Role of artificial intelligence in construction safety: A Comprehensive Review

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  • Kabeer Aftab University of Engineering and Technology
  • Iqbal Khan University of Engineering and Technology
  • Qasim Hassan University of Engineering and Technology


Artificial Intelligence, Construction Safety, Machine Learning, Building Safety


Ensuring the safety of buildings has emerged as a critical concern, encompassing not only the
financial stability of buildings but also the safety of individuals. Several research studies have been
carried out to investigate methods for enhancing building affordability, energy efficiency, and safety.
With the development of science, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more and more integrated into
the design and construction of buildings. Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds great promise for
revolutionizing the construction sector, particularly regarding improving safety protocols on construction
sites. Artificial intelligence (AI) can assist construction companies in detecting and anticipating potential
risks, monitoring worker behaviour and equipment use, and fostering improved coordination and
communication among workers using machine learning algorithms and real-time data analysis. This paper
aims to provide a comprehensive overview of research on artificial intelligence and building safety
conducted in the last ten years, covering the entire lifecycle of a structure from early planning to the end.
By examining its many uses, this review seeks to shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of
implementing AI in construction safety. By synthesizing the body of existing literature, it seeks to provide
insights into the evolving field of construction safety practices and the revolutionary potential of AI
driven methodologies.


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Author Biographies

Kabeer Aftab, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Civil Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan

Iqbal Khan, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Civil Engineering,  Taxila, Pakistan

Qasim Hassan, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Civil Engineering,  Taxila, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Aftab, K., Khan, I., & Hassan, Q. (2024). Role of artificial intelligence in construction safety: A Comprehensive Review . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 118–125. Retrieved from


