Contemporary aspects of knowledge management

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  • Katerina Kareska University St. Kliment Ohridski


Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Education, Distance Learning, Information Systems


Modern working conditions are complex and dynamic, and therefore continuous monitoring of
them is necessary. It is precisely because of this that in the educational process it is necessary to use the
concept of knowledge management.
The main goal of the research is to perceive the need to apply knowledge management through e-learning
in education as a way to improve the educational process, that is, the focus is on determining the ways in
which knowledge management affects educational programs so that they can more attractive.
The paper is aimed at analyzing a very important point of view of the process of implementing knowledge
management through e-learning, in order to achieve the set goals at each level in the educational process.
The new modern operating trends indicate that electronic learning improves the quality of the educational
process and thus has a positive impact on the personal development of each individual, thereby improving
and advancing the quality of the entire educational process. The use of electronic technologies and the
Internet, as a primary form of communication, is the most obvious feature of modern education.
The goal is for students to acquire higher educational competencies, achievements and attitudes. This
paper dwells on pedagogical innovations through electronic learning itself, which give a new direction in
the introduction of a change in the way of learning.


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Author Biography

Katerina Kareska , University St. Kliment Ohridski

Bitola, Scientific tobacco Institute – Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia


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How to Cite

Kareska , K. (2024). Contemporary aspects of knowledge management. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 196–210. Retrieved from


