Structural and Electrical Conductivity Study of Prosopis Africana carbon Charcoal based material
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Prosopis Africana, Carbon Material, SEM, EDXAbstract
This work aims to study the structural and electrical conductivity of the Prosopis Africana carbon
material. The characterization of new material from Prosopis carbon-based was conducted in which the
following analysis was obtained. The carbon charcoal was locally milled and tested, and then the powder
of the carbon material was sieved using a 63-micron sieve and tested, finally, the material was milled into
nano size using a milling machine and the test was conducted again and compared. The Electrical
conductivity test and thermal conductivity test were carried out at different nano sizes. The electrical
conductivity test of the material was conducted in the laboratory using HACH Sension5 Equipment in
which the results show a variation of conductivity at different sizes and the result finally gives 386.5/100 =
3.8655µs/m. Also, the thermal conductivity test was conducted two times and the result obtained was
0.7508 (w/km) and 59.50 (w/km). Raman spectroscopy and TDA analysis were also conducted. However,
the Scanning Electron Microscopy test (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray test (EDX) test were all carried
out to know the elemental and structural properties of the material. The results showed that Carbon Element
C has the highest percentage of about 80.72% while the remaining elements like potassium K have 6.36%,
calcium Ca has 6.94% and Niobium Nb has 5.98% as presented in the results and discussions.
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