildlife park but also acts as a gateway to the nearby mangrove forests, boat rides in the river, and other spots of scenic interest. This paper attempts to compute the real carrying capacity of the tourist area located in this island by following the widely applied methodological framework of carrying capacity assessment. It was found that the tourist area may be able to handle about 1080 tourists per day within the limits of the current amenities and management practices. Regulating the tourist traffic flow accordingly will ensure sustainable resource allocation and favourable visitor experience-cum-satisfaction, without depleting the picturesque qualities of the land, creeks, and the adjoining river. 


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Author Biographies

Suchandra Bardhan, Jadavpur University

Department of Architecture, India

Soumik Sarkar, Jadavpur University

Department of Architecture, India


World Heritage Convention, UNESCO

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How to Cite

Bardhan, S., & Sarkar, S. (2024). Carrying capacity studies for a nature-based tourism destination in the Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(1), 23–27. Retrieved from


