Comparison and Analysis of Different Approaches in Fractional Order Systems

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  • Ibrahim TUTAL Fırat University
  • Turgay KAYA Fırat University


Fractional-Order Systems, Filters, Modeling of System, Method of Oustaloup Fractional-Order Derivative


Fractional order calculations, which have been around since the 1700s, have become an effective method used for better modeling and control of systems in many fields of science and engineering in recent years. This system, which gives very successful results in modeling, recently has been frequently used in engineering applications such as filter modelling. Filter design, which is an example of these applications, is a rich research field with a complete design theory, starting with design conditions and ending with circuit implementation. In this context, the differential equations used in modeling the system mostly include fractional derivative and integral operators. Physical interpretation of fractional operators is not as easy as integer operators. Since the fractional operator is not local and depends on the past values of the function as required by the derivative operation, it creates a long memory effect in the system. In this study, two different approaches are presented as solutions to the difficulties encountered in modeling fractional order systems. The outputs of these approaches used in modeling and analysis of the fractional order system are compared and their advantages and disadvantages are stated.


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Author Biographies

Ibrahim TUTAL, Fırat University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Turkey

Turgay KAYA, Fırat University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Turkey


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How to Cite

TUTAL, I., & KAYA, T. (2024). Comparison and Analysis of Different Approaches in Fractional Order Systems . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 460–464. Retrieved from


