Early Detection of Mitral Valve Prolapse Disease Using Phonocardiogram Signal Analysis and Intelligent Classification System

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  • Hakkoum Khaoula Nour El Houda Abou Bekr Belkaid University
  • Hamza Cherif Lotfi Abou Bekr Belkaid University
  • Muhammed Kursad UCAR Sakarya University
  • Hilal Hazel YÖRDAN Sakarya University


Mitral Valve Prolapses, Phonocardiogram, Features Extraction, Machine Learning


Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common cardiovascular disorder that requires early
identification for proper management and treatment. In this study, our goal was to develop an effective
method for the early detection of MVP using phonocardiogram (PCG) signals through feature extraction
and classification techniques. The dataset comprised 400 PCG signals, including 200 normal PCG signals
and 200 MVP PCG signals.
To preprocess the data, a digital filtering technique employing 39 filters was applied to each signal.
Subsequently, a feature extraction algorithm was employed, enabling the extraction of 24 relevant features
from each PCG signal. These features encompassed various temporal and spectral characteristics of the
signals, capturing important information related to the presence of MVP.
For classification, we employed four popular machine learning algorithms: Decision Tree, Support Vector
Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Ensemble. The performance of each classifier was
evaluated using a comprehensive set of evaluation metrics. The Decision Tree classifier achieved an
impressive accuracy of 100%, while SVM achieved 97.5% accuracy, KNN achieved 95% accuracy,
Ensemble achieved 98.8% accuracy, and Neural Network achieved 96.3% accuracy in distinguishing
between normal and MVP PCG signals.
The results demonstrate the potential of PCG signal analysis in the early detection of MVP. The high
classification accuracies achieved by the employed classifiers highlight the effectiveness of the proposed
approach. The findings of this study have significant implications for improving the diagnosis and timely
management of MVP, potentially leading to better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.


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Author Biographies

Hakkoum Khaoula Nour El Houda, Abou Bekr Belkaid University

Biomedical Engineering, Algeria

Hamza Cherif Lotfi, Abou Bekr Belkaid University

Biomedical Engineering, Algeria

Muhammed Kursad UCAR, Sakarya University

Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Turkey

Hilal Hazel YÖRDAN, Sakarya University

Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Turkey


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How to Cite

El Houda, H. K. N., Lotfi, H. C., UCAR, M. K., & YÖRDAN, H. H. (2024). Early Detection of Mitral Valve Prolapse Disease Using Phonocardiogram Signal Analysis and Intelligent Classification System . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 491–500. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1748


