Influence of Clay Mineralogy on the Index and Strength Properties of Soil
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California Bearing Ratio Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture, Soil Index Properties, X-Ray DiffractionAbstract
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is an important method used in civil engineering to
evaluate soil strength and bearing capacity, specifically for the design of flexible pavements. Soil strength
and stiffness are influenced by the type and amount of clay minerals present in the soil matrix, including
illite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, vermiculite, and quartz. In this study, the influence of clay mineralogy,
strength and index parameters (CBR and Atterberg Limits) was investigated through laboratory tests on
soil samples. Results showed that the amount of clay minerals present in the soil is an important factor in
determining soil strength and bearing capacity. Soils with high illite content demonstrated higher CBR
and Atterberg Limits values compared to soils with higher amounts of other minerals, which tend to have
a higher water-holding capacity and lower values, while soil having higher montmorillonite content tends
to have lower CBR and Atterberg Limits due to its swelling and expansive characteristics. Understanding
the effect of clay mineralogy on soil properties, particularly CBR and index properties is vital for
constructing safe and cost-effective roads. Further research is needed to explore the influence of different
types of clay minerals, soil strength and index properties.
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