A review of primarily tests and algorithms: Engaging students to code for mathematics
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Prime, Primality, Algorithm, Test, AKS, Ferma- Euler, Divisor, Euclid, Sieve, EratosthenesAbstract
The concept of prime numbers has intrigued mathematicians for centuries. The attempt to
understand prime numbers dates back to ancient times, with great mathematicians like Euclid, who, among
many other topics, explored integers and prime numbers’ properties. Determining whether a number is
prime or composite lies at the heart of many mathematical problems, leading to the development of
primality tests. Since the first primality algorithm, the Sieve of Eratosthenes, the need to verify very large
prime numbers has driven the development of many efficient tests and algorithms. This article presents an
overview of some of the most important primality algorithms, as well as corresponding Python programs
developed by computer science and mathematics students. The cooperation between theoretical
mathematics and programming has become the premise for progress in the development of tests and helps
students gain a better understanding of the theoretical problems while also encouraging and guiding them
in their future research and new discoveries.
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