Factors Influencing E-commerce Adoption: Industry Sector, Age Company, and Managerial Education
The development of technology and the digital age have prompted significant societal, economic,
political, cultural, and sports-related changes. Changes have been particularly evident in the field of economy,
specifically in marketing. With the development of digital technology, the way products and services are
marketed has undergone a transformation. Digital marketing emerged after fundamental technological changes
in communication, exchange, and lifestyle. Marketing channels have dramatically changed over the past
century with technology and innovation. Advertisers increasingly seek valuable partners, especially
consumers, with more efficiency, effectiveness, significance, and persuasive power.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate how the managerial or owners education and the characteristics
of the company influence the application of digital marketing. The research was conducted through Google
Forms, sending the questionnaire to companies at their official email addresses. Managers and owners of
businesses in Tirana were the contact persons. The sample was random, and the data were distributed and
collected by the authors personally.
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