Comparison Of Techniques For Solving The Optimal Power Flow Problem In Power Systems: A case study of the Turkish Power System
Power Systems, Optimal Power Flow, Metaheuristics, Optimization, Power WorldAbstract
Mathematical optimization techniques, simulation programs and metaheuristic optimization
algorithms are used to solve optimal power flow problems. All optimization methods have their advantages
and disadvantages. In this study, the results produced by classical methods and metaheuristics are compared
in terms of ease, speed and accuracy with the Power World simulator program. According to the results
obtained, it is observed that metaheuristic algorithms can be applied more easily to solve multi-objective
optimization problems such as optimal power flow, while classical mathematical methods are more difficult
to apply but can obtain faster results. When both methods are compared in terms of accuracy, it is observed
that both methods produce results close to the simulator program. In this study, which shows that
metaheuristic algorithms are more useful, it is seen that the CA algorithm finds the most optimum values.
Additionally, the optimization time of the CA algorithm appears to be shorter than many other metaheuristic
algorithms. The results found by the FA and SCE algorithms are almost the same as the results found by
the Power World and classical methods.
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